P & H Flashcards
Take away food bar
Household shrine
Market within the forum
Mensa Ponderaria
Table of weights and measures
Roman dining room where people would lie down to eat
Evidence of economy activity.
- wall paintings and reliefs
- workshops and shops
- Macellum
- Table of W & M
- Manufactured items
Nature of economic activity in Pompeii.
- Mostly thriving due to large population
- many under pressure/decline shortly before 79AD
Nature of economic activity in Herculaneum.
- Wealthy resident mixed with lower class employed by service industry
- garum (fish sauce)
- pottery
- wool
- wine
- terra cotta tiles
Evidence found in France, Spain and North Africa.
Features of the Macellum.
- Local farmers acted in trade
- Table of W & M found built into the Temple of Apollo
Features of Industries.
- Largely agricultural and allied industries
- Regions produced wheat, wool, grapes and fish which was turned into bread, textiles, wine and garum.
Features of Commerce.
- Local commerce took place around the town
- Main macellum was found in the forum.
Features of Bakeries.
- Dietary staple
- Around 35 found within Pompeii and 2 in Herculaneum
- All bakeries had millstones and wood fire ovens
Roman social mobility.
1) Nobles: senators
2) Eqites: knights less nobles
3) Plebs: common people
4) Freeman
5) Slaves
Social status.
- Based on legal status which was defined by Roman law
- Distinction between those who were free and non-free
Women of society.
- Women from wealthy families would be educated and could own their own property
- Women could not vote but could take part in business and public life.
- Women were held in high esteem
Slaves within society.
- Vital aspect of Roman society
- They were either born into it or captured during war
- Slaves could buy their freedom.
Bathing within society.
- Significant aspect of everyday life
- Public and private baths found in both P & H
- Considered social activity
- Enjoyed by all social classes
- Men and women separate.
Bath houses consisted of:
- Changing room (apodyterium)
- Hot bath (Caldarium) = think Coldren
- Warm bath (Tepidarium) = think tempered
- Cold bath (Frigidarium) = think fridge
- Some contained a small polastra (gymnasium/grass area)
Entertainment within society.
- Blood sports
- Prostitution
- Sports
- Theatres
- Gambling
- Exercise
- Water sports
- Health
Political life:
- Responsible for physical up keep of city
- Maintenance of public area
- Supervisor of market
Political life:
- Senior magistracy
- admin local finances and handled local court cases
Political life:
Quinquennial Duumvir-
- Conducted census
- Reviewing the ordo decurionum, naming new members etc.
Features of the forum:
- Table of W&M
- Macellum
- Eumachia
- Temples: Apollo, Jupiter, Genius of Augustus and Lares.
- Basilica
- Other government buildings
Temple of Apollo:
- Biggest in forum
- Most important
- Portico connected to forum
Temple of Jupiter:
- Built in 2nd century
Temple of Genius of Augustus:
- Built by public priestess, Mamia
- Customary in the emperial cult
Temple of Lares:
- Housed statues of members of the imperial cult
Public economic buildings.
- Macellum
- Eumachia
Public government buildings.
- Basilica
- Council chamber
Features of private roman house.
- Fauces (door)
- “cave canem” (beware of dog)
- Lararium (household shrine)
- Atrium (entrance hall)
- Compluvium (hole in roof)
- Impluvium (holds water under ^)
- Alae (portrait room)
- Tabliniurn (reception room)
- Peristyle (inner courtyard)
- Triclinium (formal dining)
- Cubiculan (bedroom)
- Oecus (family room)
- Culina (Kitchen)
Influence of Greek and Egyptian culture:
- Cosmopolitan society, meaning cultural influences from other cultures
- Greek influence was widespread and integrated
- Egyptian culture also present
Influence of Greek and Egyptian culture:
- Influenced by Greek and Egyptian culture
- Stylistically similar, focusing on athletics and ideal form.
Influence of Greek and Egyptian culture:
- Doric
- Ionic
- Corinthian
Influence of Greek and Egyptian culture:
- Comedy
- Tragedy
- Satyr
Influence of Greek and Egyptian culture:
- Deeply religious
- Household ceremonies and worship common, as well as public displays
- Foreign cults important to both P&H
- Private household had their own lararia
- Father of household would gather family and servants in order to conduct ceremonies.
- ## Other occasions such as birthdays, weddings and coming of age’s were celebrated
- Held images of the Gods and Goddesses and the items associated with them
- Carried out rituals and ceremonies conducted by priests
- Dead were buried outside of the city walls and there would be streets of graves
- Cremated dead
- Wealthy Romans would have Exedra (tombs with benches) around so people could morn.
Changing interpretation - Tech and research:
Destruction of the 62AD earthquake
- Caused significant damage
- Important public and private buildings were still damaged before eruption
- Theory that some houses were turned into workshops
Changing interpretation - Tech and research:
Human remains reveal about the eruption
- Most people were healthy (besides gum and teeth problems)
Changing interpretation - Tech and research:
- Herculaneum incinerated in comparison to Pompeii which suffocated due to gases and ash.
Evidence provided by remains of bones in Herculaneum.
Condition of sites:
Main risks
- Atmosphere pollution and other anthropogenic causes
- Natural disaster
- Looting
- Unsympathetic urban and infrastructural planning
- Inadequate site management and conservation
- over excavation
- tourism
Condition of sites:
Poor restoration work
- non-specialised tradesman
- collapsed building roofs
- water drainage and rising damp
- fresco damage due to wrong materials
Condition of sites:
Damage from surrounding nature
- weeds growing in walls, roofs etc
- tree roots raising the ground and walls
Condition of sites:
Environmental factors
- earthquake and volcanic activity
- sunlight and exposure to elements
- wildlife
Condition of sites:
Poor site protection
- theft
- surrounding areas/gangs
- no strict rules and laws surrounding the site