Over-The-Counter Products Flashcards
Does the state allow pharmacists to furnish emergency contraception?
What are the requirements and quantity limits for selling pseudoephedrine?
Pseudoephedrine and ephedrine are schedule V drugs in the state of Oregon and are available behind-the-counter without a prescription with the following quantity limits:
1) No more than 3.6 grams in a 24-hour period
2) No more than 9 grams in a 30-day period
Additional requirements for non-prescription pseudoephedrine:
1) Verify that the purchaser is 18 years of age or older
2) Verify the identity of the purchaser with valid government-issued photo ID
3) Confirm the purchase is allowed via the required electronic tracking system
4) Maintain an electronic log of the transaction for at least 3 years
5) Can only be provided by a pharmacist, intern, certified Oregon pharmacy technician, or pharmacy technician
Does the state require the submission of pseudoephedrine sales to NPLEx (National Precursor Log Exchange)?
What are the requirements for selling dextromethorphan?
The purchaser must be ≥ 18 years old or older
Does the state require a prescription for syringes and needles?
Does the state set a limit on the maximum number of syringes that can be purchased without a prescription?
Does the state allow syringe exchange programs?