Overview of Pharmacy as a Profession Flashcards
What is pharmacy?
Profession concerned with the art and science of:
Preparing drugs from natural and synthetic sources and from suitable and convenient dosage forms
for administration for treatment and prevention of diseases both of man and of animals
Embraces the knowledge of the identification, selection, pharmacologic action, preservation, analysis, and standardization of drugs and medicine
Origin of the word Pharmacy
Greek word - “Pharmakon” - drug or medicine
Who is a pharmacist?
The person considered the medication expert
They’re legally granted responsibility to handle drugs and to know all about those drugs
Five Historical Periods in Pharmacy
Ancient Through Early Modern Era
Empiric Era
Industrialization Era
Patient Care Era
Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering
Before the Dawn of History: Why people got sick before
- Victim of Evil Forces
- God’s Anger
- Disease as a Punishment of God for a Sin
Before the Dawn of History: Use for treating ailments before
- Supernatural
- Natural Resources
Before the Dawn of History: Healer during the early days
- Shaman
- Priest
Pharmacy in Ancient Babylonia
Earliest Practice of the Art of Apothecary (drugstores)
Practitioners of healing were:
- Priest
- Pharmacist
- Physician
all in one
Medical Texts on CLAY TABLETS record first the symptoms of illness, the prescription and directions for compounding, then an invocation to the Gods’
2 Types of Care in Babylonia
Aspiu and Asu
“Magical Healer”
Who rely on spells and magical stones
“Empirical Healer”
Make use of plant materials - drew from large collections of drugs and manipulated them into several dosage forms
Pharmacy in Ancient China
Shen Nung, an emperor who investigated the medicinal value of several hundred herbs
Shen Nung
An emperor who investigated the medicinal value of several hundred herbs
He tested many herbs on himself
Wrote the first Pen T-Sao/Native Herbal, with 350 different drugs
- Medicinal plants included podophyllum, rhubarb, ginseng, stramonium, cinnamon bark, ephedra, ma huang, etc.
Pharmacy in Ancient Egypt
Discovered various dosage forms (Enemas, infusions, inhalations, lotions, etc)
Plant drugs such as acacia, onions, aloe, castor oil, opium, etc.
Papyrus Ebers (1500 B.C)
Papyrus Ebers (1500 B.C)
Best-Known and Most Important Pharmaceutical Record
Collection of 800 prescriptions, mentioning 700 drugs discovered by GEORG EBERS
Pharmacy in Ancient Greece
Asclepius (God of Healing)
Hygeia (Goddess of Health, Cleanliness, and Sanitation)
International Symbol of the Pharmacy Profession “BOWL OF HYGEIA”
Asclepius (God of Healing)
Believed to impact healing by touching one with his staff or serpent
Hygeia (Goddess of Health, Cleanliness, and Sanitation)
Also believed to have a healing potion
Father of Medicine
Greek Physician
Introduction of Scientific Pharmacy and Medicine
Showed in his writing and practices the fundamental of the scientific method of research
Hippocratic Oath/Oath of Hippocrates - oath for Graduation in Medicine
Father of Botany
Greek Philosopher and Natural Scientist
Deals with the medical qualities and peculiarities of herbs
Pedanios Dioscorides
Greek Physician and Botanist
Deals with botany as a applied science of pharmacy
Published DE MATERIA MEDICA or “On Medicinal Substances” in five volumes. The book has recorded what he observed promulgated excellent rules for collecting drugs, their storage, and use.
Mithridates Ⅳ
Royal Toxicologist
Made the art of poisoning (Preventing and Counteracting Poisoning)
He used himself as well as prisoners as “Guinea Pigs” on which to test poisons and antidotes.
