Paediatric Neonatology Flashcards
Surfactant is a fluid produced by type II alveolar cells. It contains proteins and fats. It sits on top of the water in the lungs. It has a hydrophilic side, that faces the water, and a hydrophobic side, that faces the air. The surfactant reduces the surface tension of the fluid in the lungs, essentially providing a barrier that reduces the water molecules tendency to pull towards each other.
The result is that surfactant keeps the alveoli inflated and maximises the surface area of the alveoli. This reduces the force needed to expand the alveoli and therefore the lungs during inspiration. This is known as compliance. Therefore, surfactant increases lung compliance.
Additionally, as an alveolus expands, the surfactant becomes more thinly spread and therefore the surface tension increases, making it more difficult to expand that alveolus further. This stops one alveolus expanding massively whilst another alveolus only expands a little. Therefore, surfactant promotes equal expansion of all alveoli during inspiration.
Type II alveolar cells become mature enough to start producing surfactant between 24 and 34 weeks gestation. Therefore, pre-term babies have problems associated with reduced pulmonary surfactant.
Cardio-respiratory changes at birth
During birth the thorax is squeezed as the body passes through the vagina, helping to clear fluid from the lungs. Birth, temperature change, sound and physical touch stimulate the baby to promote the first breath. A strong first breath is required to expand the previously collapsed alveoli for the first time. Adrenalin and cortisol are released in response to the stress of labour, stimulating respiratory effort.
The first breaths the baby takes expands the alveoli, decreasing the pulmonary vascular resistance. The decrease in pulmonary vascular resistance causes a fall in pressure in the right atrium. At this point the left atrial pressure is greater than the right atrial pressure, which squashes the atrial septum and causes functional closure of the foramen ovale. The foramen ovale then structurally closes and becomes the fossa ovalis.
Prostaglandins are required to keep the ductus arteriosus open. Increased blood oxygenation causes a drop in circulating prostaglandins. This causes closure of the ductus arteriosus, which becomes the ligamentum arteriosum.
Immediately after birth the ductus venosus stops functioning because the umbilical cord is clamped and there is no blood flow in the umbilical veins. The ductus venosus structurally closes a few days later and becomes the ligamentum venosum.
Hypoxia is central to neonatal resuscitation. Normal labour and birth leads to hypoxia. When contractions happen, the placenta is unable to carry out normal gaseous exchange, leading to hypoxia. Extended hypoxia will lead to anaerobic respiration and a subsequent drop in the fetal heart rate (bradycardia). Further hypoxia will lead to reduced consciousness and a drop in respiratory effort, in turn worsening hypoxia. Extended hypoxia to the brain leads to hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE), with potentially life-long consequences in the form of cerebral palsy.
Other Issues in Neonatal Resuscitations
Babies have a large surface area to weight ratio, and get cold very easily
Babies are born wet, so they loose heat rapidly
Babies that are born through meconium may have this in their mouth or airway
Principles of Neonatal Resuscitation
There is a very helpful neonatal life support algorithm from the UK resuscitation council, available on their website. It is worth learning this, as there may be questions on it in your exams. This section aims to help you understand the principles of this algorithm. When performing neonatal resuscitation always consider whether you need help.
Warm The Baby
Get the baby dry as quickly as possible. Vigorous drying also helps stimulate breathing.
Keep the baby warm with warm delivery rooms and management under a heat lamp
Babies under 28 weeks are placed in a plastic bag while still wet and managed under a heat lamp
Calculate the APGAR Score
This is done at 1, 5 and 10 minutes whilst resuscitation continues
This is used as an indicator of the progress over the first minutes after birth
It helps guide neonatal resuscitation efforts
Stimulate Breathing
Simulate the baby to prompt breathing, for example by drying vigorously with a towel
Place the baby’s head in a neutral position to keep airway open. A towel under the shoulders can help keep it neutral.
If gasping or unable to breath, check for airway obstruction (i.e. meconium) and consider aspiration under direct visualisation
Inflation Breaths
Inflation breaths are given when the neonate is gasping or not breathing despite adequate initial simulation.
Two cycles of five inflation breaths (lasting 3 seconds each) can be given to stimulate breathing and heart rate
If there is no response and the heart rate is low, 30 seconds of ventilation breaths can be used
If there is still no response, chest compressions can be used, coordinated with the ventilation breaths
Technique is very important in delivering effective inflation breaths. Get someone experienced to show you how to perform them. It is essential to maintain a neutral head position and get a good seal around the mouth and nose. Look for a rise and fall in the chest.
When performing inflation breaths, air should be used in term or near term babies, and a mix of air and oxygen should be used in pre-term babies. Oxygen saturations can be monitored throughout resuscitation if there are concerns about the breathing. Aim for a gradual rise in oxygen saturations, not exceeding 95%.
