P & E Unit 1 Flashcards
Outline three characteristics of God shown by the revelation in Jesus Christ
Omnipotent – allpowerful – Jesus shows this when he rises from the dead.
Benevolent – all loving – Jesus shows this when he died on the cross for us.
Omniscience – all knowing – Jesus makes prophecies about his rising from the dead and also his
death on a cross.
Explain two key beliefs about revelation held by Catholics
Catholics believe that revelation occurred most clearly through the Incarnation (moment when
God became man in Jesus). Also through his teachings and life.
Catholics believe that smaller revelations happened in the Old Testament through the prophets.
They predicted the coming of the messiah and gave key teachings such as the 10 Commandments.
Explain why the revelation of Jesus is understood as the culmination of revelation for Catholics
Because Jesus is the Incarnation (God made man). Anything he says or does is therefore most
Jesus gave us clear teachings and passed them down to the Apostles to teach the Church through the generations. (e.g. SWA – Jesus’ teachings on the Sermon on the Mount give clear instructions on how to live).
Revelation in the Bible proves that God exists
Yes, because Jesus’ life is
documented in the Bible he is the Son of God.
The Bible shows that the prophecies that were made in the Old
Testament did come true
Many people believe that the Bible proves that God exits because of religious experiences
Revelation in the Bible proves that God exists
Some believe that it is impossible
to prove God’s existence.
Many members of other religions have their own religious books they believe are revelation and reject the Bible.
Some argue that if the Bible was the word of God all people who
read it would have religious experiences.
Outline three visions that are important for Catholics
The Virgin Mary appearing to St. Bernadette at Lourdes.
The Virgin Mary appearing at Fatima/ St.Paul’s vision of a bright light on the road to Damascus.
The Transfiguration of Jesus.
Explain two reasons why some people believe that visions do not prove God exists
They could be hallucinations (caused by medication/drugs).
Only one or a handful of people see the vision. Many believe they could be lying.
Explain two reasons why visions are important to Catholics
hey deepen a person’s faith.
Some visions also include revelation (teachings/knowledge about God). SWA – E.g.
the Transfiguration of Jesus taught the disciples that he came to fulfil the law and the
“Visions are not caused by God”
They are caused by hallucinations.
There is no lasting proof they are genuine.
They could be caused by mental illnesses/lying/drugs/chasing fame.
“Visions are not caused by God”
They happened in the Bible – e.g.
They can deepen people’s faith – this could be evidence they are
No other logical explanation.
Outline three reasons why miracles prove God exists
There are no other logical explanations.
Those who experienced or witnessed a miracle feel that they have had direct contact with God.
The natural laws have been broken, only God could do this.
Explain two reasons why some people do not believe miracles prove the existence of God
There may be a scientific explanation – but we just haven’t discovered it yet.
Someone could be making it up – lying to get attention.
Explain two beliefs about God that are shown to Catholics through miracles
He is all-powerful (omnipotent). (S.W.A. – Turning water into wine, parting the red sea, raising
Lazarus from the dead, creation of the universe)
He is all-loving (benevolent) – he cares enough to heal people. (S.W.A. – Jesus healing the blind
man, healing lepers, changing water into wine).
Miracles are clear evidence that God exists
Can’t be explained by science.
Only God can break the laws of nature.
People who experience miracles are convinced they are from God.
Miracles are clear evidence that God exists
There may be a scientific explanation – but we just haven’t discovered it yet.
Someone could be making it up – lying to get attention.
The miracles in the bible are based on eye witness accounts – how do we know that these are based
on fact?
Outline three types of religious experiences
Conversion – an experience which changes your life and belief in God.
Numinous – the feeling of the presence of something greater than you.
Prayer – an attempt to contact God, usually through words.
Explain two arguments against the proof of religious experiences
Hallucinations/chasing fame/mental illness/wish fulfilment.
Explain 2 reasons why Religious experiences may lead to a belief in God
If someone experiences a numinous experience they may feel that God is present – therefore he
exists. (S.W.A. Samuel hears God speaking in his heart).
If someone has an answered prayer they may conclude that God exists. (S.W.A. – Jesus driving out demons of woman’s daughter, healing of the centurion’s servant, Moses parting the Red Sea).
‘The Catholic Church should recognise more religious experiences’.
there is
no good reason not to believe God caused them.
Some believe the Catholic Church should not be skeptical of
people’s claims of religious experiences.
Miracles seemed very frequent in the time of Jesus, why should
they not be frequent now?
‘The Catholic Church should recognise more religious experiences’.
The Church has strict guidelines to
ensure it scientifically verifies the truthfulness of religious experiences.
Some people could be lying.
