Ozymandias and My Last Duchess Flashcards
Comparison 1
Both poems explore the abuse of power from two male figures.
Comparison 2
Both poems also demonstrate how power is a corrupting force, as both characters are megalomaniacs who thrive on control.
Comparison 3
Both poems explore the theme of art and mortality.
Ozymandias 1
In Ozymandias, this is evident through how Ozymandias abuses the power he holds over his subjects when he was alive.
My Last Duchess 1
However, in My Last Duchess, this is evident through how the Duke abuses his power he has as a male to control his wife.
Ozymandias 2
In Ozymandias, this is clearly shown by the arrogance of Ozymandias.
My Last Duchess 2
Similarly, in My Last Duchess this is also shown by the arrogance of the Duke.
Ozymandias 3
In Ozymandias, this is evident through the power in life which is contrasted with the lack of power in death, as Ozymandias tries to use the statue to maintain power after death, however his legacy is destroyed by nature.
My Last Duchess 3
In Contrast, in My Last Duchess, this is explored through the power that the Duke holds after the death of his wife, which is juxtaposed by the powerlessness in life.
Ozymandias 1 - Quotes
“cold command”
“wrinkled lip”
My Last Duchess 1 - Quotes
“I gave commands”
“all smiles stopped”
“I chose never to stoop”
Ozymandias 2 - Quotes
“my name is Ozymandias”
“look up on my works, ye mighty, and despair”
My Last Duchess 2 - Quotes
“Neptune taming a seahorse”
“my gift of a nine-hundred-year-old name”
Ozymandias 3 - Quotes
“nothing beside remains”
“lone and level sands”
“decay of that colossal wreck”
My Last Duchess 3 - Quotes
“that’s my last Duchess on the wall”
“the curtain I have drawn for you”
“cold command”
-alliterative repetition of harsh ‘c’ sound, imitate harsh rule of ozy
-plethora of negative language
-malicous and cruel leader
“cold” - constrast hot climate of desert - suggests doesn’t belong
-human power unnatural
- cn mocking smile
- demonstrates malicious cruelty
- cruel+harsh leader
- mocks own subjects
- arrogance, confidence + sense of superiority
“wrinkled lip”
- illustrates grimacing, perhaps in disgust
- demonnstrates king’s disgregard for subjects - inferior
- enables to exploit/torture sunjects with no empathy or remorse due to abuse of power
- shelley show danger of one person having so much power as it can easily corrupt an individual and lead to inevitable abuse of power
“my name is Ozymandias, king of kings”
- hubristic tone - takes excessive pride in power
- insists on announcing his name so he can continue to maintain power, even after death
- biblical allusions suggests arrogance/narcisiticic
- shelley criticises leaders and their egotistial self view
- believes he omnipotent like God
“look upon my works ye mighty and despair”
- authoritative command which firstly highlights his oppressive nature
- ironic as we later see that, just like every other human, he is forgotten about
“nothing beside remains”
- jxt previous hyperbolic statement with the emptiness of the land
- nature transcends power of humans as all man-made objets, no matter how strong will all be destroyed over time
“lone and level sands”
-statue ext metaphor for human power
“lone” - cruelty only remembrance
“level” - adj monotonous+ featureless, no sign of his legacy
-alt. could suggest we are all “level” in death as we all have nothing, no matter how rich or powerful a person was in their lifetime
-sand covered statue, nature transcends everything, despite perceived power of leaders
-could allude to phrase “sand of time” - covered all - overtime ozy legacy has become almost erased demonstrating temporary nature of human power
“decay of that colossal wreck”
“decay” - cn something that has been abandonded
art remains, memory has not - powerlessness in death
nature has began to break down statue, showing how nature transcends the power of humans, including any form of art made
“I gave commands, and all smiles stopped”
-seems to tell us that Duke ordered wife’s murder
-excess of power, free to abuse due to status and wealth
-use of language here is cold - lack of emotion - even more chilling
“commands”– patriarchal, he is in control - power has no limit - he has the ability to kill & feels no emotional reaction
-ambiguity of his actions makes them more unsettling - left to wonder exactly what he did
-suggests irrational jealousy got the better of him
“I chose never to stoop”
- hubristic, views himself on a societal pedestal
- rep of “stoop” - indicates he feels clearly superior to wife (+ perhaps women in general)
- arguing with woman futile - so far below him + incapable of rational thinking
- arrogant and egotistical
“Neptune taming a seahorse”
-“Neptune” – god of the sea - onsiders himself highly like a God/King
- women there to be controlled
“taming” - dehumanising, cn animal, women without men are nothing, no remorse for implied murder
-seahorse small and weak - suggests that this image alludes to how he controlled (or tried to control) the Duchess
“my gift of a nine-hundred-year-old name”
-highlights his family history – he holds power and authority through his name alone
-possessive pronoun ‘my’ highlights his self importance and arrogance
“gift” cn generosity
-further reinforces how arrogant the Duke is, dislikes how Duchess doesn’t consider his family name as important as he does
-angry that she doesn’t value his wealth & status and therefore believes she doesn’t appreciate him enough
-highlights undisguised arrogance & pride
-+portrays the idea that in years to come this corruption will still be occurring unless anything changes
“that’s my last Duchess painted on the wall”
“my” - possessive prononun, first line of the poem immediately emphasises controlling and possessive nature of Duke
-painting symbolic of Duke’s controlling nature
-Duchess will remain in his house forever - she is trapped & obectified
-uses art to maintain complete power and control over wife even in death
“last” - may imply multiple, lack of identity and objectification highlights how he views women as mere posssessions
“the curtain I have drawn for you”
- links to “her looks went everywhere” - he now controls who can and cannot see her face as he alone controls the curtain
- rep of personal pronoun “i” - alludes to narcissistic self view and the power over wife in death, indicating the humiliation he may have felt as he struggled to maintain power over the duchesssses’ “looks” in life