Chest Compressions
Start chest compressions if heart rate remains below 60 bpm despite resuscitation and inflation breaths (see protocol)
Chest compressions are performed at a 3:1 ratio with ventilation breaths
Severe Situations
Time is precious during neonatal resuscitation. Prolonged hypoxia increases the risk of hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE). In severe situations, IV drugs and intubation should be considered. Babies near or at term that have possible HIE may benefit from therapeutic hypothermia with active cooling.
The APGAR score is measured out of 10. The lowest score is 0 and the highest is 10.
Appearance (skin colour)
Blue / pale centrally
Blue extremities
< 100
> 100
Grimmace (response to stimulation)
No response
Little response
Good response
Activity (muscle tone)
Flexed arms and legs
Slow / irregular
Strong / crying
Delayed Umbilical Cord Clamping
After birth there is still a significant volume of fetal blood in the placenta. Delayed clamping of the umbilical cord provides time for this blood to enter the circulation of the baby. This is known as placental transfusion. Recent evidence indicates that in healthy babies, delaying cord clamping leads to improved haemoglobin, iron stores and blood pressure and a reduction in intraventricular haemorrhage and necrotising enterocolitis. The only apparent negative effect is an increase in neonatal jaundice, potentially requiring more phototherapy.
Current guidelines from the resuscitation council UK state that uncompromised neonates should have a delay of at least one minute in the clamping of the umbilical cord following birth.
Neonates that require neonatal resuscitation should have their umbilical cord clamped sooner to prevent delays in getting the baby to the resuscitation team. The priority will be resuscitation rather than delayed clamping.
Blood Spot Screening
This is a screening test for 9 congenital conditions. It is taken on day 5 (day 8 at the latest) after consent from the parent. A heel prick is used to provide drops of blood. The screening card requires four separate drops. This screens for nine congenital conditions:
Sickle cell disease
Cystic fibrosis
Congenital hypothyroidism
Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MCADD)
Maple syrup urine disease (MSUD)
Isovaleric acidaemia (IVA)
Glutaric aciduria type 1 (GA1)
Results take 6-8 weeks to come back.
Caput Succedaneum
Caput succedaneum (caput) involves fluid (oedema) collecting on the scalp, outside the periosteum. Caput is caused by pressure to a specific area of the scalp during a traumatic, prolonged or instrumental delivery. The periosteum is a layer of dense connective tissue that lines the outside of the skull and does not cross the sutures (the gaps in the baby’s skull). The fluid is outside the periosteum, which means it is able to cross the suture lines. There is usually no, or only mild, discolouration of the skin. It does not require any treatment and will resolve within a few days.
A cephalohaematoma is a collection of blood between the skull and the periosteum. It is caused by damage to blood vessels during a traumatic, prolonged or instrumental delivery. It can be described as a traumatic subperiosteal haematoma.
The blood is below the periosteum, therefore the lump does not cross the suture lines of the skull. This is an important way of distinguishing caput succedaneum from cephalohaematoma. Additionally, the blood can cause discolouration of the skin in the affected area.
Usually a cephalohaematoma does not required any intervention and resolves without treatment within a few months. There is a risk of anaemia and jaundice due to the blood that collects within the haematoma and breaks down, releasing bilirubin. For this reason the baby should be monitored for anaemia, jaundice and resolution of the haematoma.
Facial Paralysis
Delivery can cause damage to the facial nerve. Facial nerve injury is typically associated with a forceps delivery. This can result in facial palsy (weakness of the facial nerve on one side). Function normally returns spontaneously within a few months. If function does not return they may required neurosurgical input.
Erbs Palsy
An Erbs palsy is the result of injury to the C5/C6 nerves in the brachial plexus during birth. It is associated with shoulder dystocia, traumatic or instrumental delivery and large birth weight.
Damage to the C5/C6 nerves leads to weakness of shoulder abduction and external rotation, arm flexion and finger extension. This leads to the affected arm having a “waiters tip” appearance:
Internally rotated shoulder
Extended elbow
Flexed wrist facing backwards (pronated)
Lack of movement in the affected arm
Function normally returns spontaneously within a few months. If function does not return then they may required neurosurgical input.
Fractured Clavicle
The clavicle may be fractured during birth. A fractured clavicle can be associated with shoulder dystocia, traumatic or instrumental delivery and large birth weight.
A fractured clavicle can be picked up shortly after birth or during the newborn examination with:
Noticeable lack of movement or asymmetry of movement in the affected arm
Asymmetry of the shoulders, with the affected shoulder lower than the normal shoulder
Pain and distress on movement of the arm
A fractured clavicle can be confirmed with ultrasound or x-ray. Management is conservative, occasionally with immobilisation of the affected arm. It usually heals well. The main complication of a fractured clavicle is injury to the brachial plexus, with a subsequent nerve palsy.
