Ovid page 19 Flashcards
From there, from that, then
Immeasurable, vast
immensus, a, um
yellow, saffron
croceus, crocea, croceum
clothe, cover
velo, velare, velāvī, velatum
dress, clothing
amictus, amictūs m.
part, depart
digredior, digredi, digressus sum
region, edge
ora, orae f.
stretch, spread; go
tendo, tendere, tetendi, tentum/tensum
in vain, for nothing
nequiquam (adv.)
regular; solemn
sollemnis, sollemnis, sollemne
omen, sign
omen, ominis n.
fumus, fumi m.
all the way, right up to
movement, dance, gesture
motus, motūs m
outcome; departure
exitus, exitūs m.
grass, herb
herba, herbae f.
accompany, guard
comitor, comitārī, comitatus sum
vagor, vagari, vagatus sum
ankle, heel
talus, tali m.
air, breeze
aura, ae f.
lament; mourn the loss of
defleo, deflēre, deflevi, defletum
prophet, seer
vates, vatis m.
ghost; image; statue
simulacrum, -i n.
suffer, endure; perform
fungor, fungi, functus sum
grave, tomb; burial
sepulcrum, -i n.
cheerless, unlovely
inamoenus, -a, -um
push; play (lyre)
pello, pellere, pepulī, pulsum
nervus, nervi m.
I say, he says, he said
aio, aiere, ait (irregular)
placed; [here:] placed aside
positus, a, um
divine will, divine power
numen, numinis n.
it is allowed
licet + dative
whatever, anything
long story
ambages, ambagis f.
let, allow
sino, sinere, sivī/siī, situm
opacus, a, um
villosus,a, um
snake, serpent
coluber, colubri n.
three, three each
terni, ternae, terna
tie up, bind
vincio, vincire, vinxi, vinctum
guttur, gutturis n.
trample, tread on
calco, calcare, calcavi, calcatum
venenum, veneni n.