P Accounting Definitions Flashcards
<p>Pacman Defense</p>
<p>A takeover defense in which the target company issues more shares to dilute the acquirer's holdings and raise cash, then use the cash to attempt a takeover of the acquirer in a hostile bid. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Paid-In Capital</p>
<p>The amount paid by investors in exchange for stock. (Also called Contributed Capital.) (IMA)</p>
<p>Par (Face) Value</p>
<p>The value stated on a share. This is the amount of the legal capital of the company and this may not be distributed as a dividend. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Par Value</p>
<p>1. The dollar amount printed on the face of some stock certificates. 2. The face value of a bond. (IMA)</p>
<p>Parallel Simulation</p>
<p>An audit technique that uses real data rather than simulated data but processes it through tested or auditor controlled programs. The output from the parallel simulation is compared with the output from the real processing. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Participating Bonds</p>
<p>Bonds that earn interest and also receive some, or all, of the dividend paid to common shares. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Participating Preferred Shares</p>
<p>Preferred shares that earn the preferred dividend and also receive some, or all, of the dividend paid to common shares. (HOCK)</p>
<p>A type of budgeting that allows managers to participate in the preparation of budgets. (Also called Bottom-Up.) (IMA)</p>
<p>Participative Standard Setting</p>
<p>A standard setting process that involves all the employees who will be affected by the standard. When employees participate in setting the standards, they are more likely to accept them and not see them as unreasonable. (HOCK)</p>
<p>The period of time necessary to recover the cash cost of an investment from the cash inflows attributable to the investment. (IMA)</p>
<p>Payroll Cost</p>
<p>1. Payments to employees for labor services. 2. Taxes and tax-like payments an employer incurs as a legal condition of employment such as unemployment insurance paid to state and federal governments. (IMA)</p>
<p>Peak-Load Pricing</p>
<p>A pricing strategy that involves charging a higher price for the same product or service at times when demand is the greatest and a lower price at times when demand is lowest. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Penetration Pricing</p>
<p>Pricing technique of setting a relatively low initial price to attract new customers (a price usually lower than the market price.) (IMA)</p>
<p>An amount given to a person usually after retirement. (IMA)</p>
<p>Percentage-of-Completion Method</p>
<p>A method of accounting for long-term construction contracts where revenue and gross profit are recognized each period based upon the progress of the construction. (IMA)</p>
<p>Perfect Competition</p>
<p>A market structure characterized by a many individual sellers who are selling a standardized product. Because of this they are price takers and are unable to influence the price of the product. (HOCK)</p>
<p>A general term applied to part or all of the conduct or activities of an entity over a period of time, often with reference to some standard. (IMA)</p>
<p>Performance Evaluation</p>
<p>A management process of reviewing an employee's performance over a period of time, comparing that performance to expectations or standards, and communicating the results to the employee. (IMA)</p>
<p>Performance Measurement</p>
<p>A quantification of the effectiveness and efficiency with which the objectives of a responsibility center have been accomplished. (IMA)</p>
<p>Period Cost</p>
<p>An expenditure or loss that is charged to the current period rather than as a cost of the products produced in that period. (IMA)</p>
<p>Periodic Reconciliation</p>
<p>One of the four duties that needs to be segregated, this is the periodic reconciliation between how much of the item is supposed to be in the company, and how much actually is. (HOCK)</p>
<p>A high-tech scam that uses spam e-mail to deceive consumers into disclosing their credit card numbers, bank account information, Social Security numbers, passwords or other sensitive personal information. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Physical Access Controls</p>
<p>Computer facility controls should be in place to protect the physical assets of the computer center: the hardware, peripherals, documentation, programs and data files in the library. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Physical Custody</p>
<p>One of the four duties that needs to be segregated, this is the keeping of the actual item that is being controlled. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Physical Inventory</p>
<p>A physical count of all inventories on hand. (IMA)</p>
<p>Physical Security</p>
<p>Involves things such as keeping servers and associated peripheral equipment in a separate, secure room with bars on the windows and use of blinds or reflective film on the windows for heat blocking as well as physical protection. It also includes password protection for servers; monitoring of hardware components to prevent them from being removed from the premises; security for offsite backup tapes; and biometrics to identify a person based on physical or behavioral characteristics. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Land, buildings, machinery, equipment, furniture and other fixed assets used to produce products. (IMA)</p>
<p>Plant-Wide Overhead</p>
<p>A single overhead rate for an entire plant used to allocate overhead costs to products produced in the plant. (IMA)</p>
<p>Poison Pills</p>
<p>A takeover defense in which provisions included in a corporation's charters, bylaws, or contracts that reduce the value of the target to potential tender offerors. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Poison Put</p>