Neonatal sepsis
Neonatal sepsis is caused by infection in the neonatal period. It potentially results in significant morbidity and mortality for the affected infant, particularly if treatment is delayed. It presents with non-specific signs and requires a high degree of suspicion and a low threshold for starting treatment with broad spectrum antibiotics. This is a brief summary to help your learning, always refer to local and national guidelines and involve seniors when treating patients.
Common causes of neonatal sepsis
Group B streptococcus (GBS)
Escherichia coli (e. coli)
Staphylococcus aureus
TOM TIP: The organism to remember for your exams is group B strep (GBS). This is a common bacteria found in the vagina. It does not cause any problems for the mother, but can be transferred to the baby during labour and cause neonatal sepsis. Prophylactic antibiotics during labour are used to reduce the risk of transfer if the mother is found to have GBS in their vagina during pregnancy.
Risk factors for neonatal sepsis
Vaginal GBS colonisation
GBS sepsis in a previous baby
Maternal sepsis, chorioamnionitis or fever > 38ºC
Prematurity (less than 37 weeks)
Early (premature) rupture of membrane
Prolonged rupture of membranes (PROM)
Clinical Features of Neonatal Sepsis
Reduced tone and activity
Poor feeding
Respiratory distress or apnoea
Tachycardia or bradycardia
Jaundice within 24 hours
Red flags for neonatal sepsis
Confirmed or suspected sepsis in the mother
Signs of shock
Term baby needing mechanical ventilation
Respiratory distress starting more than 4 hours after birth
Presumed sepsis in another baby in a multiple pregnancy
Treating For Presumed Sepsis
Always check your local policy and consult with experienced paediatricians when treating neonates that potentially have sepsis. Most local policies will follow something similar to the NICE guidelines:
If there is one risk factor or clinical feature, monitor the observations and clinical condition for at least 12 hours
If there are two or more risk factors or clinical feature of neonatal sepsis start antibiotics
Antibiotics should be started if there is a single red flag
Antibiotics should be given within 1 hour of making the decision to start them
Blood cultures should be taken before antibiotics are given
Check a baseline FBC and CRP
Perform a lumbar puncture if infection is strongly suspected or there are features of meningitis (e.g. seizures)
Antibiotic choice for neonatal sepsis
Always check your local antibiotic policy. The NICE guidelines (2012) recommend benzylpenicillin and gentamycin as first line antibiotics.
Alternatively a third generation cephalosporin (e.g. cefotaxime) may be given as an alternative in lower risk babies.
Ongoing management in neonatal sepsis
Check the CRP again at 24 hours and check the blood culture results at 36 hours:
Consider stopping the antibiotics if the baby is clinically well, the blood cultures are negative 36 hours after taking them and both CRP results are less than 10.
Check the CRP again at 5 days if they are still on treatment:
Consider stopping antibiotics if the baby is clinically well, the lumbar puncture and blood cultures are negative and the CRP has returned to normal at 5 days.
Consider performing a lumbar puncture if any of the CRP results are more than 10.
Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy
Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE) occurs in neonates as a result of hypoxia during birth. Hypoxia is a lack of oxygen, ischaemia refers to a restriction in blood flow to the brain and encephalopathy refers to malfunctioning of the brain. Some hypoxia is normal during birth, however prolonged or severe hypoxia leads to ischaemic brain damage. HIE can lead to permanent damage to the brain, causing cerebral palsy. Severe HIE can result in death.
Suspect HIE in neonates when there are events that could lead to hypoxia during the perinatal or intrapartum period, acidosis (pH < 7) on the umbilical artery blood gas, poor Apgar scores, features of mild, moderate or severe HIE (see below) or evidence of multi organ failure.
Causes of HIE
Anything that leads to asphyxia (deprivation of oxygen) to the brain can cause HIE. For example:
Maternal shock
Intrapartum haemorrhage
Prolapsed cord, causing compression of the cord during birth
Nuchal cord, where the cord is wrapped around the neck of the baby
Hypoxic-Ischaemic Encephalopathy Grades (Sarnat Staging)
Poor feeding, generally irritability and hyper-alert
Resolves within 24 hours
Normal prognosis
Poor feeding, lethargic, hypotonic and seizures
Can take weeks to resolve
Up to 40% develop cerebral palsy
Reduced consciousness, apnoeas, flaccid and reduced or absent reflexes
Up to 50% mortality
Up to 90% develop cerebral palsy
Managing hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy
Management will be coordinated by specialists in neonatology, on the neonatal unit. This involves supportive care with neonatal resuscitation and ongoing optimal ventilation, circulatory support, nutrition, acid base balance and treatment of seizures. Therapeutic hypothermia is an option in certain circumstances to help protect the brain from hypoxic injury.
Children will need to be followed up by a paediatrician and the multidisciplinary team to assess their development and support any lasting disability.