Other facts could explain supposed religious experiences such as
drugs/hallucinations/mental illness
Outline three main points made in the design argument
Anything that is complex and shows purpose suggests evidence of design.
The world is complex and ordered.
William Paley concluded therefore, that the world was designed - and this designer is God.
Explain two reasons why Catholics believe the design argument proves the existence of God
The world is too complex to have come about by chance.
The world seems to show clear order and regularity/purpose in the way it works (e.g. orbiting of planets).
Explain two arguments non-religious people make against the design argument.
Evil and suffering seems to suggest that the world has flaws. Would an all-powerful God make an imperfect world? SWA – The Bible says (Genesis) that God made the world and it was good.
Some would argue that the world only appears to show design because of evolution. This was not caused by God but by accident.
“The design argument is the best argument that proves the existence of God”. Discuss.
It is logical. It’s built on science and
the idea that things need an explanation
It’s compatible with scientific understandings about creation.
The world is too complex not to have
been designed
“The design argument is the best argument that proves the existence of God”. Discuss.
Some may argue the causation
argument makes more sense
Some may rely rather on personal
religious experiences because they
feel that they have had contact with
Some may believe in God, not
because of the design argument, but
because of experiencing a
vision/witnessing or miracle.
Outline three qualities the cosmological argument shows about God
God is a creator.
God is all-powerful.
God is eternal (outside of time).
Explain two problems of the cosmological argument
If the universe needs a cause to explain its existence someone could argue that God also needs an
explanation for His existence.
Some argue that even if there was a First Cause that does not mean it was the Christian God.
Explain two reasons why the cosmological argument is important for Catholics
The argument is logical. It makes sense to suggest that the universe did not come out of nothing. There must be something to cause it to exist.
The argument is compatible with science. Science tells us that everything that exists has a cause.
S.W.A. The Catechism says that the Big Bang is compatible with belief in God.
“God is the best answer for the cause of the world”. Discuss.
If God created
the universe it makes sense of why we are here.
Only an omnipotent God could create
something as great as the universe.
Some argue the universe must have a
First Cause- god (cosmological argument)
“God is the best answer for the cause of the world”. Discuss.
Some atheists argue that the
universe does not need an
Some argue that it does not make
sense to say that God created the
world as the world is too imperfect
God is not the best answer for the
cause of the world as there is no way
of proving God’s existence
Outline three reasons why some people think the existence of evil may prove that God does not
God would surely stop evil if he exists as he is omnipotent.
If God is benevolent he would not have permitted evil to exist in the world.
God is perfect – he would not make an imperfect world.
Explain two ways that natural evil challenges the existence of God.
Explain two reasons linked to suffering that a non-religious person may use to reject God.
God is perfect – he would not make an imperfect world.
God loved his children as much as the Bible teaches then many people argue he would not put them in such a hostile environment.
‘Evil and suffering proves that God does not exist’
If God is benevolent he would not have permitted evil to exist in the world.
If God loved his children as much as the Bible teaches then many people argue he would not put
them in such a hostile environment.
If God is perfect – he would not make an imperfect world.
‘Evil and suffering proves that God does not exist’
God gave humans free will. We have the choice to do great acts of good with this but also acts of moral evil. When people misuse their free will this brings evil into the world.
Yes, if Jesus suffered it makes sense
that we also will have to at times in our
life experience suffering also.
The Book of Job reminds us that we
won’t always understand suffering
but need to trust in God regardless
Outline three biblical responses to the problem of suffering
The Book of Job – asks why suffering happens and concludes that we do not know the reason but
need to trust in God.
The paschal mystery (suffering of Jesus) – This shows that we have to face suffering and trust God
as Jesus faced his own death and cross.
The Psalms – explains that suffering is a part of life, but so is joy, the two go side by side.
Explain two philosophical responses to the problem of suffering
Explain two ways Catholics might respond to the problem of suffering
Jesus himself suffered tremendously in life. This tells Christians that suffering is an unavoidable part of life that even the Son of God experienced. We should follow in his example in enduring suffering and turning to God.
God gave humans free will. We have the choice to do great acts of good with this but also acts of moral evil. When people misuse their free will this brings evil into the world.
The responses to the problem of suffering shows that God exists
Yes, if Jesus suffered it makes sense
that we also will have to at times in our life experience suffering also.
We can’t have freedom without
free will.
The Book of Job reminds us that we
won’t always understand suffering
but need to trust in God regardless
The responses to the problem of suffering shows that God exists
If God loved his children as much as the Bible teaches then many people argue he would not put
them in such a hostile environment.
If God is benevolent he would not have permitted evil to exist in the world.
God is perfect – he would not make an imperfect world.