Paediatric Haematology Flashcards
What are the changes in Haemaglobin as the baby grows?
=> Trimester:
- Rising Hb and MCV
- Transfer maternal iron stores
- HbF more predominant
=> Birth:
- More oxygenation of tissues
- HbA production
- HbF production switched off
=> 8-12 weeks:
- Hb stops being produced
- Stable at 90-120
- RBCs start being produced again
=> Anaemia for a 3 month old baby is NORMAL
What are the main cause of Neonatal Anaemia?
=> Being born pre-term
- Small spleens
- Red cells are resistant to osmotic lysis
- Red cells have altered shape
=> ≤ 28 weeks:
- Marked macrocytosis
- Plentiful nucleated red cells
=> < 28 weeks:
- Can see oxidative haemolysis 4-6 weeks of age
- Short lived acquired deficiency of red cell enzymes
What are the different causes of Anaemia of Prematurity?
- Iatrogenic blood sampling
- Rapid weight gain
- Lower iron stores
- Shortened RBC survival
- Lower baseline Hb
What are the investigations of for anaemia in newborn?
- FBC, Reticulocyte levels DAT, blood group
- Maternal Ab screen
- Kleihuer test
- Cranial USS in cases of blood loss
- Parvovirus PCR
What is the pathophysiology of Haemolytic disease of the New-born?
- Foreign blood (baby’s blood) enters the mother’s circulation
- As the foreign blood expresses different antigens to the mother’s RBC, the mother’s immune system makes antibodies against it
- These antibodies cross the placenta and bind to the antigens on fetal RBC
- Cause haemolysis
What is the prevention and management of Haemolytic Disease of New Born?
- Early detection of alloimmunisation (does mother have anti-D, anti-c or anti-Jell antibodies)
- Monitor baby for signs of anaemia
What does intrauterine haemolysis result in?
Hydrops foetalis
What is Neonatal Thrombocytopenia?
- Babies are born with the normal number o platelets that adults have
- Therefore neonatal thrombocytopenia if platelets < 150 x 10^9
What is the main cause of Neonatal Thrombocytopenia?
Alloimmunisation (similar to haemolytic disease of newborn but this time involving platelets)
What is Acute Immune Thrombocytopenia?
- Affects children more than adults
- Typically occurs after viral infection or immunisation
- Lasts up to 6 months and typically resolves itself, treatment not given unless bleeding
What are the causes of Leucopenia in neonates?
=> Leucopenia is very rare in neonates
- Intrauterine Growth Retardation
- Congenital Sepsis
- Bone Marrow Failure
- Pearson Disease (Mitochondrial syndrome)
What are the causes of Neutropenia?
- Transient myelosuppression
- Autoimmune neutropenia
- Cyclic neutropenia
- Drug related
- Severe congenital neutropenia
- Nutritional deficiencies