Therapeutic Hypothermia
Babies near or at term considered to have HIE can benefit from therapeutic hypothermia. Therapeutic hypothermia involves actively cooling the core temperature of the baby according to a strict protocol. The baby is transferred to neonatal ICU and actively cooled using cooling blankets and a cooling hat. The temperature is carefully monitored with a target of between 33 and 34°C, measured using a rectal probe. This is continued for 72 hours, after which the baby is gradually warmed to a normal temperature over 6 hours.
The intention of therapeutic hypothermia is to reduce the inflammation and neurone loss after the acute hypoxic injury. It reduces the risk of cerebral palsy, developmental delay, learning disability, blindness and death.
Neonatal jaundice
Jaundice describes the condition of abnormally high levels of bilirubin in the blood. Red blood cells contain unconjugated bilirubin. When red blood cells break down, they release unconjugated bilirubin into the blood. Unconjugated bilirubin is conjugated in the liver. Conjugated bilirubin is excreted in two ways: via the biliary system into the gastrointestinal tract and via the urine.
Physiological Jaundice
There is a high concentration of red blood cells in the fetus and neonate. These red blood cells are more fragile than normal red blood cells. The fetus and neonate also have less developed liver function.
Fetal red blood cells break down more rapidly than normal red blood cells, releasing lots of bilirubin. Normally this bilirubin is excreted via the placenta, however at birth the foetus no longer has access to a placenta to excrete bilirubin. This leads to a normal rise in bilirubin shortly after birth, causing a mild yellowing of skin and sclera from 2 – 7 days of age. This usually resolves completely by 10 days. Most babies remain otherwise healthy and well.
Causes of Neonatal Jaundice
The causes of neonatal jaundice can be split into increased production or decreased clearance.
Increased production of bilirubin:
Haemolytic disease of the newborn
ABO incompatibility
Intraventricular haemorrhage
Sepsis and disseminated intravascular coagulation
G6PD deficiency
Decreased clearance of bilirubin:
Breast milk jaundice
Neonatal cholestasis
Extrahepatic biliary atresia
Endocrine disorders (hypothyroid and hypopituitary)
Gilbert syndrome
TOM TIP: Jaundice in the first 24 hours of life is pathological. This needs urgent investigations and management. Neonatal sepsis is a common cause. Babies with jaundice within 24 hours of birth need treatment for sepsis if they have any other clinical features or risk factors.
Jaundice in Premature Neonates
In premature babies, the process of physiological jaundice is exaggerated due to the immature liver. This increases the risk of complications, particularly kernicterus. Kernicterus is brain damage due to high bilirubin levels. Bilirubin levels need to be carefully monitored in premature babies, as they may require treatment.
Breast Milk Jaundice
Babies that are breastfed are more likely to have neonatal jaundice. There are several potential reasons for this. Components of breast milk inhibit the ability of the liver to process the bilirubin. Breastfed babies are more likely to become dehydrated if not feeding adequately. Inadequate breastfeeding may lead to slow passage of stools, increasing absorption of bilirubin in the intestines.
Breastfeeding should still be encouraged, as the benefits of breastfeeding outweigh the risks of breast milk jaundice. Mothers may need extra support and advice to ensure adequate breastfeeding.
Haemolytic Disease of the Newborn
Haemolytic disease of the newborn is a cause of haemolysis (red blood cells breaking down) and jaundice in the neonate. It is caused by incompatibility between the rhesus antigens on the surface of the red blood cells of the mother and fetus. The rhesus antigens on the red blood cells vary between individual. This is different to the ABO blood group system.
Within the rhesus group, there are many different types of antigens that can be present or absent depending on the persons blood type. The most important antigen within the rhesus blood group system is the rhesus D antigen.
When a woman that is rhesus D negative (does not have the rhesus D antigen) becomes pregnant, we have to consider the possibility that her child will be rhesus D positive (has the rhesus D antigen). It is likely at some point in the pregnancy the blood from the baby will find a way into her bloodstream. When this happens, the baby’s red blood cells display the rhesus D antigen. The mother’s immune system will recognise this rhesus D antigen as foreign and produce antibodies to the rhesus D antigen. The mother has then become sensitised to rhesus D antigens.
Usually, this sensitisation process does not cause problems during the first pregnancy (unless the sensitisation happens early on, such as during antepartum haemorrhage). During subsequent pregnancies, the mother’s anti-D antibodies can cross the placenta into the fetus. If that fetus is rhesus positive, these antibodies attach themselves to the red blood cells of the fetus and causes the immune system of the fetus to attack their own red blood cells. This leads to haemolysis, causing anaemia and high bilirubin levels. This leads to a condition called haemolytic disease of the newborn.
