Oxygenation Parameters Flashcards
Assuming no underlying pathology,
What is the normal Arterial Oxygen Partial Pressure (PaO2)?
(Include Units)
70 - 100 mmHg
Assuming no underlying pathology,
What is the normal Mixed Venous Oxygen Partial Pressure?
(Include Units)
33 - 53 mmHg
Assuming no underlying pathology,
What is the normal Capillary Hemoglobin Saturation? (SpO2)
(Include Units)
93 - 100 %
Assuming no underlying pathology,
What is the normal Venous Hemoglobin Saturation? (SvO2)
(Include Units)
68 - 77%
Assuming no underlying pathology,
What is the normal Arterial Hemoglobin Saturation? (SaO2)
(Include Units)
Assuming no underlying pathology,
What is the normal [P50(O2)]?
(i.e., the partial pressure of oxygen at which the Hb is 50% saturated)
(Include Units)
[P50(O2)] is 22 - 30 mmHg
Average is 26 mmHg
Assuming no underlying pathology,
What is the normal Arterial Oxygen Content (CaO2)?
(Include Units)
20 mL Oxygen/dL Blood
Assuming no underlying pathology,
What is the normal Mixed Venous Oxygen Content? (CvO2)
(Include Units)
15 mL Oxygen/dL Blood
Assuming no underlying pathology,
What is the normal Pulmonary Capillary Oxygen Content (CcO2)?
(Include Units)
21 mL Oxygen/dL Blood
Assuming no underlying pathology,
What is the normal Hematocrit (Hct)?
(Include Units)
Assuming no underlying pathology,
What is the normal Hemoglobin (Hgb)?
(Include Units)
13-14 grams / dL
Assuming no underlying pathology,
What is the normal Oxygen Delivery? (DO2)
(Include Units)
640 - 1000 mL Oxygen / minute
Assuming no underlying pathology,
What is the normal Oxygen Consumption? (VO2)
(Include Units)
250 mL Oxygen / Minute
Assuming no underlying pathology,
What is a normal PaO2 / FiO2 ratio?
(Include Units)
No units - It’s a ratio
Assuming no underlying pathology,
What is the normal intrapulmonary shunt? (Qs)
(Include Units)
150 mL/min