Oxygen And Emergency Equipment Flashcards
At what altitude is prolonged use of passenger oxygen mask not recommended?
25000 ft
Crew oxygen mask are certified to what altitude?
40000 ft
What is the main difference between the AUTO and DEPLOY positions in the oxygen system?
AUTO position flow is based on cabin altitude
DEPLOY position is a high constant flow
In what manual are oxygen duration tables located?
QRH Vol 1 or FCOM 2
When activated, how long do the PBE’s generate oxygen?
15 min
When oxygen bottles are full, what does the gauge next to the outside filler port indicate?
1850 PSI
At what cabin Altitude will the crew oxygen mask automatically deliver 100% oxygen Under pressure?
35000 ft
In AUTO, at what cabin altitude will the electropneumatic actuating Valve EPAV deploy the passenger mask?
14,500 +/- 500 ft
What must the crew do if a fire extinguisher is discharged in the flight compartment?
Don crew oxygen mask on emergency selected
With temperatures at or below______,Follow the oxygen system recommended storage procedures if the aircraft is parked for an extended period
-5 C
Where is the crash axe located?
Behind the copilot (right seat)
What is included in the challenger 350 Aircraft emergency equipment?
Flashlights Portable breathing equipment PBE CRASH AXE Fire extinguisher Life vest x 2
What are the three modes of operation for the mask oxygen system?
Which mask received a reduced rate of oxygen pressure?
Passenger mask
Where is the oxygen service point located?
On the right side of the fuselage directly forward of the right engine
What are the components of the oxygen system?
Oxygen bottles
Distribution system
Oxygen Mask
Is prolonged use of passenger mask about 25,000 feet recommended?
Regardless of whether control settings, what does the crew mask supply at cabin altitude above 35,000 feet?
100% oxygen at a constant flow
When must all flight crew where oxygen mask with emergency selected?
When a fire extinguisher is discharged in the flight compartment
What is the purpose of the % MAC figure after W/B is completed?
To set pitch trim