P1 - Energy for the Home Flashcards
What is heat?
Heat is a measure of energy among particles.
What is temperature?
Temperature is a measure of the hotness, and usually a reflection of the energy in a substance.
What is specific heat capacity?
The energy needed to raise 1kg of a substance by 1 degrees Celsius:
Energy = Mass * Specific Heat Capacity * Temp Change
Why doesn’t the temperature of a substance change during changes of state (e.g. melting or condensing) even though more/less heat energy is being added?
If melting, intermolecular bonds are being broken. This absorbs/takes in energy, so the temperature doesn’t rise.
If condensing, intermolecular bonds are being formed/strengthened. This is an exothermic process, so energy is released; as a result, the temperature doesn’t change.
In other words, the energy consumed/released by bond forming or bond breaking cancels out the energy added/taken away externally.
What is specific latent heat?
The amount of energy needed to melt 1kg of material without changing its temperature:
Energy = Mass * Specific Latent Heat
Describe the conduction of heat energy.
Vibrating particles pass on extra kinetic energy to neighbouring particles.
Why do metals conduct heat really well?
Metals have free/delocalised electrons that can move throughout the material. Heating gives these electrons kinetic energy, making them faster and more likely to collide with other electrons and to pass the energy. As the electrons are delocalised, this is a much faster transfer mechanism than waiting for vibrations to passed by ordinary neighbouring particles.
Describe the convection of heat energy.
The more energetic particles move from the hotter region to the cooler region - taking their heat energy with them.
If a fluid is warmed, it becomes less dense and therefore rises. Once this warm fluid cools down, it becomes less dense and therefore begins to sink. A circulation known as convection current forms.
Explain how convection currents can be eliminated.
You must create pockets of air, locations where the air cannot move, to prevent heat from being transferred. This can be achieved with clothes, blankets or cavity wall foam insulation.
What are the best and worst absorbers of radiation?
Best = matt black Worst = light-coloured, smooth and shiny
Why are light-coloured and shiny surfaces the worst absorbers of radiation?
They are effective at reflecting electromagnetic waves, therefore they don’t absorb their energy.
Explain an infrared oven or grill works.
The heat is radiated onto the surface particles of the food, and then travels to the centre of the food via conduction or convection.
Explain how microwave ovens use radiation to cook food.
Microwaves penetrate around 1cm into the outer layer of the food and are absorbed by the fat and water molecules. The heat energy then travels, via conduction or convection, outwards from these heated molecules.
How do you work out the efficiency of a process?
Efficiency = Useful Energy Output / Total Energy Input
What is wave frequency?
The number of complete cycles or oscillations passing a given point per second.
What is the wave equation?
Speed = Frequency * Wavelength
What is the law of reflection?
Angle of Incidence = Angle of Reflection
Explain how Total Internal Reflection occurs.
- A light ray travels through a dense material (e.g. glass) toward a less dense material (e.g. air).
- If the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle, the ray reflects back into the material.
This is total internal reflection.
What is diffraction?
Waves spread out when the pass through an gap or move past an edge.
What factor effects the amount of diffraction?
The size of the gap relative to the wavelength of the wave. The wider the gap compared to the wavelength, the less diffraction that occurs.
Explain the refraction of waves.
When a wave crosses a boundary between two materials of different densities at an angle, the wave changes diffraction.
This is because part of the wave enters the denser material first, slowing its speed before the rest of the wave. As a result, it changes direction.
List the electromagnetic waves from largest to smallest wavelength.
Radio Waves Microwaves Infrared Visible Light Ultra Violet X-Rays Gamma Rays
Explain how light is used to communicate via optical fibres.
Total internal reflection is achieved within a narrow tube. The light enters this tube at an angle greater than the critical angle, meaning that it doesn’t defract out of the tube and is instead totally internally reflected.
What are the advantages of using light (via optical fibres) for communication?
Light is an electromagnetic wave, therefore, it travels extremely quickly.
Through multiplexing, lots of different signals can be transmitted at the same time.
It’s a digital signal, so there’s less interference.
Describe the properties of light produced by a laser.
All waves in the laser beam are of the same frequency, meaning the light is monochromatic (it is just one colour).
The light waves are in phase, meaning the troughs and crests line up with eachother. They can be described as ‘coherent’.
They have low divergence - the beam is narrow and stays narrow, even at longer distances.
