p a e d s Flashcards
what are the four domains of developmental milestones
Gross motor
Fine motor
Personal and social
gross motor refers to
child’s development of large movements, such as sitting, standing, walking and posture. Development in this area happens from the head downwards:
gross motor 4months to 15months
4 months: This starts with being able to support their head and keep it in line with the body
6 months: They can keep their trunk supported on their pelvis (i.e. maintain a sitting position) by 6 months, however they often don’t have the balance to sit unsupported at this stage.
9 months: They should sit unsupported by 9 months. They can start crawling at this stage. They can also keep their trunk and pelvis supported on their legs (i.e. maintain a standing position) and bounce on their legs when supported.
12 months: They should stand and begin cruising (walking whilst holding onto furniture).
15 months: Walk unaided.
fine motor skills assess
the child’s development of precise and skilled movements, and also encompasses their visual development and hand-eye coordination.
fine motor milestones
8 weeks: Fixes their eyes on an object 30 centimetres in front of them and makes an attempt to follow it. They show a preference for a face rather than an inanimate object.
6 months: Palmar grasp of objects (wraps thumb and fingers around the object).
9 months: Scissor grasp of objects (squashes it between thumb and forefinger).
12 months: Pincer grasp (with the tip of the thumb and forefinger).
14-18 months: They can clumsily use a spoon to bring food from a bowl to their mouth.
language two components
expressive language milestones
3 months: Cooing noises
6 months: Makes noises with consonants (starting with g, b and p)
9 months: Babbles, sounding more like talking but not saying any recognisable words
12 months: Says single words in context, e.g. “Dad-da” or “Hi”
18 months: Has around 5 – 10 words
receptive language milestones
3 months: Recognises parents and familiar voices and gets comfort from these
6 months: Responds to tone of voice
9 months: Listens to speech
12 months: Follows very simple instructions
18 months: Understands nouns, for example “show me the spoon”
personal and social refers to
Personal and social refers to the child’s development of skills in interacting, communicating, playing and building relationships:
person and social milestones
6 weeks: Smiles
3 months: Communicates pleasure
6 months: Curious and engaged with people
9 months: They become cautious and apprehensive with strangers
12 months: Engages with others by pointing and handing objects. Waves bye bye. Claps hands.
red flags in development of children
Lost developmental milestones Not able to hold an object at 5 months Not sitting unsupported at 12 months Not standing independently at 18 months Not walking independently at 2 years Not running at 2.5 years No words at 18 months No interest in others at 18 months
childhood vaccines
6 in 1 vaccine
red book used to record
childs weight, height and vaccinations
checks done by health visitor within the first week
72 hours of birth = newborn physical examination (check for testicles, eyes, heart, hips)
heel prick test 8 days (CF and sickle cell)
newborn hearing test