Hypoxia Differential Flashcards
What are the 5 differentials for Hypoxia for chest wall/diaphragm?
“Flail PARK”
Flail Chest P - hrenic nerve damage A - nkylosing Spondylitis R - esidual NMB K - yphoscoliosis
What are the 5 differentials for Hypoxia for pleura?
B - lood (Hemothorax) E - ffusion A - ir (Pneumothorax) C - hylothorax H - ydrothorax
What are the 5 differentials for Hypoxia for Lung Parenchyma?
“PARA 1”
P - neumonia A - spiration aRds A - telectasis 1 - Lung Vent (VQ mismatch)
What are the 5 differentials for Hypoxia for Pulmonary Vasculature?
A - ir emboli
F - at Emboli
A - mniotic Fluid Emboli
R - ight to Left intrapulmonary shunt
T - hrombi
What are the 6 differentials for Hypoxia for Cardiac Etiologies?
S - hock - Cardiogenic A - fterload drop V - olume (Low) I - nfarct (MI) E - xacerbation of Valve Disease R - ight to Left Intracardiac Shunt
What are the 4 differentials for Hypoxia for Hemoglobin?
“ACGME” just remove the G
A - nemia
C - arboxyhemoglobin
F - etal Hemoglobin
ME - themoglobin
What are the 6 differentials for Hypoxia for the ETT tube?
- Disconnected (Always check this first)
Intubated (Listen!)
- Endobronchial
- Esophageal
- Kinked Tube (Bronchoscope if deep)
Cuff (Take a look)
- Herniated
- Damaged
What are the 6 differentials for Hypoxia for the Airway?
Mucus Plus Excessive secretions Tracheomalacia Aspiration - Foreign Body Laryngospasm Spasm (Bronchospasm)
What are the 7 differentials for Hypoxia for the CNS?
- Apnea
- Damage to Respiratory Centers
- Antibody
- Myasthenia, Gullian-Barre, Lambert Eaton - Paralysis - NMB residual
- Transection of the Cord
What are the 5 differentials for hypoxia due to a gas source>
- Circuit Leak
- Oxygen (low FiO2)
- Machine (Vent off P or V mode)
- Pipeline crossover
- Off - Ventilator