Oxford Summary 4 Flashcards
Adult Severe asthma ≥1 of following:
Previous near- fatal asthma or admission Need ≥ 3 classes of medications Heavy use of B2-agonist Repeated A&E attendances Brittle asthma
adult asthma assessment
Peak expiratory flow rate- PEFR
Symptoms and response to self- treatment
HR and RR
O2 saturation
Adult moderate asthma exacerbation
Increasing symptoms
PEFR >50- 75% of expected
No features of acute severe asthma
Adult acute severe asthma:
any of PEFR 33-50% best or predicted RR ≥25 breaths/min HR ≥110 bpm Cant speak in sentences
Adult life- threatening asthma: any of following with severe asthma
PEFR <33% best/ predicted
O2 sat <92%, feeble respiratory effort, silent chest
Bradycardia, dysrhythmia, hypotension, cyanosis
Exhaustion, confusion, coma
Adult near- fatal asthma
Respiratory acidosis and/ or need for mechanical ventilation
Adult brittle asthma
Type 1: wide PEFR variability despite intense therapy
>40% diurnal variation for >50% in >150 days
Type 2: sudden severe attacks with well-controlled asthma
Asthma Follow-up after treatment or discharge
GP review within 48 hours, check inhaler technique, written asthma action plan, modify treatment
Monitor symptoms and PEFR
Child <2
Moderate asthma
SpO2 ≥92%
audible wheezing
accessory muscles
Child <2
Severe asthma
SpO2 <92%
marked distress
cant feed
Child <2
Life-threatening asthma
poor respiratory effort
Child <2 asthma management
- Intermittent wheezing- due to viral infection, poor response to bronchodilators
- Mild/ moderate wheeze: metered dose inhaler + spacer with face mask
- Severe wheeze: admit
Child 2-5
Moderate asthma definition
SpO2 ≥92%
Able to talk
HR ≤140bpm
RR ≤40/min
Child 2-5
Moderate asthma Tx
Bs agonist: 2 puffs every 2 min with spacer ± mask- max 10
Prednisolone 20mg po
Poor response- admit
Child 2-5
Severe asthma def
SpO2 <92% Cant talk HR >140/min RR >40/min Accessory muscles
Child 2-5
Severe asthma Tx
Oxygen via face mask
B2 agonist: nebulized salbutamol 2.5mg or terbutaline 5mg
Prednisolone 20mg po
B2 agonist+ admit
Child 2-5
Life-threatening asthma def
SpO2 <92% + Silent chest Poor resp effort Agitation Altered consciousness Cyanosis
Child 2-5
Life- threatening asthma Tx
Nebulize: Salbutamol 2.5 mg or Terbutaline 5mg \+ ipratropium 0.25mg
Prednisolone 20mg or IV hydrocortisone 50mg
Repeat B2 agonist+ admit
Child over 5 asthma management
inhaled SABA
Inhaled steroids
LTRA/ Theophylline
• Diabetic on insulin/ oral therapy
• Px: coma, fits, odd/ violent behavior, tachycardia, HT
• Young kids can px with behavioural change or headache
• Warning symptoms: sweating, hunger, tremor
• Investigation: blood sugar <2.5mmol/ L
• Action
o Conscious: simple carbs
o Unable to take oral: IM glucagon or IV glucose
o Once conscious: complex carbs like biscuits
o Glucose testing <15min, every hour for 4hrs, every 4hrs for 24hours
Hyperglycaemic Ketoacidotic Coma
• Type 1 diabetic: 2-3hx deterioration after infection
• Px: dehydrated, kussmal breathing, ketotic breath, shock, vomiting, abdominal pain
• Investigation: blood sugar >20mmol/L and ketone in urine
• Action: ABC
o Admit, if shocked lie flat and raise legs
Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state (HONK)
• Type 2 diabetic: <1 week deterioration
• Decreased consciousness, dehydration, hypotension
• Precipitated by infection, MI
• Can be presenting feature of T2DM
• Blood sugar >35mmol/L
Action: admit
Myxedema coma
- Px: >65, hx thyroid surgery/ radioactive I2
- Precipitated by: MI, stroke, infection, trauma
- Hypothermia, hyporeflexia, HF, brady, cyanosis, coma, seizures
- Investigation: blood glucose may be low
- Action: keep warm, treat HF with diuretics, opiods, nitrates
Thyrotoxic Storm
- Risks: recent thyroid surgery, hx radioactive I2
- Precipitated by: MI, stroke, infection, trauma
- Px: fever, agitation, coma, tachy/ AF, D+V, acute abdo, goiter ± thyroid bruit
- Action: admit
Addisonian Crisis: hypoadrenal
- Long-term steroid use stopped suddenly or not in infection
- Can be px of congenital adrenal hyperplasia or addisons
- Px: vomiting, hypotension and shock
- Management: admit and IV hydrocortisone
- Prevention
Scalds and burns assess
