P5 - Resultant Forces And Work Done Flashcards
What do free body diagrams show?
All the forces acting on an object
What are the different types of forces acting on an isolated object?
What forces are acting on a skydiver?
The skydivers weight act on him pullin him towards the ground but drag(air resistance) also acts on him, in the opposite direction to his motion
(You can show this in a free body diagram)
What do the sizes of arrows show on free body diagrams?
The relative magnitudes of the foroes and the directions show the directions of the forces acting on the object.
What is the resultant force?
Resultant Force is the Overall Force on a Point or Object
Usually, how many forces are acting on an object?
Along any direction, there are at least 2 forces
NOTE: For free body diagrams
If you have a number of forces acting at a single point, you can replace them with a single force loo long as the single force has the same effect as all the original forces together)
What does it mean if forces all act along the same line?
They are all parralel
How is the overall affect(resultant force) found in a free body diagram?
The overal affect is found by adding those going in the same direction and subtracting any going in the opposite direction.
If a car has 1500N weight and 1500N normal contact weight, 1200N drag and 1000N backwards what is the resultant force?
1500N - 1500N = 0
1200N - 1000N = 200
The resultant force in 200N to the left
What does it mean if the a force moves an object through a distance?
How do you make an object move?
To make something move (or keep it moving if there are frictional forces), a force must be applied.
What does the object applying the force need?
A source of energy
(Like fuel or food)
What happens when a force does ‘work’ to move an object?
Energy is transferred from one store to another
NOTE : About energy being transferred
Whether energy is transferred usefully’ (e.g. lifting a load) or is ‘wasted’ ,you can still say that work is done. This means ‘work done’ and ‘energy transferred’ are the same.
What happens when you push a carpet against a rough surface?
When you push a carpet along a rough surface, you are doing work against frictional forces. Energy is being transferred to the kinetic energy store of the object because it starts moving. but some is also being transferred to thermal energy stores due to the friction. This causes the overall temperature of the object to increase. (Like rubbing your hands together to warm them up.)
Equation to find out how much work is done
Work done (J) = Force(N) x Distance(m)
W = Fs
When is one joule of work done?
when a force of one newton causes an object to move a distance of one metre.
( And as 1N = 1J this means 1J = 1Nm/newton meter)