Pacific Bunchgrass Region - Plant Info Flashcards
- Common name: Capitalized first letter
- Genus: Capitalized first letter (e.g., Agropyron*)
- Species: all lower case (e.g., cristatum*)
- Family/Tribe: Capitalized first letter
NOTE: All family names end in aceae and all grass tribe names end in eae. - Origin: native, introduced
- Longevity: annual, biennial, perennial
- Root structure: bunch, rhizomes, stolons, taproot, suckers
- Response to Herbivory/Browsing: decreaser, increaser, invader, na
- Forage value for cattle: excellent, good, fair, poor, worthless, poisonous
*Forage value for “wildlife”: excellent, good, fair, poor, worthless, poisonous
Card format:
* Common name: Capitalized first letter
* Genus: Capitalized first letter (e.g., Agropyron)
* Species: all lower case (e.g., cristatum)
* Family/Tribe: Capitalized first letter
NOTE: All family names end in aceae and all grass tribe names end in eae.
* Origin: native, introduced
* Longevity: annual, biennial, perennial
* Root structure: bunch, rhizomes, stolons, taproot, suckers
* Response to Herbivory/Browsing: decreaser, increaser, invader, na
* Forage value for cattle: excellent, good, fair, poor, worthless, poisonous
*Forage value for “wildlife”: excellent, good, fair, poor, worthless, poisonous
Pseudoroegneria spicata – Bluebunch wheatgrass
??? spi-KAY-ta
Family: TRITICEAE Origin: Native Longevity: Perennial Roots/root-like: Bunch (occas. rhizomes) Response: Decreaser Forage value: Excellent; Good
Festuca idahoensis – Idaho fescue
fess-TOO-kah eye-da-ho-EN-sis
POEAE Native Perennial Bunch Decreaser Excellent; Excellent
Hesperostipa comata – Needleandthread
his-per-o-STY-pa ko-MA-ta
STIPEAE Native Perennial Bunch Increaser Fair; Fair
Leymus cinereus – Basin (Giant) wildrye
LAY-mus sin-ER-e-us
TRITICEAE Native Perennial Bunch (w/ short, thick rhizomes) Decreaser Good; Fair
Achnatherum nelsonii – Columbia needlegrass
ak-na-THEER-um ?????
STIPEAE Native Perennial Bunch Increaser Fair; Fair
Medicago sativa – Alfalfa
med-i-KAW-go sa-TIE-va
FABACEAE Introduced Perennial Taproot Invader Good; Good
Balsamorhiza sagittata – Arrowleaf balsamroot
ball-sah-more-EYE-za sag-ah-TAA-tah
ASTERACEAE Native Perennial Taproot Increaser Fair; Good