- Cause, size, thickness
- Rule of nines to estimate extent of burn
- Partial thickness: red and painful
- Full thickness: painless and white or grey
Scalds and burns action
Remove clothing and place in cold water >10 min or till painless
Don’t burst blisters
Give analgesia
Apply silver suldaziazine cream or paraffin-impregnated gauze and non-adherent dressing, change ever 1-2 days
Scalds and burns normal exam
Warn about headaches, tiredness, dizziness, tinnitus, poor concentration and poor memory for few days
Advice rest and paracetamol
Warning signs: drowsiness, severe headache, persistent vomiting, visual disturbances, behavioural changes
Scalds and burns
rule of 9s for over 10 years old
- Palm and genitals: 1%
- Arm, head: 9% (head 14% in kids)
- Leg, front, back: 18%
Tingling and then erythema 2-12 hours later
Redness maximal at 24hours and fades over 2-3 days desquamation
Severe: blistering, pain, systematic upset. Tx calamine lotion
Predispose to skin cancer and photoaging
Anemia def
Lack of sufficient RBC/ Hb. Males <13g/dL and females <12
Anemia causes
Decreased RBC production
Increased loss/ rate of destruction
Decreased tissue need for O2 - hypothyroidism
Anemia Px
Pallor, exertional SOB, tachycardia, palpitations, angina, night cramps, cardiac bruits, high output cardiac failure
Anemia Investigations
Blood film, reticulocyte count Ferritin, folate, B12 CPR/ ESR/ plasma viscosity Hb electrophoresis LFT, TFT, RFT Serum bilirubin
- Iron deficiency
- Haemoglobinopathy- thalassemia
- Lead poisoning
- Anemia of chronic disorder
- Sideroblastic anemia
MCV normal DDX
- Acute blood less
- Haemolysis
- Uremia
- Anaplastic anemia
- Marrow failure
- Anemia of chronic disease
MCV >100 DDX
o Folate deficiency
o B12 deficiency
o Orotic aciduria
o Liver disease
o Alcoholism
Iron deficiency ANAEMIA
microcytosis and hypochromia
• Due to chronic bleed, malnutrition, impaired absorption, increased demand
• Findings: low iron and ferritin, high TIBC
• Tx: PO iron- constipation and black stool
• No improvement consider H. Pylori, coeliac disease
B12 deficiency ANAEMIA
Found in liver, kidney, fish, chicken, dairy
Absorption depends on intrinsic factor (parietal cells)
Px: anemia, glossitis, mouth ulcers, peripheral neuropathy, ataxia, optic atrophy, memory loss, SCD
Causes: malnutrition, malabsorption, metformin, PPI and H2 antagonist, pernicious anemia
Tx: hydroxocobalamin IM
Folate deficiency ANAEMIA
- Found in liver, yeast, spinach, nuts
- Px: anemia signs, polyneuropathy, dementia
- Causes: malnutrition, malabsorption, increased need, anticonvulsants, trimethoprim
- Tx: folate 5mg od for 4 months
Thalassaemia AR
α thalassemia: decreased α- globin
o Cis deletions in Asians, trans in Africans
o 4 gene deletion: γ4 (barts hydrops) –> hydrops fetalis
o 3 gene deletion: HbH disease. Excess β globin –> β4
o 1-2 gene deletion: no clinical significance
β thalassemia
point mutation in slice site and promotor sequence
o Mediterranean populations>
o Minor: heterozygote. β underproduced, asymptomatic
o Major: homozygote, β asent severe anaemia- need transfusions 2° haemochromatosis
o Marrow expansion skeletal deformities. Chipmunk face, bossing of skull, thinning long bones, splnomegaly
Sickle cell anemia
Point mutation at position 6 of β chai: glutamic acid with valine
When Hbs is deoxygenated it causes sickling of RBC –> shortened life span –> haemolytic aneamia and vasoocclusion
Newborns are asymptomatic because increased HbF
Long term indications
Prevent recurrent VTE
Prevent arterial thromboembolism with cardiac disease
Short term indications
VTE ≥6weeks after below knee DVT and ≥3 months after proximal DVT/ PE
High risk: mural thrombosis after MI, post surgery
Tell me about NOACs
dabigatran, rivaroxaban
Prevent VTE in non-valvular AF
Fixed dose and do not need monitoring
Not easily reversible
Heparin/ LMWH
Enhances antithrombin activity
o Initial tx in VTE
o Cancer/ pregnant VTE management
o When warfarin stopped before surgery
o High risk on PO anticoagulants if INR < than normal
Check baseline FBC, clotting screen, RFT, LFT
+ antiplatelet: only if <12 months after stenting/ ACS
Monitoring: INR 2-3