overexploitation Flashcards
what is over exploitation
the harvesting of a renewable resource faster than it can be produced
of threated or near threatened species 72% are being over exploited for commerce, recreation or subsistence
give some examples of species which have been made exitinct by overexploitation
the passenger pigeon was once one of the most numerous bird species in the world with a population of 1-5 billion individuals in the early 1800s but the commercilisation of piegon meat as cheap food lead to europeans hunting the birds on a massive scale leading to massive population declines.
what is the maximum sustainable yield model
the maximum rate at which new individuals are added to a population is one quater the product of the intrinsic growth rate times the carrying capacity
if harvesting exceeds the maximum rate at which individuals are added to a population then the pop will not maintain a positive growth rate and will decline to extinction
MSY depends on the rate of pop grwoth and the carrying capacity
what is a fixed harvest quota
if the quota is too high the population will be driven to exinction
harvesting will be sustainable if the initial pop levels above maximum sustainable yield but will lead to declines if pop dips below it
lower quotas are safer- only lead to decline if pop goes below N1 on graph
what is a proportional harvest
when all equilibria are stable including maximum sustainable yeild
why are maximum sustainable yields considered simplistic
they fail to account for the size or age structure of populations as well as key demographic and environmental stochasticity that can alter species population growth rates and carrying capacity which arent fixed parameters but can vary through time
what is commercial overexploitation
the unsustainable harvesting driven by legal or illegal markets e.g. fishing shows 33% of fish are overharvested resulting in population crashes
over exploitation of commerically viable species is common especially in countires lacking strong regulations and enforcement or have no incentives for species protection
give a example of a species which has been commercially over exploited
the newfoundland cod whose population crashed by 99%- didn’t lead to extinction but population was unable to bounce back to original numbers
how have quotas been used to help combat commercial overexploitation
help to fish sustainably but bycatch can cause some issues with 25-75% of the harvest in fishing operations being dumped back into the sea dead or dying
this can be combated by improving fishing equipment or technology as well as rasing public awarness helping people choose sources of seafood more wisley
give an example where legislations have been introduced to help combat the effects of commercial fishing
- larger species were targeted and crashed first closley followed by smaller species
- 1986 the international whaling commission banned commercial whaling to allow stocks to recover
some species recovered such as the humpback hwale but others less so such as the blue whale despite being protected since 1966
why, despite protection, do some species which have been commercially overexploited not bounced back
- even after populations recover they still have genetic diversity
e.g. pinnipeds were hunted almost to the point of extinction in 18th and 19th centurary for blubber but research found that 11 species show genetic signs of severe bottlenecks with effective population sizes declining to less than 500
in what instances was genetic diversity lower after commercial exploitation
1) if the species went through bottlenecks
2) if the species have small current population sizes
3) if the species breed on land (easily accessible by human hunters)
what are the main solutions to combat commercial over exploitation
1) certification schemes e.g. marine/forestry stewardship council which boost standards across industries
2) international agreements such as CITES
what are the different CITES appendixes
I= trade permitted only under exceptional circumstances
II= trade strictly controlled
III= request for assistance in controlling trade of species protected in a specific country
what areas are vulnerable to subsistence overexploitation
High human density
new road/transport
links enabling access
increasing commercial trade
what is meant by recreational overexploitation
the target and overexplotation of largest and most fecund individuals for ‘fun’ e.g. recreational fishing or trophy hunting
- can lead to population declines
- restocking programmes boost numbers but can damage natural populations e.g. hybridisation of non native species, invasive species
give an example of cases where recreational overexploitation as causes population declines
hunting and habitta loss reduced the Bengal tiger populations in India from 40,000 to less than 1,800 in a mere 100 yrs
why might there be public defences when measures are put in to stop recreational hunting
in many places in many families it is a cultural experience passed down from generation to generation
recreational hunting can also be a major contributer to local economies e.g. outdoor industry association reported that 34 billion dollars was spent on hunting trips, equipment and licences