Prolonged Jaundice
Jaundice is “prolonged” when it lasts longer than would be expected in physiological jaundice. This is:
More than 14 days in full term babies
More than 21 days in premature babies
Prolonged jaundice should prompt further investigation to look for an underlying cause. These are particularly looking for conditions that will cause jaundice to persist after the initial neonatal period, such as biliary atresia, hypothyroidism and G6PD deficiency.
Investigating neonatal jaundice
Full blood count and blood film for polycythaemia or anaemia
Conjugated bilirubin: elevated levels indicate a hepatobiliary cause
Blood type testing of mother and baby for ABO or rhesus incompatibility
Direct Coombs Test (direct antiglobulin test) for haemolysis
Thyroid function, particularly for hypothyroid
Blood and urine cultures if infection is suspected. Suspected sepsis needs treatment with antibiotics.
Glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase (G6PD) levels for G6PD deficiency
Managing jaundiced neonates
In jaundiced neonates, total bilirubin levels are monitored and plotted on treatment threshold charts. These charts are specific for the gestational age of the baby at birth. The age of the baby is plotted on the x-axis and the total bilirubin level on the y-axis. If the total bilirubin reaches the threshold on the chart, they need to be commenced on treatment to lower their bilirubin level.
TOM TIP: It is worth familiarising yourself with treatment threshold charts for neonatal jaundice, as you may be asked to plot or interpret one in your exams. Take care to note the time the baby is born and count in hours. This will be a common task if you ever work in paediatrics.
Phototherapy is usually adequate to correct neonatal jaundice. Extremely high levels may require an exchange transfusion. Exchange transfusions involve removing blood from the neonate and replacing it with donor blood.
Phototherapy converts unconjugated bilirubin into isomers that can be excreted in the bile and urine without requiring conjugation in the liver. Phototherapy involves removing clothing down to the nappy to expose the skin and eye patches to protect the eyes. Blue light is the best at breaking down bilirubin. A light-box shines blue light on the baby’s skin. Little or no UV light is used. Double phototherapy involves two light-boxes. Bilirubin is closely monitored during treatment. Once phototherapy is complete, a rebound bilirubin should be measured 12 – 18 hours after stopping to ensure the levels do not rise about the treatment threshold again.
Kernicterus is a type of brain damage caused by excessive bilirubin levels. It is the main reason we treat neonatal jaundice to keep bilirubin levels below certain thresholds.
Bilirubin can cross the blood-brain barrier. Excessive bilirubin causes direct damage to the central nervous system. Kernicterus presents with a less responsive, floppy, drowsy baby with poor feeding. The damage to the nervous system is permeant, causing cerebral palsy, learning disability and deafness. Kernicterus is now rare due to effective treatment of jaundice.
Prematurity is defined as birth before 37 weeks gestation. Many successful and famous people were born prematurely, including Albert Einstein. The more premature the baby, the worse the outcomes. Resuscitation in babies under 500 grams or 24 weeks gestation should be carefully considered, as outcomes are likely to be very poor.
The WHO classify prematurity as:
Under 28 weeks: extreme preterm
28 – 32 weeks: very preterm
32 – 37 weeks: moderate to late preterm
Prematurity associations
Social deprivation
Overweight or underweight mother
Maternal co-morbidities
Personal or family history of prematurity
Management before birth of a premature neonate
There is a dramatic improvement in prognosis with each additional week of gestation, particularly in very premature babies. In women with a history of preterm birth or an ultrasound demonstrating a cervical length of 25mm or less before 24 weeks gestation there are two options of trying to delay birth:
Prophylactic vaginal progesterone: putting a progesterone suppository in the vagina to discourage labour
Prophylactic cervical cerclage: putting a suture in the cervix to hold it closed
Where preterm labour is suspected or confirmed there are several options for improving the outcomes:
Tocolysis with nifedipine: nifedipine is a calcium channel blocker that suppresses labour
Maternal corticosteroids: can be offered before 35 weeks gestation to reduce neonatal morbidity and mortality
IV Magnesium sulphate: can be offered before 34 weeks gestation and helps protect the baby’s brain
Delayed cord clamping or cord milking: can increase the circulating blood volume and haemoglobin in the baby
Issues in early life of a premature neonate
Respiratory distress syndrome
Poor feeding
Apnoea and bradycardia
Neonatal jaundice
Intraventricular haemorrhage
Retinopathy of prematurity
Necrotising enterocolitis
Immature immune system and infection
Long term effects of premature birth
Chronic lung disease of prematurity (CLDP)
Learning and behavioural difficulties
Susceptibility to infections, particularly respiratory tract infections
Hearing and visual impairment
Cerebral palsy
Apnoea of prematurity
Apnoea are defined as periods where breathing stops spontaneously for more than 20 seconds, or shorter periods with oxygen desaturation or bradycardia. Apnoea can occur in neonates of all gestational ages. They are often accompanied by a period of bradycardia.
