B Accounting Definitions Flashcards
<p>Backflush Costing</p>
<p>A product costing approach used in a Just-in-Time operating environment in which some or all of the costing is delayed until the goods are finished. Standard costs are then pulled backward through the system to assign costs to products. (IMA)</p>
<p>Backup Controls</p>
<p>Controls, such as file duplicating, in an Information Technology (IT) environment to insure that data is not lost. (IMA)</p>
<p>Bad Debts</p>
<p>Accounts or notes receivable that management determines to be uncollectible after reasonable efforts to collect them have not been successful. (IMA)</p>
<p>Bailout Payback</p>
<p>A variation on the Payback Period method of evaluating potential projects, the Bailout Payback recognizes the possibility that the project may be ended prematurely and the equipment sold. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Balance Sheet</p>
<p>A financial statement that summarizes a company's assets, liabilities and shareholders' equity at a particular point in time. (IMA)</p>
<p>Balanced Scorecard</p>
<p>An approach using multiple measures to evaluate performance, including financial measures, and the non-financial measures of customers, internal business processes, and learning and growth. (IMA)</p>
<p>Banker's Acceptances</p>
<p>Financial instrument of an entity stating that payment is guaranteed by a bank, commonly used in foreign trade. (IMA)</p>
<p>A condition in which a court has granted a company legal protection from creditors because it cannot meet its obligations as they come due. (IMA)</p>
<p>Basis Of Allocation</p>
<p>A measure of activity such as direct labor-hours or machine-hours that is used to assign costs to cost objects. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Batch Costing</p>
<p>The costs of activities related to a group of units of products or services rather than to each individual unit of product or service. (IMA)</p>
<p>Batch-Level Activities</p>
<p>These activities occur each time a batch is produced. Some examples are machine setup, purchasing, scheduling, materials handling and batch inspection. (HOCK)</p>
<p>A process of measuring an entity's performance, products, and services against standards based on best levels of performance achievable or achieved by other entities. (IMA)</p>
<p>Best Efforts</p>
<p>A method of selling the shares of a new issuance in which the lead manager acts only as an agent, agreeing to sell as many shares as possible, but it does not guarantee any sale price for the company and it does not purchase the shares itself for resale. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Best Practice</p>
<p>A technique, method, process, or activity that is more effective at delivering a particular outcome than any other technique, method, process, or activity. (IMA)</p>
<p>A measurement of the movement of the price of a particular stock compared with the movement of the market as a whole during the same period. If a stock has a beta value less than 1, it is regarded as less risky than the overall market. If a stock has a beta value greater than 1, it is regarded as more risky than the market</p>
<p>Binomial Option-Valuation Models</p>
<p>Option pricing models in which the underlying asset can take on only two possible, discrete values in the next time period for each value that it can take on in the preceding time period. (IMA)</p>
<p>Black-Scholes Option-Valuation Model</p>
<p>A model for pricing options in which the value of an option depends on (1) the value of the underlying asset, (2) the time to expiration of the option, (3) the exercise price, (4) the volatility of the underlying asset, and (5) the risk-free rate or time value of money. (IMA)</p>
<p>Board of Directors</p>
<p>A group of individuals elected by a corporation's shareholders to oversee the management of the corporation. The members of a Board of Directors meet periodically and assume legal responsibility for corporate activities. (IMA)</p>
<p>A long-term debt instrument signifying the promise of the issuer to pay the face amount at the maturity date. Periodic interest payments are often required. (IMA)</p>
<p>Bonds Payable</p>
<p>A long-term liability account used to record the amount of bonds that are outstanding. (IMA)</p>
<p>Book Value</p>
<p>The amount at which an asset or a liability is carried on the books of account, net of any contra account. (Also called Net Book Value.) (IMA)</p>
<p>Book Value per Share</p>
<p>Measures common shareholder equity on a per share basis. (IMA)</p>
<p>Operational constraints or inefficient usage of available resources creating work‑in‑process inventory buildup and/or idle time. (IMA)</p>
<p>Bottom Up Budgeting</p>
<p>A budgeting system in which the budget is developed by starting at the lowest levels in the operations systems and building revenues and costs from there. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Bottom-Up Approach</p>
<p>An approach to auditing internal controls whereby all controls are documented irrespective of risk. (IMA)</p>
<p>Break-Even Pricing</p>
<p>A pricing strategy in which the firm determines a price at which it will break even. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Breakeven Analysis</p>
<p>An analysis of the relationship of cost and revenue. It determines the volume at which there is neither profit nor loss for a product or group of products. (Also called Cost/Volume/Profit Analysis.) (IMA)</p>
<p>Breakeven Point</p>
<p>The volume of sales at which total revenues and total costs are equal. (IMA)</p>
<p>A schedule of planned or expected revenues, expenses, assets, and liabilities. A budget provides guidelines for future operations and appraisal of performance. (Also called Profit Plan.) (IMA)</p>
<p>Budget Manual</p>
<p>The details of the budgeting process. It includes the communication and distribution process. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Budget Process</p>
<p>The process used by an organization to prepare a plan for a future period, allocate resources, determine revenues and expenditures, and compile reports pertaining to that plan. (IMA)</p>
<p>Budgetary Slack</p>
<p>Intentional underestimation of revenues and/or overestimation of expenses. (IMA)</p>
<p>The process of planning flows of financial resources into, within, and from an entity during a specified future period or for a specified project. (IMA)</p>
<p>A commercial or industrial enterprise. (IMA)</p>
<p>Business Combination</p>
<p>A grouping of a company with other businesses into a single accounting entity for reporting purposes (consolidated financial statements). The company and the other businesses continue to operate as separate entities. (IMA)</p>
<p>Business Ethics</p>
<p>A systematic study of morality as it is applied to the business world. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Business Plan</p>
<p>A document prepared by a company's management, detailing the past, present, and future of the company. It forms the basis for preparing budgets for the individual company units. (IMA)</p>
<p>Business Portfolio</p>
<p>A collection of products, projects, services, or brands that are offered for sale by an entity. (IMA)</p>
<p>Business Process</p>
<p>A sequence of logically related and time based work activities to provide a specific output for a customer. (IMA)</p>
<p>Business Process Reengineering</p>
<p>The analysis and design of workflows and processes within an organization. (HOCK)</p>
<p>Business Risk</p>
<p>The variability of the firm's earnings before interest and taxes (or operating income). (HOCK)</p>
<p>Business Unit</p>
<p>Any segment of an organization, or an entire business entity that is not divided into segments. Sometimes treated as a Profit Center. (IMA)</p>
<p>By-Product Pricing</p>
<p>The pricing of by-products. While immaterial by definition, the company should attempt to maximize its revenues from the sale of by-products. (HOCK)</p>
<p>An item resulting from a production process that has relatively little value compared to the company's main product. (IMA)</p>