Oxygenation Flashcards
what is poor oxygenation?
a decreased oxygen level in the blood
oxygen saturation
can be used to asses oxygen level
measure of how saturated hemoglobin are with oxygen (pressure of O2 in blood)
carries oxygen in blood
reasons O2 is low
low on blood
blockage in blood flow
blockage in airway
anything that decreases blood or ways to get oxygen to blood
signs/symptoms of poor oxygenation
restlessness/confusion: not good oxygenation to brain
decreased blood pressure: low BP
cool extremities
pallor (pale) or cyanosis (blue) of extremities
slow capillary refill
tissue ischemia and cell death
when oxygen delivery is inadequate to meet metabolic demands of the body
tissues starving for oxygen
low oxygen in your tissues
when your blood doesn’t carry enough oxygen to the tissues to meet the body’s needs
can be difficult to measure
we can assume that a patient with hypoxemia for an extended amount of time has this
lung disease
the lungs have a large surface area that is constantly exposed to the external environment
lung disease is greatly influenced by what a patient is exposed to
-environmental: ex. dust, coal, mining, chemicals
-occupational: ex. painter
-personal: ex. smokers
moves things around, coughing is the celia trying to remove particles
pulmonary disease
are often classified as chronic, obstructive or restrictive, infectious or noninfectious and is caused by alterations in the lungs or heart
acute pulmonary disease
chronic pulmonary disease
obstructive pulmonary disease
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): something that keeps lungs from fully expanding
restrictive pulmonary disease
pulmonary fibrosis (scarring of lung), sarcoidosis (clusters of scarring)
infectious pulmonary disease
pneumonia: most common lung infection; fluid on the lungs
noninfectious pulmonary disease
asthma, COPD, pulmonary fibrosis
clinical manifestations of respiratory alterations
cough- acute or chronic
dyspnea- shortness of breath, feeling of inability to get a good breath
chest pain- not good blood flow to heart
abnormal sputum: different colors than normal
hemoptysis- coughing up blood
altered breathing patterns- tachypnea (fast), bradypnea (slow), use of accessory muscles (muscles around clavicle and intercostals)
cyanosis- bluish discoloration of skin and mucus membranes (lighter can see it on skin, darker look at mucous membrane)