Apnoea is very common in premature neonates. They occur in almost all babies less than 28 weeks gestation and the incidence decreases with increased gestational age. In term infants apnoea usually indicate underlying pathology.
Causes of apnoea of prematurity
Apnoea occur due to immaturity of the autonomic nervous system that controls respiration and heart rate. This system is more immature in premature neonates.
Apnoea are often a sign of developing illness, such as:
Airway obstruction (may be positional)
CNS pathology, such as seizures or haemorrhage
Gastro-oesophageal reflux
Neonatal abstinence syndrome
Managing apnoea of prematurity
Neonatal units attach apnoea monitors to premature babies. These make a sound when an apnoea is occurring. Tactile stimulation is used to prompt the baby to restart breathing. Intravenous caffeine can be used to prevent apnoea and bradycardia in babies with recurrent episodes.
Episodes will settle as as the baby grows and develops.
Retinopathy of prematurity
Retinopathy of prematurity is a condition affecting preterm and low birth weight babies. It typically affects babies born before 32 weeks gestation. Abnormal development of the blood vessels in the retina can lead to scarring, retinal detachment and blindness. Treatment can prevent blindness, which is why screening is so important.
Retinal blood vessel development starts at around 16 weeks and is complete by 37 – 40 weeks gestation. The blood vessels grow from the middle of the retina to the outer area. This vessel formation is stimulated by hypoxia, which is a normal condition in the retina during pregnancy. When the retina is exposed to higher oxygen concentrations in a preterm baby, particularly with supplementary oxygen during medical care, the stimulant for normal blood vessel development is removed.
When the hypoxic environment recurs, the retina responds by producing excessive blood vessels (neovascularisation), as well as scar tissue. These abnormal blood vessels may regress and leave the retina without a blood supply. The scar tissue may cause retinal detachment.
Assessing retinopathy of prematurity
The retina is divided into three zones:
Zone 1 includes the optic nerve and the macula
Zone 2 is from the edge of zone 1 to the ora serrata, the pigmented border between the retina and ciliary body
Zone 3 is outside the ora serrata
The retinal areas are described as a clock face, for example “there is disease from 3 to 5 o’clock”. The areas of disease are described from stage 1 (slightly abnormal vessel growth) to stage 5 (complete retinal detachment).
“Plus disease” describes additional findings, such as tortuous vessels and hazy vitreous humour.
Screening for retinopathy of prematurity
Babies born before 32 weeks or under 1.5kg should be screened for ROP. Screening is performed by an ophthalmologist. Screening starts at:
30 – 31 weeks gestational age in babies born before 27 weeks
4 – 5 weeks of age in babies born after 27 weeks
Screening should happen at least every 2 weeks and can cease once the retinal vessels enter zone 3, usually at around 36 weeks gestation.
All retinal areas need to be visualised. Screening involves monitoring the retinal vessels as they develop and looking for plus disease.
Treating retinopathy of prematurity
Treatment involves systematically targeting areas of the retina to stop new blood vessels developing.
First line is transpupillary laser photocoagulation to halt and reverse neovascularisation.
Other options are cryotherapy and injections of intravitreal VEGF inhibitors. Surgery may be required if retinal detachment occurs.
Respiratory distress syndrome
Respiratory distress syndrome affects premature neonates, born before the lungs start producing adequate surfactant. Respiratory distress syndrome commonly occurs below 32 weeks. Chest xray shows a “ground-glass” appearance.
Inadequate surfactant leads to high surface tension within alveoli. This leads to atelectasis (lung collapse), as it is more difficult for the alveoli and the lungs to expand. This leads to inadequate gaseous exchange, resulting in hypoxia, hypercapnia (high CO2) and respiratory distress.
Managing respiratory distress syndrome
Antenatal steroids (i.e. dexamethasone) given to mothers with suspected or confirmed preterm labour increases the production of surfactant and reduces the incidence and severity of respiratory distress syndrome in the baby.
Premature neonates may need:
Intubation and ventilation to fully assist breathing if the respiratory distress is severe
Endotracheal surfactant, which is artificial surfactant delivered into the lungs via an endotracheal tube
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) via a nasal mask to help keep the lungs inflated whilst breathing
Supplementary oxygen to maintain oxygen saturations between 91 and 95% in preterm neonates
Support with breathing is gradually stepped down as the baby develops and is able to maintain their breathing, until they can support themselves in air.
Complications of respiratory distress syndrome
Short term complications:
Intraventricular haemorrhage
Pulmonary haemorrhage
Necrotising enterocolitis
Long term complications:
Chronic lung disease of prematurity
Retinopathy of prematurity occurs more often and more severely in neonates with RDS
Neurological, hearing and visual impairment
Necrotising enterocolitis
Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is a disorder affecting premature neonates, where part of the bowel becomes necrotic. It is a life threatening emergency. Death of the bowel tissue can lead to bowel perforation. Bowel perforation leads to peritonitis and shock.