How do CD players use lasers to read digital information?
The surface of the CD has a specific pattern of pits cut into it.
The laser is reflected slightly differently from within the pit compared to the other areas on the CD. The differences in these reflections can be picked up a sensor and recorded as electrical signals.
An amplifier or speaker can then convert the electrical signals into sound of the right frequency, loudness and pitch.
How can we use IR to monitor temperature?
Hot objects give out heat radiation in the form of IR. The hotter an object, the more IR it releases.
As a result, we can use IR sensors to detect which objects are radiating the most IR - these can then be identified as the hottest.
How can IR signals be used to control electrical equipment?
A device can emit a specific sequence of IR pulses to send to another device.
Each pulse represents a digital ‘on’ or ‘off’ code.
The receiving device can then decode this sequence of pulses and carry out the instructions.
Describe the disadvantages of using IR signals to control electrical equipment?
You need to be close to the device.
The IR waves need to be directed straight at the receiver.
Why do radiowaves travel well through the Earth’s atmosphere?
Radiowaves (and microwaves) have longer wavelengths, meaning they are not absorbed by the Earth’s atmosphere as much. This is also true for waves on the high-frequency end of the EM spectrum.
What is the main advantage of using longer-wave radiowaves for communication?
They are able to diffraction around obstacles on the Earth, meaning you do not necessarily need a direct line of sight.
How can the atmosphere help radiowaves travel around the earth?
- The ionosphere is a layer of charged particles in the atmosphere. In this area, radiowaves travel faster - causing refraction.
- When short-wave radio signals are reflected/bounced from the ionosphere and back down onto the surface. This is similar to total internal reflection.
Waves with a lower frequency are refracted most effectively back down onto Earth.
What are the advantages of DAB (Digital Audio Broadcasting) over analogue audio?
- There is less interference.
- Through multiplexing, lots of different channels of audio can be broadcast at the same frequency. In the case of anologue signals, different channels may overlap and cause interference when using similar frequencies.
What waves are used for satellite communication?
Why are microwave transmitters/receivers usually positioned on hills?
Microwaves have a shorter wavelength than radio waves, meaning they don’t diffract around the curvature of the Earth. As a result, they need a direct line of sight - sending signals between hills is the best awy to achieve this.
Mobile phone calls travel via which EM Wave?
Why does the size of receiver depend on the size of the wave?
The receiver needs to be much larger than the size of the wavelength in order to minimise diffraction. The less diffraction that takes place, the less the waves are distorted - the less distortion, the clearer the signal.
Why is better to have a larger telescope?
A higher resolution (clearer image) can be produced, since the telescope will much larger relative to the size of the wavelengths it receives. Because of this, there is less diffraction - therefore, the signals are clear and the resolution is higher.
Explain, in terms of signal quality, why digital signals are better than analogue signals.
- All signals, digital and analogue, weaken as they travel and therefore need to be amplified.
- They all pick up noise and interference.
- When you amplify these signals, the noise and interference is also amplified. However, because the digital signals only cover two defined values, it is much easier to remove the noise and interference from the signal.
Why should pale-skinned people use sunscreen with a higher Sun Protection Factor (SPF)?
Pale skinned people absorb less UV radiation, meaning it is more likely the UV rays will begin to ionise and damage their skin cells.
What does an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 15 tell the consumer?
The consumer is able to spend 15 times as long as they otherwise could in the sun without burning.
How does the atmosphere protect us from UV radiation?
There’s a layer of Ozone (O3) high up up in the Earth’s atmosphere. Ozone is effective at absorbing UV radiation before it has a chance to hit the Earth’s surface.
Why is there a hole in the Ozone layer of Antarctica?
The Ozone in the atmosphere began depleting as air pollution from CFCs began reacting with the ozone.
Describe the properties and capabilities of P-waves.
- Longitudinal
- Travel through solids and liquids.
- Travel faster than S-waves
- They refract as density changes.
Describe the properties and capabilities of S-waves.
- Transverse
- Travel through solids only (can’t travel through liquid outer core).
- Slower than P-Waves
How can we use seismic monitoring (i.e. seismographs) to understand the Earth’s structure?
As S-waves can only travel through solids, we can identify the shadow areas left by these waves underneath the liquid outer core.
Furthermore, we can observe the sudden change in wave properties as P-waves refract through varying densities of material within the Earth.