<p>A takeover defense in which bondholders have the right to demand repayment if there is any change in control resulting from a hostile takeover. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Political Risk</p>
<p>The risk of loss when investing in a given country caused by changes in a country's political structure or policies, such as tax laws, tariffs, expropriation of assets, or repatriation of profits restrictions. (IMA)</p>
<p>A group of investments held by an institution or individual. (IMA)</p>
<p>A set of procedures for evaluating the results of a capital budgeting project. (IMA)</p>
<p>Post-Retirement Benefits</p>
<p>Payments to which former employees may be entitled once they are no longer employed, including pension benefits, death benefits, health benefits, and life insurance. (IMA)</p>
<p>Postponable Cost</p>
<p>A cost that may be delayed to a future period with very little, if any, effect on the current operations and efficiency of the company. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Practical Capacity</p>
<p>Measure of capacity that is the maximum level at which the plant or department can operate efficiently. (IMA)</p>
<p>Practical Costs</p>
<p>A level of costs that would be challenging to attain, but attainable under normal conditions. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Preferred Stock</p>
<p>Capital stock that provides a fixed dividend paid before any dividends are paid to common shareholders. It takes precedence over common stock in the event of liquidation. (IMA)</p>
<p>The assumptions that are made during the budgeting process about the outlook for the environment in which its business operates. (HOCK)</p>
<p>The extra amount paid for a security over and above its intrinsic or par value. (IMA)</p>
<p>Premium Pricing</p>
<p>The practice of setting a price artificially high in order to encourage a perception of exclusivity or status appeal. (IMA)</p>
<p>Prepaid Expenses</p>
<p>Payments made for services to be received after the date of payment. (IMA)</p>
<p>Present Value</p>
<p>The value today (or at some specific date) of an amount or amounts to be paid or received later (or at other, different dates), discounted at some discount rate. (IMA)</p>
<p>Prevention Costs</p>
<p>Costs incurred by an entity to prevent defects in the products or services it produces. Examples include inspection, design, and quality training. (IMA)</p>
<p>Preventive Controls</p>
<p>Controls designed to avoid the occurrence of an unwanted event. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Price Discrimination</p>
<p>The practice of charging different prices for the same product to different customers. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Price Elasticity of Demand</p>
<p>The percentage change in the quantity of a product demanded divided by the percent change in its price. It indicates the degree of consumer response to a variation in price. (IMA)</p>
<p>Price Variance</p>
<p>The difference between actual price and budgeted price multiplied by the actual quantity of input. (Also called Rate Variance or Sales Price Variance.) (IMA)</p>
<p>Price-to-Book Ratio</p>
<p>Current Market Price per share divided by Net Book Value per share. (Also called Market-to-Book Ratio.) (IMA)</p>
<p>Price/Earnings (P/E) Ratio</p>
<p>Current Market Price per share divided by Earnings per share. (IMA)</p>
<p>The process of determining the amount to charge customers for products or services. (IMA)</p>
<p>Primary Market</p>
<p>The market on which securities are first sold. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Prime Cost</p>
<p>The cost of direct materials and direct labor. (IMA)</p>
<p>Pro Forma Statements</p>
<p>1. Financial statements that have one or more assumptions or hypothetical situations built into the data. 2. Budgeted balance sheets and income statements are sometimes referred to as pro forma statements. (IMA)</p>
<p>The likelihood or chance of occurrence of an event. (IMA)</p>
<p>Probability Distribution</p>
<p>A collection of data that shows all the values that the random variable can take and the likelihood that each will occur. (IMA)</p>
<p>Process Analysis</p>
<p>The review of business processes including definition, monitoring, measurement, and reporting with the goal of improving processes to meet customer requirements profitably. (IMA)</p>
<p>Process Costing</p>
<p>A method of allocating manufacturing cost to mass-produced identical or similar products to determine an average cost per unit. Each unit receives the same manufacturing input as every other unit. Refineries, paper mills, and food processing companies are examples that use process costing. (IMA)</p>
<p>Processing Controls</p>
<p>Controls on the processing stage of an information system, including Run-to-Run controls, Operator Intervention controls, and Audit Trail controls. (IMA)</p>
<p>Procurement Policies</p>
<p>Rules and regulations to govern the process of acquiring goods and services needed by an organization in order to function efficiently. (IMA)</p>
<p>Product Cost</p>
<p>The direct material, direct labor, and production overhead cost of a product. (IMA)</p>
<p>Product Development Stage</p>
<p>The first stage in the life cycle of a product, during which there are no sales and so no revenues. The company's investment costs increase. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Product Life-Cycle</p>
<p>The time span between the initial concept of a product or service and the time when the entity no longer produces the product. Stages are Introduction, Growth, Maturity, and Decline. (IMA)</p>
<p>Product Line</p>
<p>A grouping of similar products. (IMA)</p>
<p>Product Mix</p>
<p>The array of products offered for sale by a company. (IMA)</p>
<p>Product-Bundle Pricing</p>
<p>A product line pricing strategy in which the seller bundles products, features or services together and offers the bundle at a price that is lower than the price of the items if purchased individually. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Product-Line Pricing</p>
