P&W: The standard model Flashcards
Order of magnitude
Powers of ten used to describe and compare sizes of objects that are either very large or very small.
Standard Model
A model used for classifying (sorting) fundamental particles and their interactions.
Fermion/Matter Particle/ Fundamental particles
A particle that is not made up from any other particles; it is in its simplest form. The particle which makes up matter.
A type of fundamental particle which comes under the fermion/ matter particle branch.
Leptons: Electron Muon Tau Electron neutrino Muon Neutrino Tau Neutrino
A type of fundamental particles which comes under the fermions/matter particles branch.
Up Down
Strange Charm
Top Bottom
Antimatter particles
Every fundamental particles has a corrsiponding anitmatter particle. They have the same mass but opposite charge to their corresponding matter particle.
Since quarks are fundamental particles, they have their own anitparticles called antiqaurks. They have the same magnitude of charge as the quakr but with opposite sign.
A composite particle that is made up of quarks.
There is to type of hardons: baryons and mesons
A type of hardon that consits of 3 quarks (e.g. a proton or neuton)
Stable particles
Protons = Two up quarks and one down qaurk
Neutrons= Two down quarks and one up quark
A type of hardon that conists of 2 quarks in a quark-antiquark pair
They are unstable and have a short lifetime
Fundamental Forces of nature
These are four fundamental forces of nature - the strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electromangetic force and gravitional force.
Force Mediating Particle - Bosons
Each force has an associated force meditating particle ( also known as a force carrier)
They are bosons (not fermions)
Strong Nuclear Charge
A short range force responsible for holding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus.
Its force carrier is the GLUON.
Weak Nuclear Charge
A stort range force repsonsible for radioactive beta decay
It force carriers are the W and Z bosons
Electromagnetic force
An infinite range force responsible for holding electrons in their orbit around the nucleus.
Its force carrier is the Photon
Gravitional Force
An infinite range force responsible for holding matter together in planets, stars and galaxies.
Its force carrier is the gravitation, thouhg this is a hypothetical particle.
The evidence for the existence of quarks
The evidence of the existence of quarks comes from high energy collisions between electrons and nucleons, carried out in particle accelerators.
The evidence of the existence of anitmatter particles
The production of energy when particles anhilate each other is the evidence of the anitmatter particles
Beta Decay is the first evidence for…
Beta decay is the first evidence for the neutrino.