Latin - Random Words Flashcards
gero, gerere, gessi, gestum
think Augustus’ “Res Gestae”
bear, carry, accomplish, perform
partum gerere
to be pregnant (carry offspring)
uterum gerere
to be pregnant (bear the womb)
esurio, esurire, esurivi, esuritum
to be hungry, to hunger for something
celo, celare, celavi, celatum
hide something, keep a secret, conceal
Marmoream relinquo, quam latericiam accepi
I’m leaving behind a city of marble, which I received (as) a city of brick.
quam potuit.
In what way/ to what degree/ how/ how much/ as much as/ as far as he could.
quam primum
as quickly as possible
quam celerrime
as quickly as possible
quam maxime
as far as possible
quam serissime
as late as possible
Quam rogas!
How much you ask!
Tam similis est, quam potest.
So similar it is, as it can.
alius quam
different from
ante quam (+ subjunctive or infinitive)
sooner than
aliter quam voles
in a different way from what you want
Hic maior est, quam ille.
He is bigger than that.
parco, parcere, peperci, parsum
- (+ dat.) forgive someone
* (+ dat/acc) spare
mare internet
Mediterranean Sea
mare nostrum
Mediterranean Sea
ex nihilo
out of nothing
velim (no ut!) + subjunctive
I wish that …
utinam (ne) (no ut!) + subjunctive
I wish that …
solum, soli n.
soil, earth, ground
fulvus, fulva, fulvum