P3: The Cold War intensifies, 1949-1958 Flashcards
When was the Warsaw Pact signed?
May 1955
When was the first Soviet atomic bomb tested successfully?
When did the US test their H-bomb?
When did the USSR test their H-bomb?
When was Sputnik lauched?
When was NASA formed?
When did Stalin die?
When did Rakosi imprison Cardinal Mindszenty?
When did Hungary experience its lowest agricultural output ever?
When did students demonstrate in Budapest demanding free elections and human rights - also pulled down statue of Stalin?
23 October 1956
When did Khrushchev send troops to restore order - killing 12 and injuring hundreds in the process?
25 October 1956
When did Nagy become Prime Minister?
26 October 1956
When was the Cardinal and other political prisoners released?
30 October 1956
When did Nagy announce a coalition government?
3 November 1956
When did 200,000 Soviet troops and 6,000 tanks return to Hungary?
4th November 1956
When was a ceasefire agreed but until when did sporadic fighting continue?
10 November 1956
Mid 1957
When was Nagy taken to Romania and hanged?