P2.6 - Energy From The Nucleus Flashcards
Which radioactive isotopes undergo fission?
What is nuclear fission?
The splitting of a nucleus and the release of two or three neutrons.
What is a chain reaction in fission?
A chain reaction occurs in a nuclear reactor when each fission causes further fission.
How is a chain reaction in a nuclear reactor controlled?
Control rods absorb fission neutrons to ensure that only one neutron per fission goes on to produce further fission.
What does water do in a nuclear reactor?
Water slows down fission neutrons and acts as a coolant for the fuel rods.
How is radiation contained in the reactor?
The core is made of thick steel and enclosed in thick concrete.
What is nuclear fusion?
The process of forcing two nuclei close enough together so they form a single larger nucleus.
How can nuclei be made to fuse?
Making two light nuclei collide at very high speed.
Where does the Sun’s energy come from?
Nuclear fusion occurs in the Sun’s core which releases energy.
Why is it difficult to make a nuclear fusion reactor?
- A reactor needs to be at a very high temperature before nuclear fusion can take place.
- The nuclei fused are difficult to contain.
What is produced when hydrogen nuclei fuse?
“Heavy hydrogen”
What is produced when two “heavy hydrogen” nuclei fuse?
A helium nucleus
Why does nuclear fusion only take place at high temperatures?
The two nuclei will repel each other but if they are going fast enough, they can overcome the force of repulsion.
Give three advantages of using nuclear fusion for energy.
- The fuel needed is readily available as heavy hydrogen and is present in sea water.
- The product, helium, is a harmless inert gas.
- The energy released can be used to generate electricity.
What is radon gas?
An alpha-emitting isotope that can seep into houses in certain areas.