Oxygen Flashcards
What needs to be on to see correct crew O2 pressure?
Batt switch
Where is the flt crew oxygen bottle?
Fwd cargo compartment
Crew O2 normal pressure
1850 psi
A yellow cross that appears when you test your oxy mask means what?
O2 pressure is delivered to the mask
When wearing the mask, what does the yellow x mean?
Pilot inhaling or shows constantly when knob in emergency
How can you shut off delivery of oxy to mask?
Press & release test/reset button with doors closed
How would you start oxy flow again after shutting oxy off?
Open left door on panel
How do you preflight oxygen?
Set up the Audio selector panel to allow transmission from this mask microphone over the Flight Interphone to the cockpit speakers.
Hold the RESET / TEST lever down to deliver oxygen to the mask regulator.
Notice the yellow cross to confirm oxygen flow.
Press the EMER knob to cause oxygen to flow across the mask microphone.
If the mask microphone is keyed for transmission, a hissing sound will be heard over the cockpit speakers.
This completes the pre-flight test of this oxygen station.
Altitude that pass oxy masks should drop:
What does PASS OXY ON light mean?
PSU door solenoid shave been powered to open
What happens if oxy masks don’t drop.
Pilot opens guarded switch to activate solenoids
How many masks are provided in each seat row?
4, 3 plus one extra
Pass oxy canisters are good for how many minutes?
~12 mins
Details on walk around bottles:
The bottles are normally charged to 1800 psi., and at 70 deg F, they have a capacity of 4.25 cubic feet (120 liters) of free oxygen.
How many valves on cabin oxy bottles?
One mask outlet is labeled LOW and provides only 2 liters per minute of oxygen flow for walkaround use.
The other mask outlet is labeled HIGH; it provides 4 liters per minute flow for first aid use.
A placard on each bottle displays the operating instructions.