Paediatric Dermatology Flashcards
What is the pathophysiology of eczema?
Itchy, dry inflammatory skin disease
Can be: atopic, seborrheoic, discoid, pomphylx, varicose, contact allergic, contact irritant, photoaggravated
Atopic is commonest in children thought to be a barrier issue with genetic component - filaggrin expression. Distributes face/neck in infants and then a flexural pattern in older children.
What are the principles for managing paediatric eczema?
Emollients - lotions, cream, gel and ointment
Topical steroids - use appropriately, once daily for 1-2 weeks, then alternate days for a few more, if stubborn can use twice weekly in these areas (mild: hydrocortisone, moderate: eumovate, very potent: dermovate)
Calcineurin inhibitors
UVB light therapy
Immunosuppressive medication
What are the common skin infections and how are they treated?
Impetigo - pustules and honey coloured crusted erosions, staph aureus - treated with topical antibacterial (fucidin), oral antibiotic (flucloxacillin)
Molluscum contagiosum - 2wk-6mn incubation, pearly papules umbilicated centre, molluscipox virus - self limiting so reassure, can use 5% potassium hydroxide
Viral warts - non cancerous growths by HPV (verruca) - stimulate own immune system, topical TMs eg salicylic acid, paring, cryotherapy
Chicken pox - varicella zoster, red papules progressing to vesicles, itchy, viral syms - self limiting so exposure control
Parvovirus- erythematous rash cheeks then lace trunk and limbs, viral syms - mild self limiting
Hand foot and mouth - enterovirus, usually coxsackie A16, blisters on HFandM, viral syms- supportive TM, self limiting
Eczema coxsackium - viral syms, eczema history, flared sites - self limiting
Eczema herpeticum - unwell, history of eczema, monomorphic punched out lesions - withhold steroids 24hrs, oral or IV aciclovir
What are skin manifestations of systemic disease?
Orofacial granulomatosis (crohns disease) - lip swelling and fissuring, oral mucosal lesions
Erythema nodosum (strep, urti, IBD, sarcoidosis, drugs, mycobacterium infection, idiopathic) - painful, erthematous subcutaneous nodules, usually over shins with slow resolution
Dermatitis herpetiformis (coeliac) - itchy blisters in clusters, often symmetrical over scalp, shoulders, buttocks, elbows and knees
Urticaria (infection, food or drug allergy, NSAIDs, opiates, vaccinations)
- wheals/hives, associated angioedema, minutes to hours of rashes