Ovid Stories Flashcards
Zeus: lo
Zeus fell in love with her and toprotect her from the wrath of Hera, changed her into a white heifer
Zeus: Semele
Herd convinced Semele to tell Zeus she wanted to see his true form which killed her and was pregnant with Dionysus
Zeus: Ganymede
Sent an eagle to snatch the boy
Zeus: Europa
Turned into a white bull and carried her away from Phoenicia to Crete
Demeter: rape of Persephone
Hades took her, she ate pomegranate seeds and is stuck there for part of the time
Apollo: slaying of Python
Apollo went on a hunt to avenge the Python who had tormented his mother
Apollo: Daphne
Cupid shot him and he fell for her, she would to remain a virgin so she was turned into laurel tree
Apollo: Phaethon
Phaethon, son of Helios , asked Apollo to ride his charlot burned the earth and was killed by a lightning bolt
Apollo: marsyas
Marsyas found the aulos Athena threw away and challenged Apollo, Apollo won and tied him to a tree and flayed him
Apollo: Hyacinth
Apollo was throwing a discus with Hyacinth, by mistake or jealous intervention of zephyrus, Apollo threw the discus at his head killing him. Unwilling to let his lover die, he made flowers grow from his spilled blood.
Apollo: Coronis
Apollo sent a white crow to watch over Coronis who carried his child but found out she was having an affair. In anger he went to Artemis to kill her and burn the crow at her funeral.
Artemis: Callisto
Callisto became pregnant with Zeus baby, finding out she’s no longer a virgin, Artemis turned her to a bear
Artemis: Niobe
She had 6 sons and 6 daughters and boasted about their superiority xu Leto, Apollo killed her sons and Artemis killed her daughters
Artemis: Actaeon
He was out on a hunt and accidentally saw Artemis bathing, she punished him by destroying his speech and turned him into a stag
Artemis: Atalanta
A skilled huntress devoted to Artemis and swore oath of virginity. Left in the woods by her father and was saved by bears and then hunters later found her.