Outcome measures Flashcards
Numeric pain rating scale?
Verbal Pain response 0-10
- fast
- easy to administer
- minimal language translation
- verbal and written
- Only shows one component of pain
- transform subjective experience to number
- risk of oversimplify pain
Verbal rating scale
Use of adjectives to describe pain 0-5
- Practitioner can describe pain descriptor
- familiar terminology
- takes time to read list of adjectives
- difficult to compare
- difficult for non english speaker
mark the number 0-10 on a paper
- sensitivity to change
- fast
- no training needed
- no cost
- not verbal
- line might change if copied
- difficulty to rate pain
Body chart
On a body patient mark area of pain
- quick precision
- less question
- hard to score or compare over time
Mcgill pain questionnaire
Distinguish nociceptive from neuropathic Measures sensory, affective, evaluative aspects of pain
- no cost
- detect mild pain
- distinguish nociceptive from neuropathic
- slow 30 min
- language proficiency
- long to score
Brief pain inventory
serious conditions - pain in 9Q.
Addresses sensory, emotional and functional aspects of the pain experience
- fast to complete
- free
- diverse pain
- acceptable reliability
- language
Pain detect
neuropathic pain
- screen neuropathic pain
- aid in pain management
- easy to use
- language
- false positive
Advantages of using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for assessing pain include
- Highcost
- Takesalongtimetoadminister
- Reliability is greater in the literate population
- Test is sensitive to small changes
- Test is sensitive to small changes
Which outcome measure gives information about the patient’s pain intensity and how the pain interferes with daily living?
- McGillPainQuestionnaire 2. TampaPainQuestionnaire
- Brief PainInventory
- painDETECT Questionnaire
- Brief PainInventory
Which outcome measure helps to differentiate neuropathic from nociceptive pain in patients?
- McGillPainQuestionnaire
- pain DETECT Questionnaire
- Brief Pain Inventory
- Kessler Scale
- McGillPain Questionnaire
what are examples of yellow flags screening tools?
Pain Catastrophising scale •Pain Self Efficacy Scale •HADS •DASS-21 •K10 •Orebro •Tampa Scale
What is a yellow flag?
psychosocial factors present in a patient
•Cognitive – thoughts and beliefs
•Affective – emotional •Social – work, family, friends, finances
Pain self efficacy scale
assess confidence to perform activity
cover daily living activities
predicts poor recovery
score 0-60 less positive outcomes
HDAS - anxiety and depression scale
measure anxiety and depression in hospital
14 questions
easy to score
measure for distress for depression anxiety and stress
21 quesions
global measure of distress depression or anxiety in a 4 week period
Obrero Musculoskeletal Pain questionnaire
long term disability and return to work
completed after tissue injury
Tampa scale of Kinesiophobia
fear of pain with movement
high score mean fear of tissue damage affecting their lives
Affective factors that contribute to yellow flags in a patient include
- Attitudes and beliefs, expectations, self-efficacy
- Depression, anxiety, worry
- Education, relationships, culture
- Health literacy, catastrophizing, coping
- Depression, anxiety, worry
Pain catastrophising is NOT characterised by:
- Rumination
- Magnification
- Intensity
- Helplessness
- intensity
Which of the following is considered to be a risk factor for physical disability following injury:
- Pain Catastrophising
- Fear Avoidance
- Kineshiophobia
- All of the above
- All of the above
The two subscales of the Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia are:
- Physical Activity and Work
- Rumination and Helplessness
- Depression and Anxiety
- Activity avoidance and Somatic focus
- Activity avoidance and Somatic focus
3. Depression and Anxiety
Stress can affect a patient’s rehabilitation and recovery from an injury. Which outcome measure would be the best to assess if a patient was suffering from a higher level of stress?
- DASS21
- DASS21
Work absence of more than how many weeks is associated with a 50% change of not successfully returning to work?
- 10days
- 21days
- 9weeks
- 2months
- 9weeks
Which PROM is most appropriate for a patient saying “there is nothing I can do to control this pain”?
- Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire
- Pain Catastrophising Scale
- Tampa Scale for Kinesiophobia
- McGill Pain Questionnaire
- Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire
Kinesiphobia is best described as
- Irrational and debilitating fear of pain due to movement
- Irrational and debilitating fear of pain
- Irrational and debilitating fear of movement
- Irrational and debilitating fear of physical instability
- Irrational and debilitating fear of pain due to movement
Fear avoidance belief questionnaire
2 recovery pathways
- catastrophizing
- fear of pain and pain anxiety
fear avoidance beliefs about physical activity and work may affect and contribute to their pain
fear avoidance scale
- fear of physical activity
- fear of work