Packet 3 Flashcards
malignant cells withing the testicular tissue; germ cell
testicular cancer
age prevalence of testicular cancer
20-35 years
risk factors of testicular cancer
cryptorchidism, FHx, PMhx
symptoms of testicular cancer
a small painless less on testicle (unilateral)
heavy sensation to scrotum
secondary hydrocele
metastasis symptoms: fever, cough, bone pain, weight loss, night sweats
PE testicular cancer
nontender mass on testicle
diffuse enlargement of testicle with changes to shape or consistency
inguinal lymphadenopathy
signs consistent of hydrocele
Dx tests testicular cancer
serum markers: hcG, alpha fetoprotein, LDH
imaging: scrotal US
surgical evaluation (biopsy) and subsequent staging
Treatment testicular cancer
radical surgical intervention (remove lymph nodes and spermatic cord)
complications with orchiectomy
infertility and erectile dysfunction
testicular self exam
recommended to adolescents (15)
benign tumor of the prostate gland resulting in enlargement
benign prostate hypertrophy
BPH cause
increased DHT and testosterone causes proliferation of cells
BPH risk factors
aging, FHx, african american
obstructive sx of BPH
changes in stream
urinary hesitancy
incomplete emptying
irritative sx of BPH
DRE- nontender, homogenous enlargement with rubbery consistency
abd exam
external genitalia exam
neuro exam