PA/ID 7-75 Miltary Leave Flashcards
What is the maximum amount of paid military leave given to those who qualify
240 hours in a calendar year
If involve in a covered operation may be entilted to more
NOTE member will be placed on YLWOP WHEN all leave balances are used or if they request in lieu of using leave
Who is entitled to military leave entitlement and or EMBP
Members who receive orders for military drills or other military training
Activated for military service in national guard do armed forces reserves
Members who enlist are not eligible for above benefits
Can you carry over unused military leave entitlement
Can you be excused for a partial tour
Minimum 3 hours
Note if excusal time and FD duty time combination exceeds 24 consecutive hours member must request excusal time for entire tour
Can vacation leave be interrupted by military leave
If notification of military leave received before start of vacation leave
Interrupted VL must resume immediately on return from military leave
Member letterhead request through chief of personnel via military desk
When should embers provide there military enlistment contracts and to whom ?
Prior to military leave and to military desk
Military drills and training
Member must :
Submit copy of military training schedule for year on government letterhead
To military desk
On or before Jan 1
If schedule only quarterly or semiannual than present on or before first day of quarter or half year
If there any changes to the members training schedule then the member should
Provide written documentation to military desk
On government letterhead
Stating changes
Before effective date of said military leave
Prior to the embers scheduled training member. Must
Submit request for military leave (bp-131) to OOD of members work location
Indicate on form any deviations from previously submitted drill schedule
Also submit copy of military training orders
At least 72 hours before start date of military leave
Time factor fax to military desk
Upon completion of ordered military drills for 30 days or less
Report back to work for members next scheduled work tour no later than the beginning of the first full calendar day following military service
And expiration of 8 hours after a period allowing for safe transport
Submit confirmation of service and certificate of attendance to to OOD of work location within 7 days of completion of military service
Service more than 30 days but less than 181
Than has 14 days to submit request
If service more than 180 than has 90 days
OOD receiving above info forward to military desk
Military activation
Member notify OOD (OOD notify military desk
If off hours leave message
Member can’t reach above than military desk via personnel
Extreme circumstances ops center
OOD will fax following to military desk when member is activated for duty
Request for military leave
Copy of members military orders
Completed signed and notarized acceptance or decline of benefits form
Members participating in EMBP must also fax copy of most recent military leave and earnings statement ( LES must be dated within last 90 days )
Upon return from active military leave a member shall
Notify OOD of work location
When OOD is notified by member of his return to duty from military the OOD shall
Promptly notify military desk by telephone
If member serves out of country and or were activated for more than six months
ALSO retraining if gone for 6 months or more