Paediatric ENT - Laryngology Flashcards
What causes most sore throats? [1]
Explain the microorganisms causing tonsilitis (bacterial and viral) [2]
If bacterial - Most likely Beta Haemolytic Strep (e.g. Strep Pyogenes)
If Viral - Most likely EBV (Epstein Barr)
What are the major complciations of tonsillitis? [2]
Quinsy - A peritonsillar Abscess
Glomerulonephritis - due to strep spread
How do we treat quinsy? [2]
Needle aspiration and drainage
How do we treat tonsillitis? [2]
Supportive Care
PENICILLIN V 250mg or ERYTHROMYCIN for 7-10d NEVER give amoxicillin or ampicillin as causes maculopapular rash
What makes children more prone to airway issues than adults? [3]
- Short neck
- Narrow Subglottic Issues
- Larger tongue, tonsils and epiglottis relative to rest of airway
What would you expect to see in the history of a child with laryngeal airway problems? [4]
- History of Foreign Body
- Recent Illness
- Stridor (Inspiratory)
- Feeding Issues
List some issues that can cause paediatric laryngeal problems [3]
What are the types of neck lumps you can see in children [4]
Epiglottitis Laryngomalacia Neck Abscess Lumps: - Thyroglossal cyst - Branchial Cyst - Cystic Hygroma - Cervical Lymphadenopathy
What is a cystic Hygroma? [2]
Large cyst like cavities [1]of lymphatic tissue, contains lymph [1]
How do we manage epiglotitis? [3]
Airway support
IV Abx +/- Steroids
What is laryngomalacia? [2]
Cause [1]
Congenital softening of the tissues of the larynx
Cause: Poor/late development of the laryngeal cartilages.
How do we handle laryngomalacia? [1]
If its not causing them problems we leave it as the cartilage usually develops eventually.
Indications for tonsillectomy [4]
- Sore throats due to tonsillitis (NOT URTIs)
- > 5 episodes tonsillitis/y
- Symptoms have been occurring for at least 1y
- Episodes of sore throat disabling and prevent normal functioning
Complications of tonsillectomy
Primary [2]
Secondary [2]
- haemorrhage in 2-3% (most commonly due to inadequate haemostasis; mx is immediate return to theatre), pain
- haemorrhage (most commonly due to infection; mx is IV abx), pain