PACEMAN Wk 5 (Facial, sinuses, orbits & nasal) Flashcards
1. Distance from the lateral margin of orbits to the lateral cranial cortices are equal
- Distance from the crista galli to the lateral cranial cortices are equal
- Petrous ridges are demonstrated horizontally just below the inferior orbital margins
A- Frontal and ethmoid sinuses and lateral cranial cortices are included within the collimated field.
C- 4 sided collimation
E- Sufficient penetration & exposure without motion, to visualize frontal bone.
M - marker present
A- No visible artefacts and motion unsharpness
N - name annon due to PDPA and education purpose
1. Distances from the lateral orbital margins to the lateral cranial cortex and from the bony nasal septum to the lateral cranial cortex on both sides are equal.
- Petrous ridges are demonstrated inferior to the maxillary sinuses and extend laterally from the posterior maxillary alveolar process
- Inferior maxillary sinuses are free from superimposing maxillary alveolar processes
A - Frontal and maxillary sinuses and lateral cranial cortices are included within the collimated field.
Inferior orbital rims are seen
C- 4 sided collimation
E- Sufficient penetration and exposure, without motion, to visualize maxillary region
M - marker present
A- No visible artefacts and motion unsharpness
N - name annon due to PDPA and education purpose
1. Sella Turcica is seen in profile
- Orbital roofs, mandibular rami, greater wings of the sphenoid, external acoustic canals, zygomatic bones, and cranial cortices are superimposed
A- Frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, and maxillary sinuses, greater wings of the sphenoid, orbital roofs, sella turcica, zygoma, and mandible are included within the collimated field.
C- 4 sided collimation
E- Sufficient penetration and exposure, without motion, to visualize maxillary region
M - marker present
A- No visible artefacts and motion unsharpness
N - name annon due to PDPA and education purpose
1. Distance from the lateral margin of orbits to the lateral cranial cortices are equal
- Distance from the crista galli to the lateral cranial cortices are equal
- Petrous ridges are projected into lower one-third of orbits.
- Frontal sinuses are projected above the fronto-nasal suture
- Anterior ethmoid air cells are visualized laterally adjacent to each nasal bone
A- Frontal, ethmoid and maxillary sinuses and lateral orbital rims are included within the collimated field.
C- 4 sided collimation seen
E- Sufficient penetration & bony trabuculae is visible with adequate density of soft tissue
M - marker present
A- No visible artefacts and motion unsharpness
N - name annon due to PDPA and education purpose
1. Distances from the lateral orbital margin to the lateral cranial cortex and from the bony nasal septum to the lateral cranial cortex on both sides are equal
- Petrous ridges are demonstrated inferior to the maxillary sinuses.
- Inferior maxillary sinuses are free from superimposing alveolar processes.
A- Frontal and maxillary sinuses and lateral orbital rims are included within the collimated field.
C- 4 sided collimation seen
E- Sufficient penetration & bony trabuculae is visible with adequate density of soft tissue
M - marker present
A- No visible artefacts and motion unsharpness
N - name annon due to PDPA and education purpose
P -
1. Sella Turcica is seen in profile
- Orbital roofs, external acoustic canals, cranial cortices are superimposed
A- Frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid, and maxillary sinuses, greater wings of the sphenoid, orbital roofs, sella turcica, zygoma, and mandible are included within the collimated field.
C- 4 sided collimation seen
E- Sufficient penetration & bony trabuculae is visible with adequate density of soft tissue
M - marker present
A- No visible artefacts and motion unsharpness
N - name annon due to PDPA and education purpose
1. Distance from the lateral margin of orbits to the lateral cranial cortices are equal
- Distance from the crista galli to the lateral cranial cortices are equal
- Petrous ridges are demonstrated horizontally just below the inferior orbital margins
A- Frontal and ethmoid sinuses and lateral cranial cortices are included within the collimated field.
C- 4 sided collimation seen
E- Sufficient penetration & bony trabuculae is visible with adequate density of soft tissue
M - marker present
A- No visible artefacts and motion unsharpness
N - name annon due to PDPA and education purpose
1. Distances from the lateral orbital margin to the lateral cranial cortex and from the bony nasal septum to the lateral cranial cortex on both sides are equal
- Petrous ridges are demonstrated inferior to the maxillary sinuses
A- Frontal and maxillary sinuses and lateral orbital rims are included within the collimated field.
C- 4 sided collimation seen
E- Sufficient penetration & bony trabuculae is visible with adequate density of soft tissue
M - marker present
A- No visible artefacts and motion unsharpness
N - name annon due to PDPA and education purpose
1. Sella Turcica is seen in profile
- Orbital roofs, greater wings of the sphenoid, and cranial cortices are superimposed
A- Frontal, ethmoid and sphenoid, and maxillary sinuses, greater wings of the sphenoid, orbital roofs and sella turcica are included within the collimated field
C- 4 sided collimation seen
E- Sufficient penetration & bony trabuculae is visible with adequate density of soft tissue
M - marker present
A- No visible artefacts and motion unsharpness
N - name annon due to PDPA and education purpose
P -
1. Inferior orbital rims are located in the centre of the radiograph, with the entire orbital rims and maxillary bones within the collimated field.
- Cranium seen without rotation.
- Petrous ridges are projected into the lower maxillary sinuses, below the inferior orbital rim.
E- Sufficient penetration and exposure, without motion, to visualize the orbital floors.
1. Orbital roofs and the most anterior aspects of the cranial cortices are superimposed
1. Nasal bones, with surrounding soft tissue, anterior nasal spine of maxilla, fronto-nasal suture, and the most anterior aspects of cranial cortices, orbital roofs, and zygomatic bones are included within the collimated field.
C- 4 sided collimation seen
E- Sufficient penetration & bony trabuculae is visible with adequate density of soft tissue
M - marker present
A- No visible artefacts and motion unsharpness
N - name annon due to PDPA and education purpose
1. Distances from the lateral orbital margins to the bony nasal septum on both sides are equal.
- Petrous ridges are demonstrated inferior to the maxillary sinuses
A- Nasal septum, anterior nasal spine and lateral orbital rims are included within the collimated field.
C- 4 sided collimation seen
E- Sufficient penetration & bony trabuculae is visible with adequate density of soft tissue
M - marker present
A- No visible artefacts and motion unsharpness
N - name annon due to PDPA and education purpose