3/75 Flashcards
What is the maximum amount of points a commanding officer can assess for command discipline
7 point penalty
Command discipline
Members consent is required before command discipline can be imposed
Acceptance of non judicial discipline must be in Writing .
Refusal of command discipline is considered an election to proceed with formal charges
Member may consult with union in informal proceedings
Non- judicial is expunged from members record a year after members acceptance of penalty unless member has not been subject to discipline as a result to other informal or formal proceedings
If a loss of vacation leave is a penalty imposed by commanding officer then he must ?
Complete form FA-211
Endorsed by fire commander
Forwarded to director Bureau of FISCAL services
If a detail is considered as command discipline this must be approved by
Division commander
Commanding officer of the unit to which detail is made
If loss of pay is used for command discipline
Last resort
Member may request interview with battalion commander before he decides to accept or reject discipline
Above interview at borough commanders convenience
Not necessary to postpone above interview for union representation and member does not have to be on duty
Commanding officer must if pay is taken as command discipline
Form FS-211
Endorsed by borough
And forwarded to fiscal services
OOD required to do if witness or received. Optic action of violation
Enter and record facts company or unit journal
If accused detailed member ,notify unit of accused member
OOD of unit where member is assigned shall investigate and prepare necessary info for review by company commander of accused member
Commanding officer
Complaint form filed out part 1 and 2
Forward to division and file in members unit
Admonished and instructed
Same as above
Non- judicial proceedings ordered
Within one week of alleged conduct inform member of results of investigation and proposed discipline
At same. Time as above inform members rights to accept or decline discipline
If penalty loss of pay inform member of his right to see borough commander before electing command
Commanding officer
Member accepts disciplinary action then:
Complaint procedure is concluded
Final disposition entered on complaint form
Forward report to division
Inform member
If penalty is vacation or pay also forward form FS-211 to bureau of fiscal services
If member refuses :
Complaint form complete and formal charges filed
Both are forward to BITS
If company commander decides on formal charges than :
Initiate charges and specifications BP 115
Forward BP 115 and BP 87 and any investigative reports
To BITS THROUGH chain of command
Only part one of complaint report done in above situation
Also forward complaint report to division
No more than how long should elapse between misconduct and resolution
2 weeks
Within how many days should interviews and investigations be complete and member informed of proposed penalty
7 days
Within how many days of proposed penalty must member indicate acceptance or rejection
5 days
Within how many days of members election to accept or decline should required reports be submitted and penalty initiated?
2 days
When commanding officer decides to handle with non- judicial proceedings than he must conduct interview with accused member
When member is on duty
Inform member of rights
May postpone interview up to 48 hours for union or legal representation