Paediatric conditions 1.0 Flashcards
Down syndrome is an alteration on _____
chromosome 21
Down syndrome S&S
- identifiable facial features
- hypotonia
- decreased strength and ligament laxity
- short arms and legs
- heart defects
- AA instability
- scoliosis
- pronated feet
- hip dislocation
Down syndrome Rx
- try to attain developmental milestones
- discourage compensatory patterns
- improve muscle strength (antigravity muscles)
- monitor ortho issues
- provide oral-motor function
- sensory and gross motor stim
- monitor cardiovascular and respiratory health
Prader-Willi Syndrome is related to disturbances in ___ or a genetic ____ in chromosome ___
- hypothalamus
- genetic deletion (chromosome 15 usually)
Prader-Willi Syndrom in infants S&S
- hypotonia
- delayed motor and learning development
- little spontaneous movement
- respiratory difficulties
- oral motor or feeding difficulties
Prader-willi syndrome Rx in infants
- Gross motor development
- compensatory postures
- nutritionist
Prader-Willi Syndrom S&S in older kids
- Hypotonia
- intellectual impairment
- short stature
- hyperphagia *extreme obesity
- behavior problems
Prader-Willi Syndrom Rx in older kids
- Weight management
- increase activity level
- orthotics
- improve postural control
- behaviorist
When does neonatal respiratory distress syndrome occur? It is due to ___
<37 weeks gestation
Due to lack of surfactant
neonatal respiratory distress S&S
- tachypnea
- in drawing
- cyanosis
- occurs soon after birth
Neonatal respiratory distress Rx
What is SIDS? What does it peak (highest rates)?
SUDDEN INFANT DEATH SYNDROME: death of infant under 1 yr with unexplained cause
Peaks at 3-4 night, usually occurs at night
SIDS risk factor
Prone sleeping
Fetal alcohol syndrome can lead to..
- facial changes
- brain damage
- hypersensitivity
- poor concentration
- poor feeders/eaters
Fetal alcohol syndrome Rx
- need routine
- Decrease stim
- learning strategies
What is arthrogryposis multiplex congenital
rare non progressive neuromuscular syndrome (unknown etiology)
arthrogryposis multiplex congenita S&S
- joint contractures (due to lack of fetal mvmt
- muscle weakness
- poor muscle development
- Fibrosis - can lead to scoliosis, heart defects, resp problems
What is a salter harris fracture
Fracture affective growth plate in children
What is autism? Average age of onset?
developmental delay in social/language/motor and/or cognitive development, more common in M>F,
average age of onset is 4 yrs
Autism S&S
- have stereotyped and repetitive play skills
- avoid eye contact
- dislike change in routine
- and have strong sensory preferences
- dyspraxia (needs time to plan movement and execute goal related function)
- gait (waddling, abnormal weight distribution)
- cerebellar involvement
Autism outcome measure
Bayley -3
What is Pagets Disease? What are some of the effects of it?
Localized disorder of bone remodelling (excessive resorption followed by increase in bone formation) - structurally disorganized mosaic of bone - weaker, larger, less compact, more vascular, more susceptible to #
does Pagets occur in just one bone or multiple bones? Which bones is it most likely to occur in?
Normally involves multiple bones,
axial skeleton (spine, pelvis, femur, sacrum, skull)
Pagets disease S&S
- 70-90% asymptomatic,
- bone pain
- secondary OA
- bony deformity (ie. bowing of extremity)
- excessive warmth (increased vascularity)
- neurologic complications (compression of neural tissue)
Pagets Disease Rx
EDUCATION: proper posture, body mechanics, avoidance of trauma (ie. no contact sports), precautions against falling, hazards of immobility (need to stay active)
What is Acromegaly
Pituitary gland produces excess growth hormone during adulthood: increased bone size (hands, feet, face)
What does excess growth hormon in children lead to?
excess growth hormone leads to GIGANTISM, not acromegaly
acromegaly S&S
- enlarged hands and feet
- gradual changes in shape of face (protruding jaw and brow, enlarged nose, thickened lips, wider space between front teeth)
Acromegaly complications
- cardiomyopathy
- OA
- DM
- precancerous growths (polyps) on lining of colon
- sleep apnea
- carpal tunnel
- hypopituitarism
- uterine fibroids
- spinal cord compression
- vision loss
Dwarfism types
disproportionate (some parts small, others average or above average) vs. proportionate (all parts of body small to same degree)
Dwarfism S&S
short stature (4 foot 10 inches or under)
Dwarfism Rx
- early diagnosis and treatment important
- growth hormone if related to deficiency
- insertion of shunt to drain excess fluid and relieve pressure on brain
- corrective surgery for deformities (ie. cleft palate, club foot, bowed legs)
- surgical removal of tonsils (can impair breathing if comparatively large)
- widening of spinal canal to relieve spinal cord compression
- PT for strengthening/ROM
- back brace to improve curvature
- ear tubes (prevent recurring infection)
- orthodontic treatment (small mouth with overcrowding of teeth)
- nutritional guidance and exercise to prevent obesity