Why is strategy important in business?
-sets the tone and action plan
-provides direction and action plan
-identifies trend
-defines accountability
-improves communication
-proper allocation of resources
-framework for decision-making
-gives you a competitive edge/advantage
set of policies, procedures and approaches to business that produce long-term success
involves the development of cost management information to facilitate the principle management function which is strategic management.
Strategic cost management
information that the manager needs to effectively manage the firm, profit-oriented as well as not-for-profit organization
Cost management information
includes both financial information about cost and revenues as well as relevant nonfinancial information about productivity, quality and other key success factors for the firm
Cost management information
practice of accounting in which the accountant develops and uses cost management information
Cost management
If a firm is to compete successfully, importance should be given to nonfinancial and long-term measure operating performance such as
-product and manufacturing advances
-product quality
-customer loyalty
a value-added concept
Cost management information
adds value by helping a firm be more competitive.
Cost management information
involves anticipating changes
Strategic thinking
designed to accommodate expected changes in customer demands
Products and production processes
is important
critical as a result of the demand of the new management concepts of e-commerce, speed to market, and flexible manufacturing.
ability to make fast changes
time from the introduction of a new product to its removal from the market
Product life cycle
expected to become shorter and shorter
Product life cycle
-business firms
-governmental units
-not-for-profit organizations
Cost management information is needed for each of the following management functions, namely:
- strategic management
2.planning and decision-making
3.management and operational control
4.reportorial and compliance to legal requirements
involves the development of a sustainable competitive position in which the firm’s competitive advantage spells continued success
Strategic management
set of goals and specific action plans that if achieved, provide the desired competitive advantage
involves identifying and implementing these goals and action plans.
Strategic management
management must make sound strategic decisions regarding the choice of products, manufacturing methods, marketing techniques and channels and other long-term issues
Strategic management
needed to support recurring decisions such as replacing and maintaining equipment, managing cash flows, budgeting raw materials purchases, scheduling production, pricing and managing distribution of products to customers, and so forth
Cost management information
involves budgeting and profit planning, cash flow management and other decision related to the firm’s operation such as deciding whether to lease or buy a facility, whether to replace or just repair as equipment, when to change a marketing plan or when to begin new product development
Planning and decision-making
Cost management information is needed to provide a fair and effective basis for identifying inefficient operations and to reward and motivate the most effective managers.
Management and Operational Control
needed to provide a fair and effective basis for identifying inefficient operations and to reward and motivate the most effective managers.
Cost management information
takes place when mid-level managers (e.g., product managers, regional managers) monitors the activities of operating-level managers and employees (e.g., production supervisions, department heads).
Operational Control
evaluation of mid-level manager by upper-level manager (e.g., Controller or the Chief Financial Officer (CFO))
Management control
mid-level managers
-production managers
-regional managers
operating-level managers and employees
-production supervisors
-department heads