<p>The pricing strategy when a company has multiple products that are similar and simply differ in the quality or quantity of features of the product. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Product-Sustaining Activities</p>
<p>These activities are incurred in order to support the production of a different product from what is currently produced. Examples include product design and engineering changes. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Production Budget</p>
<p>The planned cost of producing goods during a given period. (IMA)</p>
<p>Production Costs</p>
<p>The material, labor, and overhead cost of producing products and services. Excludes distribution and selling costs. (Also called Manufacturing Cost.) (IMA)</p>
<p>Production Volume Variance</p>
<p>The difference between budgeted fixed overhead and applied fixed overhead. (IMA)</p>
<p>The relationship between output and inputs; i.e., the effectiveness of using particular inputs (e.g., labor) to produce an output. (IMA)</p>
<p>Profit Center</p>
<p>A responsibility center whose financial performance is measured by the difference between its revenue and its expenses or cost. (IMA)</p>
<p>Profit Margin</p>
<p>The profit margin on sales; net income as a percent of sales revenue. (IMA)</p>
<p>Profit Plan</p>
<p>A schedule of planned or expected revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities. A profit plan provides guidelines for future operations and appraisal of performance. (Also called Budget.) (IMA)</p>
<p>Profitability Analysis</p>
<p>An analysis performed to determine whether a specific product, group of products, or an entire entity is making a profit. (IMA)</p>
<p>Profitability Index</p>
<p>A measure used in capital budgeting to rank projects, calculated as the present value of the future cash flows from an investment divided by the initial investment. (Also called the benefit-cost ratio.) (IMA)</p>
<p>Profitable Growth</p>
<p>Companies that are growing and also having growth in their profits are more valuable than companies that are only growing. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Program Budget</p>
<p>A budget that is structured to show the expenses (and often revenues) of the principal programs that the entity will undertake. (IMA)</p>
<p>Progress Payment</p>
<p>A payment of an interim billing based upon partial completion of a contract. (IMA)</p>
<p>Project Budget</p>
<p>A budget of costs classified by resources and function for a specific project over the project's life, which may span several operating budget time periods. (IMA)</p>
<p>Promissory Note</p>
<p>A signed statement promising to pay to a specified person or the bearer a particular sum of money on a fixed date or on demand. (IMA)</p>
<p>Property, Plant, and Equipment (PP&E)</p>
<p>A balance sheet classification for fixed assets used in business operations. Property, plant, and equipment items are normally grouped and reported at acquisition cost using separate disclosure of accumulated depreciation or depletion. (Also called Plant Assets, Operational Assets, or Fixed Assets.) (IMA)</p>
<p>To allocate; to charge an indirect cost to the several cost objects that are assumed to have caused this cost. (IMA)</p>
<p>The part of the registration statement that is distributed to the public to inform them of the facts and of the risks inherent in the security. The prospectus cannot be distributed until the SEC has approved the registration statement. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Steps taken by countries to protect their domestic industries from foreign competition. (IMA)</p>
<p>Estimated liability or expense when the exact amount is not known. (IMA)</p>
<p>Authorization given by one person to another so the second person can act for the first. Often used by shareholders to authorize management to vote shares of stock. (IMA)</p>
<p>Proxy Contest</p>
<p>A takeover method in which the potential acquirer seeks the support of shareholders at an annual meeting. If they get enough votes, they will be elected to the board. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Public Company</p>
<p>A company that has issued securities through an offering, and which are now traded on the open market. (Also called publicly-held or publicly-traded company.) (IMA)</p>
<p>Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)</p>
<p>A board established by the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 which regulates the auditing profession and sets standards for audits of public companies. (IMA)</p>
<p>Purchase Variance</p>
<p>A price variance that is calculated using all of the units purchased, not just the units that were put into production. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Purchasing Power Risk</p>
<p>The risk that the purchasing power of a fixed amount of money will decline as the result of an increase in the general price level (inflation). (HOCK)</p>
<p>Pure Competition</p>
<p>A model of industrial structure characterized by a large number of small firms producing a homogeneous product in an industry (market) that permits complete freedom of entry and exit. (IMA)</p>
<p>Pure Risk</p>
<p>The chance that an unwanted and detrimental (harmful) event will take place. Insurance is designed to address pure risk, because pure risk yields only a loss. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Push System</p>
<p>A production system in which goods are produced by each department and then transferred to the next department. When a finished good is completed, the company then must seek a buyer for the good that was produced. The departments of the company "push" the inventory through the system, without knowing if it is actually needed. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Put Option</p>
<p>An option to sell a particular asset within a specified period of time for a specified price. (IMA)</p>
<p>Putable Bonds</p>
<p>Bonds that the purchaser of the bond may sell back to the company at the option of the bondholder.(HOCK)</p>