Outlines Flashcards
Federal Constitutional Law
- Standing
- Ripeness
- Mootness
- Adequate and independent state grounds
- Congressional powers
- Commerce clause
- Taxing and spending
- Necessary and proper clause
- Supremacy clause
- State law vs fed law (10th amend & commandeering)
- Dormant commerce clause
- Full Faith and Credit
-State actor - Equal protection
- Speech
-religion - due process-substantive & procedural
- Takings Clause
- ex post facto
Property 3 kinds
- “Easement Covenant”
- Different types of easements
- Covenants
- “Landlord Tenant”
- What’s kind of tenancy is it?
- Tenant duties
- Landlord duties
- Assignment vs Sublease- SOF- leases more than a year
- formation of have it in writing paper K principles
3 “Conveyance”
- Real estate k rules
- Deed rules
- Mortgage
- FL is lein theory state
- Fl pure notice
- how do they own the property
- Fl presumes tenancy by the entirety
- plus any K rules can argue
- Choice of law
- Formation
- Modification
- Defenses
- Breach
- Remedies
Professional Responsibility
- Conflict of Interest
- Solicitation/ Advertising
- Professionalism
Family Law
- Prenup/Postnuptial
- Standard for divorce
- Property: Marital vs Non marital
- Equitable Distribution
- Duration of marriage
- Alimony
- Children
- Other Issues
FL Constitutional Law
- Devise
- Abandonment
- Property taxes
- Exceptions for creditors
- Ad Valorem taxes
- Two 25k exceptions
- Mils
- Portability
- Tenancy by the entirety
“Bill or statue”
- Formalities
- Police power
- Single subject title enactment
- Separation of Powers
- What kind of law is it?
- Standing
- Equal protection/ Due process/ Fundamental right of privacy
- Speech: content based vs content neutral
- Religion
- Access to courts/ Right to jury trial/ Sunshine law
“Crim pro in con law”
- Use CL definition if get crimes
- search and seizure/ Miranda
- 2 kinds
- Taking
- Equal protection/ Due proccsss
Criminal law
- Murder
- Manslaughter
- larceny
- Kidnapping (KraB)
- Rape
- Arson
- Burglary
- Defenses
- “Negligence”
- Regular Negligence
- Intervening & Superseding
- Violation of the law
- Joint and several liability
- NOT Pure Comparative now modified comparative negligence
- Vicarious
- Sovereign
- Punitive
- “Products liability”
- Regular Negligence
- Breach of Warranty
-SPL- Strict Product Liability - “Defamation”
- Definition
FL Constitutional Law 2
- Devise
- Abandonment
- Property taxes
- Exceptions for creditors
- Ad Valorem taxes
- Two 25k exceptions
- Mils
- Portability
- Tenancy by the entirety
“Bill or statue”
- Formalities
- Police power
- Single subject title enactment
- Separation of Powers
- What kind of law is it?
- Equal protection
- Standing
- Speech
- Religion
- due process (substantive & Procedural)
- Fundamental right of privacy
- Access to courts/ Right to jury trial/ Sunshine law
“Crim pro in con law”
- Use CL definition if get crimes
- search and seizure/ Miranda
- 2 kinds
- Taking
- Equal protection/ Due proccsss