Paediatric Genetics Flashcards
What are the major mechanisms of congenital malformations?
Congenital meansPresent at birth
Can be due to: Genetic or environmental, Or both
Multiple congenital anomaly syndromes: 30% single gene disorders 10% chromosomal 5% teratogens 55% unknown
Malformations, sequence (eg one abnormality leads to another), deformation & disruption, association (eg two or more features occur together more often than expected by chance, mechanism unclear, like VATER), syndrome (eg distinct group of symptoms and signs which associated together form a characteristic clinical picture or entity)
How would you assess dysmorphic syndromes and learning disabilities and what role does genomics play in this?
Depends on clinical experience Gestalt (instant recognition) And also learn to recognise pattern of features Use of databases Genomic analysis
How would you approach the diagnosis of patients with complex malformations?
Description: position and shape of facial features, hands (finger length, digital abnormalities, palmar creases), growth, general features, head (shape, size, ear position), eyes
Recognition of patterns
- standard: biochemical, chromosome structure, microarray is now standard
- targeted
Moving towards exome/genome
What are some key paediatric genetic conditions?
Turner syndrome
22q11 deletion
Down syndrome