The cause of necrotising enterocolitis is unclear. There are certain risk factors for developing NEC:
Very low birth weight or very premature
Formula feeds (it is less common in babies fed by breast milk feeds)
Respiratory distress and assisted ventilation
Patent ductus arteriosus and other congenital heart disease
Presentation of necrotising enterocolitis
Intolerance to feeds
Vomiting, particularly with green bile
Generally unwell
Distended, tender abdomen
Absent bowel sounds
Blood in stools
When perforation occurs there will be peritonitis and shock and the neonate will be severely unwell.
Investigating necrotising enterocolitis
Blood tests:
Full blood count for thrombocytopenia and neutropenia
CRP for inflammation
Capillary blood gas will show a metabolic acidosis
Blood culture for sepsis
Abdominal xray is the investigation of choice for diagnosis. This is done front on in the supine position (lying face up). Additional views can be helpful, such as lateral (from the side with the patient on their back) and lateral decubitus (from the side with the neonate on their side).
Xrays can show:
Dilated loops of bowel
Bowel wall oedema (thickened bowel walls)
Pneumatosis intestinalis is gas in the bowel wall and is a sign of NEC
Pneumoperitoneum is free gas in the peritoneal cavity and indicates perforation
Gas in the portal veins
Managing necrotising enterocolitis
Neonates with suspected NEC need to be nil by mouth with IV fluids, total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and antibiotics to stabilise them. A nasogastric tube can be inserted to drain fluid and gas from the stomach and intestines.
NEC is a surgical emergency and requires immediate referral to the neonatal surgical team. Some neonates will recover with medical treatment. In others, surgery may be required to remove the dead bowel tissue. Babies may be left with a temporary stoma if significant bowel is removed.
Complications of necrotising enterocolitis
Perforation and peritonitis
Abscess formation
Long term stoma
Short bowel syndrome after surgery
Neonatal abstinence syndrome
Neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS) refers to the withdrawal symptoms that happens in neonates of mothers that used substances in pregnancy. The symptoms and management is slightly different for each substance used in pregnancy. Mothers should be encouraged and supported with cutting back, and if possible stopping, substances that can affect the pregnancy.
Substances That Cause Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Nicotine or cannabis
SSRI antidepressants
Signs and symptoms of neonatal abstinence syndrome
Withdrawal from most opiates, diazepam, SSRIs and alcohol occurs between 3 – 72 hours after birth. Withdrawal from methadone and other benzodiazepines occurs between 24 hours and 21 days.
Increased tone
High pitched cry
Not settling
Vasomotor and respiratory:
Unstable temperature and pyrexia
Tachypnoea (fast breathing)
Metabolic and gastrointestinal:
Poor feeding
Regurgitation or vomiting
Loose stools with a sore nappy area
Managing neonatal abstinence syndrome
Mothers that are known to use substances should have an alert on their notes so that when they give birth the neonate can have extra monitoring and management of NAS.
Babies are kept in hospital with monitoring on a NAS chart for at least 3 days (48 hours for SSRI antidepressants) to monitor for withdrawal symptoms. A urine sample can be collected from the neonate to test for substances. The neonate should be supported in a quiet and dim environment with gentle handling and comforting.
Medical treatment options for moderate to severe symptoms are:
Oral morphine sulphate for opiate withdrawal
Oral phenobarbitone for non-opiate withdrawal
Neonates should be gradually weaned off oral treatment. SSRI withdrawal does not typically require or benefit from medical treatment.
Additional considerations:
Testing for hepatitis B and C and HIV
Safeguarding and social service involvement
Safety-net advice for readmission if withdrawal signs and symptoms occur
Follow up from paediatrics, social services, health visitors and the GP
Support for the mother to stop using substances
Check the suitability for breastfeeding in mothers with substance use
Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
Alcohol in pregnancy can cross the placenta and enter the fetus, where is disrupts fetal development. There is no safe level of alcohol in pregnancy and mothers are encouraged not to drink alcohol at all, however small amounts are less likely to result in lasting effects. The effects are greatest in the first 3 months of pregnancy.
Alcohol in early pregnancy can lead to:
Small for dates
Preterm delivery
Fetal alcohol syndrome refers to certain effects and characteristics that are found in children of mothers that consumed significant alcohol during pregnancy:
Microcephaly (small head)
Thin upper lip
Smooth flat philtrum (the groove between the nose and upper lip)
Short palpebral fissure (short horizontal distance from one side of the eye and the other)
Learning disability
Behavioural difficulties
Hearing and vision problems
Cerebral palsy
Congenital Rubella Syndrome
Congenital rubella syndrome is caused by maternal infection with the rubella virus during pregnancy. The risk is highest during the first 3 months of pregnancy.
