Outline w/ Deff Fed Con law Flashcards
Personal injury at stake
Nothing has happened yet- future
The case is over has already been decided.- Past
Adequate and independent State grounds
- Cant bring to fed court if decision in state court Is based on adequate and independent
state grounds
o AKA as long as legal justification case was correctly decided based on state
ground cant bring to federal court cause nothing for federal court to decide
Congressional Powers
Commerce Clause
Taxing and spending
Necessary and proper clause
Commerce clause
Congress has plenary very broad authority to regulate interstate commerce.
o Commerce: goods widgets anything that is going to effect interstate. Anything in
aggregate that effects.
Taxing and spending
Congress can tax to raise money for general welfare and spend for general welfare
o Break up tax and spending both for general welfare though: general welfare is
broad- greater good don’t mean benefit everyone.
Necessary and proper clause
Enabling clause. Congress can do what is necessary and proper to execute one of the
enumerated powers
-Cant use this clause alone have to use with one of the enumerated clauses.
- Ie necessary and proper to tax spend ect.
Supremacy clause
If conflict tween state and fed law fed law wins under supremacy clause.
- Federal law is supreme law of the land.
State law vs. Fed law (10th amend & Commandeering
10th amendment- popo power state has power to pass laws for health safety and
welfare of its ppl
- There is no federal police power
- If state and federal law not in conflict state law can be more restrictive but cannot be less restrictive.
Commandeering: Congress cannot require a state to do something.
Dormant Commerce Clause
State cannot pass law that discriminates against out of state businesses.
- Except when congress authorizes it- says its ok.
- When state is acting as a market participant: the state runs the business industry there are no private businesses (state dominates that business).
Full Faith and Credit
One state law has to be given full faith and credit to other state laws.
o Respect the laws of the other states
State Actor
For there to be a violation there must be a state actor- the government must be doing
the action. Private can do whatever they want
Equal Protection
Government is doing something that treats people differently.
-Strict: RAN
Gov has burden show necessary and compelling
-Intermediate: Gender, illegitimacy
Gov has burden to show its substantially related to an important interest
-Rational: Everyone else
Plaintiff has burden to show its not rationally related to a legitimate interest
Deff: fundamental right- cant ban but can regulate
2 kinds
Content based: Government is trying to stop any form of you getting your message out.
- Strict scrutiny
Content Neutral: When the government is not trying to stop the message from getting out, there are just
regulating the time, place and manner of the speech.
-Generally will be constitutional if furthers a significant government interest and
leave open alternative means of communication.
Free exercise clause
Every individual shall have the right to exercise their religion any way they choose.
- The government must remain neutral. Constitutional even if effects stops them from practicing as long as gov was neutral as to religion.
- If government is intentionally trying to stop them from practicing their religion that is
Due Process
Substantive(all people)- The government is taking away or regulating one of our rights (liberties)
fundamental rights- apply strict scrutiny
- Speech
-Interstate travel
-Right to vote
Right to privacy (CAMPER)
- if not one of these then rational basis applies
Procedural (individual)- When government tries to take away a property right
- Jobs (gov)
- Licenses (gov)
- Benefits (gov)
- You are afforded notice and a hearing. Make sure the right has vested
Takings Clause
The government can take private property for public use as long as they pay you just
AKA FMV (this is the physical taking)
Ex Post Facto
When the government is trying to make a law that was legal (lawful conduct) illegal
- AKA: Government is taking conduct that was legal and now making it criminal,
illegal retroactively.