P Flashcards
Silver star
Killed fixing grenade launcher
TSgt Kevin Whalen
Decon gear
Decon skin
- 00 percent equipment
0. 50 percent skin
Mandatory at service funeral
Folding of flag and taps
How is a flag draped over a casket
Unfolded to the left
Where should the senior person always be
Senior person to right
Junior person to the left
How should you enter a vehicle with a senior member
Senior member last to enter/ first to exit
When saluting among individuals
Junior member salutes first
When in formation who should salute for the formation
The person in charge of the formation
How long do you have for a UIF rebuttal
3 duty days
Appeal NJP
5 calendar days only written
To be eligible for TSgt you need what TIG and TIS
23 months TIG (2 years)
5 yr TIS
What is the first level of PME
UA tattoos
Obscene/prejudicial to good order and discipline
Planes patrol skies after 911
Operation noble eagle
Non directive counseling
Most time consuming
Most preferred
Listens b4 helping w/decision or advice
Requires great Counseling skills
Directive counseling
Works best for simple/on the spot corrections
Best 4 short time/solution clear
Airman has limited problem solving
Combine counseling
Moderately quick
Adjust between non directive and directive Counseling to best fit the situation
Men’s hair in bulk
1 1/4 in bulk
Women’s hair cannot go how far down past the shirt collar
Bellow the bottom edge of the collar
Who said
We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give
Prime minister Winston Churchill
Supportive feedback
Reinforce ongoing behavior that is effective and desirable
Emphasis on planning and decision making responsibility
Corrective feedback is used for
Desire a change in behavior
5 steps in corrective
- Identify specific problem
- Ask them what happened
- Help the take full responsibility
- Develop a plan to deal with issues
- State your confidence in their ability (end session)
5 steps in supportive feedback
- Acknowledge specific action to be reinforced
- Explain effects of accomplishment/appreciate them
- Help them take full responsibility
- Ask them if they need to talk about anything
- Thank them for good performance
Retirement how much can yo solicit per person
10 dollars
Never follow feedback with what word
Who supersized the difference between management and leadership
Warren G Bennis
3 tests to identify morality
Network (how would you feel if it were in the news)
United States of America (is it good for the country)
Devine ( will I feel bad about it)
Who developed the 3 test for identifying morality
Dr Robert m. Hicks
Non selected for re-enlistment
10 calendar days
The Four basic leadership styles?
Which phase of emergency response is considered, to some degree, a part of every phase?
What general actions should you take during alarm condition yellow?
MOPP 2 or as directed; protect and cover assets; go to protective shelter or seek overhead cover
Court Martial created by Truman in what year?
Which counseling approach airman’s planning a decision making
Which counseling approach airman’s planning a decision making