One of the best known antidotes which is believed to be a universal antidote in ancient time
Experimenter in Drug Compounding
Practiced and Taught both Pharmacy and Medicine
Galenicals - Galen’s principles of preparing and compounding medicines associated with that class of pharmaceuticals compounded by mechanical means
Originator of the Formula for a COLD CREAM
Terra Sagillata (Sealed Earth)
Early Trademarked Drug
A clay tablet originating in the Mediterranean island of Lemnos before 500 B.C
One day each year clay was dug from a pit on a Lemnian hillside in the presence of governmental and religious dignitaries
The tablets were then distributed commercially
Damian and Cosmas
Patron Saints
Twinship of the Health Professions
The Apothecary
Patron Saint of Pharmacy
The physician
Patron Saint of Medicine
Monastic Pharmacy
Monks gathered herbs and raised them in their own herb gardens
They prepared according to the earth of the apothecary for the benefit of the sick and injured
Manuscripts from many islands were translated or copied for monastery libraries.
Arabian Era
First Apothecary Shops
Arabs separated the arts of apothecary and physician
First privately owned drug stores
Developing with the aid of their natural resources syrups, confections, conserves, distilled, waters, and alcoholic liquids.
Persian Galen
Persian, Ibn Sina
Pharmacist, poet, physician, philosopher, and diplomat
Gave contribution to the sciences of pharmacy and medicines through his pharmaceutical teaching
Book of Healing and The Canon of Medicine
Separation of Pharmacy and Medicine
Sicily and Southern Italy - pharmacy was separated from Medicine
Frederick Ⅱ of Hohenstaufen
Emperor of Germany as well as King of Sicily, Subjected Pharmacists with the First European Edict, known as MAGNA CARTA OF PHARMACY
Who presented the edict Magna Carta of Pharmacy?
Frederick Ⅱ of Hohenstaufen
Father of Modern Plant Chemistry
Carl Wilhelm Scheele
Carl Wilhelm Scheele
Discovered oxygen, chlorine, prussic acid, tartaric acid, tungsten, molybdenum, glycerin, nitroglycerin, and countless, other organic compounds.
Philippus Aureoluss Theoprastus Bombastus von Honhenhein
Swiss Physician and chemist who influenced the transformation of pharmacy from a profession based primarily on Botanical Science to one based on Chemical Science
Important advocate of chemically prepared drugs from crude plant and mineral substances
First Official Pharmacopoeia
The idea of pharmacopoeia originated in Florence
Nuovo Receptario, originally written in Italian, was published and became the legal standard for the city-state in 1498
Result of collaboration of the GUILD OF APOTHECARIES AND THE MEDICAL SOCIETY - one of the earliest manifestations of constructive inter-professional relations
First Official Pharmacopoeia
Idea of pharmacopoeia originated in Florencec
Nuovo Receptario, originally written in Italian, was published and became the legal standard for the city-state in 1498
Result of collaboration of the GUILD OF APOTHECARIES AND THE MEDICAL SOCIETY - one of the earliest manifestations of constructive inter-professional relations
The Society of Apothecaries of London
Francis Bacon formed a separate company known as “Master, Wardens, and Society of the Art and Mystery of the Apothecaries of the City of London” in 1617
Master, Wardens, and Society of the Art and Mystery of the Apothecaries of the City of London
First organization of pharmacists in the Anglo-Saxon world
The Marshall Apothecary
Established by Christopher Marshall in Philadelphia in 1729
Pioneer Pharmaceutical Enterprise became a leading retail store, the nucleus of large-scale chemical manufacturing; a “practical” training school for pharmacists; an important supply depot during the Revolution during 96 years
Managed by Elizabeth Marshall later
Who is America’s first woman pharmacist?
Elizabeth Marshall
Who is John Winthrop?
Governor who healed the sick
Politician-physician and first governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony with board interests in chemistry, metallurgy, astronomy, botany, and Materia Medica
Developed “Sovereigne Remedy” he called “Rubila”
When and where was Colonials America’s first hospital (Pennsylvania) established?
Philadephia in 1751
When did the first Hospital Pharmacy begin?
Who was the first Hospital Pharmacist?