Women planning to become pregnant should ensure they have had the MMR vaccine. If in doubt they can be tested for rubella immunity. If they do not have antibodies to rubella they can be vaccinated with 2 doses of the MMR 3 months apart.
Pregnant women should not receive the MMR vaccination, as this is a live vaccine. Non-immune women should be offered the vaccine after giving birth.
The features of congenital rubella syndrome to be aware of are:
Congenital cataracts
Congenital heart disease (PDA and pulmonary stenosis)
Learning disability
Hearing loss
Congenital Varicella Syndrome
Chickenpox is caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV). It is dangerous in pregnancy because it can lead to:
More severe cases in the mother, such as varicella pneumonitis, hepatitis or encephalitis
Fetal varicella syndrome
Severe neonatal varicella infection if mum is infected around delivery
Mothers that have previously had chickenpox are immune and safe. If in doubt, IgG levels for VZV can be tested. A positive IgG for VZV indicates immunity. Women that are not immune to varicella may be offered the varicella vaccine before or after pregnancy.
Exposure to chickenpox in pregnancy:
If the pregnant women has previously had chickenpox, they are safe
If they are not sure about their immunity, test the VZV IgG levels. If positive, they are safe.
If they are not immune, they can be treated with IV varicella immunoglobulins as prophylaxis against developing chickenpox. This should be given within 10 days of exposure.
If the chickenpox rash starts in pregnancy, they may be treated with oral aciclovir if they present within 24 hours and are more than 20 weeks gestation.
Congenital varicella syndrome occurs in around 1% of cases of chickenpox in pregnancy. It occurs when there is infection in the first 28 weeks of gestation. The typical features include:
Fetal growth restriction
Microcephaly, hydrocephalus and learning disability
Scars and significant skin changes following the dermatomes
Limb hypoplasia (underdeveloped limbs)
Cataracts and inflammation in the eye (chorioretinitis)
Congenital Cytomegalovirus
Congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection occurs due to maternal CMV infection during pregnancy. The virus is mostly spread via the infected saliva or urine of asymptomatic children. Most cases of CMV in pregnancy do not cause congenital CMV. The features of congenital CMV are:
Fetal growth restriction
Hearing loss
Vision loss
Learning disability
Congenital Toxoplasmosis
Infection with the Toxoplasma gondii parasite is usually asymptomatic. It is primarily spread by contamination with faeces from a cat that is a host of the parasite. When infection occurs during pregnancy it can lead to congenital toxoplasmosis. This risk is higher later in the pregnancy. There is a classic triad of features in congenital toxoplasmosis:
Intracranial calcification
Congenital Zika Syndrome
The zika virus is spread by host Aedes mosquitos in areas of the world where the virus is prevalent. It can also be spread by sex with someone infected with the virus. It can cause no symptoms, minimal symptoms or a mild flu like illness. In pregnancy it can lead to congenital Zika syndrome, which involves:
Fetal growth restriction
Other intracranial abnormalities, such as ventriculomegaly and cerebellar atrophy
Pregnant women that may have contracted the Zika virus should be tested for the viral PCR and antibodies to the Zika virus. Women with a positive result should be referred to fetal medicine to monitor the pregnancy. There is no treatment for the virus.
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) is a sudden unexplained death in an infant. It is sometimes referred to as “cot death”. This usually occurs within the first six months of life.
Risk factors for sudden infant death syndrome
Low birth weight
Smoking during pregnancy
Male baby (only slightly increased risk)
Minimising the risk of sudden infant death syndrome
Measures to reduce the risk of SIDS include:
Put the baby on their back when not directly supervised
Keep their head uncovered
Place their feet at the foot of the bed to prevent them sliding down and under the blanket
Keep the cot clear of lots of toys and blankets
Maintain a comfortable room temperature (16 – 20 ºC)
Avoid smoking. Avoid handling the baby after smoking (smoke stays on clothes).
Avoid co-sleeping, particularly on a sofa or chair
If co-sleeping avoid alcohol, drugs, smoking, sleeping tablets or deep sleepers
TOM TIP: Discussing SIDS is a common OSCE station, requiring you to counsel a parent that is worried about sudden infant death. They may be worried because a previous infant has been affected or they know someone else that has been affected. A very important aspect of the station is to empathise and be understanding of their anxiety. It is also important to give them advice in a way that does not imply blame and is non-judgemental. For example, don’t say “it probably happened because you smoke and slept in the same bed”. You can talk about things “increasing the risk” but not causing it. Frame things in a positive way: “there are lots of things we can do to reduce the risk and make it much less likely to happen”.
Care of Next Infant (CONI)
The CONI team supports parents with their next infant after a sudden infant death. This provides extra support and home visits, resuscitation training and access to equipment such as movement monitors that alarm if the baby stops breathing for a prolonged period.