Overview of Grand Nursing Theories Flashcards
global in their application to the
discipline of nursing and have been instrumental in helping to develop nursing science. Because of their
diversity, their complexity, and their differing worldviews,
learning about grand nursing theories can be confusing.
grand theories
What are the characteristics of grand nursing theories?
o Composed of relatively abstract concepts
o Developed through thoughtful appraisal
of existing ideas
o May incorporate other theories
Have helped develop the discipline
Grand Nursing Theory
True or False
Some believe need for grand theories is outdated.
Provide a background of philosophical reasoning
Grand Nursing Theory
Many nursing theorists are still writing, updating
their work based on changes in the health care
system and society.
Grand Nursing Theory
❖The number of grand nursing theories leads to confusion.
❖Many have coined their own terms also leading to confusion.
Grand nursing theories
What are the three main groups?
o Human needs theories (particulate–deterministic)
o Interactive theories (integrative, reciprocal)
o Unitary process theories (unitary, simultaneity)
Also termed “particulate–deterministic”
Human Needs theory
it is based on the positivist view of science
Human Needs Theories
What are the positivist views
o Stress quantitative research methods
o Humans are viewed a reducible (sum of parts).
o Change is linear and causal.
Humans are biopsychosocial-spiritual beings.
human needs theories
Humans react to their environment in a causal way.
human needs theories
Change is predictable as humans survive and adapt.
human needs theories
Earliest theorists drew from the empirical (positivist)
worldview focusing on meeting needs.
human needs theories