Jonathan Roberts
Who was Jonathan Roberts’s successor that was a pharmacist then became a physician and advocated prescription writing and championed the independent practice of two professions’
John Morgan
Andrew Craigie
America’s First Apothecary General
First to hold the rank of a commissioned Pharmaceutical officer in the American army
Bostonian apothecary
He procured, stored, manufactures, and distributed the Army’s drug requirements
Developed an early wholesaling and manufacturing business
Who discovered opium’s narcotic principle, morphine? And recognized and proved the importance of a new class of organic substance: Alkaloids.
Friedrich Wilhelm Adam Serturner
Pierre-Joseph Pelletier and Joseph-Beniarné Caventou
Isolated emetine from Ipecuanha in 1817
Strychine and Brucine from nux vomica
Quinine and Cinchonine from the cinchona barks
First U.S industry in medicinal herbs was in 1820
Gathered and cultivated ~200 varieties; dried, chopped, and pressed them into “Bricks”; wrapped, labeled, and sold them to pharmacists and physicians worldwide
Shaker label was recognized for RELIABILITY and QUALITY for more than a century
The Philadelphia College of Pharmacy
Formed by the Pharmacists of Philadelphia
School of Pharmacy and a Self-Policing Board
68 pharmacists signed in the Constitution of the first pharmaceutical association in the US
First President of The American Pharmaceutical Association
Daniel B. Smith
First Secretary of The American Pharmaceutical Association
William Procter, Jr.
Who is the Father of Pharmacy?
William Procter, Jr.
The American Pharmaceutical Association
Leaniched by twelve delegates and opened memberships to “All Pharmacists and Druggists”
William Procter, Jr.
Graduated from The Philadelphia College of Pharmacy in 1837
Leader in founding The American Pharmaceutical Association
Dr. Albert B. Prescott
Launched the pharmacy course at the University of Michigan in 1868
Denied credentials and the Michigan course pioneered other major changes: laboratory pharmacy, a definite curriculum that included basic sciences, and a program that demanded students full time attention
United Staes Pharmacopoeia (1820)
Work of the medical profession
First book of drug standards from a professional source to have achieved a nation’s acceptance
1877, U.S.P was in danger of dissolution due to the lack of interest of the medical profession
Dr. Edward R. Squibb
Manufacturing pharmacists as well as physician took the problem to The American Pharmaceutical Association
Who introduced Standardized “Liquor Ergotae Purificus” in 1879?
Park Davis & Company
Park Davis & Company
Introduced Standardized “Liquor Ergotae Purificus” in 1879
Pioneered in developing pharmacologic and physiologic standards for pharmaceuticals
Dr. Albert Brown Lyons
Park Davis & Company’s Chief Chemist, further developed methods of alkaloid assay
Who was Park Davis & Company’s Chief Chemist, and who further developed methods of alkaloid assay?
Dr. Albert Brown Lyons
In 1894, who announced the effectiveness of Diphtheria antitoxin?
Behring and Roux
What is Diphtheria antitoxin?
First vaccine ever developed
When did Parke-Davis receive the U.S. Biological No. 1?
What did Parke-Davis receive in 1903?
U.S. Biological No. 1
New, improved biological products continued to become available climaxed in 1955 by what?
Poliomyelitis vaccine
Stanislas Limousin
Pharmacal Inventor
- Medicine Dropper
- Systems of Coloring Poisons (such as corrosive sublimate
- Wafer cachets
Greatest contribution
- Apparatus for the inhalation and therapeutic administration of oxygen
- Glass ampoules that could be sealed and sterilized for preservation of solution for hypodermic use
Ernest Francois Auguste Fourneau
research in the development of new chemical compounds specifically created to fight disease-causing organisms in the body
Headed chemical laboratories in the world-renowned Institut Pasteur, in Paris
Broke the Freman secret of a specific SLEEPING SICKNESS; paved the way for the LIFE-SAVING SULFONAMIDE compounds; first group of chemical having recognized ANTIHISTAMINIC properties
His work led other investigators to broad fields of CHEMOTHERAPEUTIC RESEARCH