P11 ANATOMY Flashcards
the CIRCUT OF PAPEZ connects which structures
links the hippocampal gyrus , hippocampus , mammillary bodies , anterior nuclei of thalamus & cingulate gyrus
lateral hypothalamus nuclei is responsible for
food & water intake
lateral hypothalamic nuclei is also known as
feeding centre
Ventromedial nuclei is also known as
Satiety centre
paraventricular nuclei is responsible for
oxytocin synthesis
supra-optic nuclei is responsible for
Vasopressin production
supra-chiasmatic nuclei is responsible for
sleep / waking cycle
all parts of limbic system are connected to
prefrontal cortex & midbrain tegmental area
identify the structure & its function / importance
mention at least 3 subcortical structures
- amygdala
- mammillary bodies
-septal nuclei - hypothalamus
- portions of thalamus
- midbrain tegmentum
cingulate gyrus projects into parahippcampal via what fibers
fibers of cingulum
location of amygdala
close to hippocampus in temporal lobe
between inferior horn of lateral ventricle & lentiform complex
main pleasure area
septal area
thin non-neural lamina separating ant. horns of lateral ventricles
septum pellucidum
location of septal area
basal part of forebrain