Outcome measures Flashcards
Name the 8 main balance outcome measures
The clinical Test for Sensory Interaction in Balance (CTSIB)
Test visual, vestibular and somatosensory input
Functional Balance grades
0 poor - 4 normal (O’sullivan)
The romberg test
Determines proprioceptive contribution to balance
Functional reach test
Balance problems in older adults (≤ 6 inches is predictive of falls)
Berg Balance Scale - gold standard
Static, dynamic balance + falls in adults
Tenetti’s / POMA (performance-oriented mobility assessment)
Static and dynamic balance
GUG - get up and go test
Dynamic balance and mobility
TUG - Timed up and go test
Mobility, balance, walking ability + falls in elderly
The clinical Test for Sensory Interaction in Balance (CTSIB)
Test visual, vestibular and somatosensory input
Functional Balance grades
0 poor - 4 normal (O’sullivan)
The romberg test
Determines proprioceptive contribution to balance
Functional reach test
Balance problems in older adults (≤ 6 inches is predictive of falls)
Berg Balance Scale
gold standard
Static, dynamic balance + falls in adults
Tenetti’s / POMA (performance-oriented mobility assessment)
Static and dynamic balance
GUG - get up and go test
Dynamic balance and mobility
TUG - Timed up and go test
Mobility, balance, walking ability + falls in elderly
Stroke specific postural control and balance measures
Arousal level outcome measures
GCS - glasgow coma scale
The rancho los amigos levels of cognitive functioning (LOCF)
Galveston orientation and Amnesia Test (GOAT)
Galveston orientation and Amnesia Test (GOAT)
Questions about name, city, where pt is, date, month, year and event of injury
The rancho los amigos levels of cognitive functioning (LOCF)
1 No response
2 Generalized response
3 confused agitated
4 confused inappropriate
5 confused appropriate
6 automatic appropriate
7 purposeful appropriate
GCS - glasgow coma scale
Tracks eye opening, verbal and motor
Total score between 3-15:
Severe = 3-8, moderate = 9-12, mild = 13-15
Parkinson’s Outcome measures
Unified parkinson’s disease rating scale (UPDRS)
The parkinson’s disease questionnaire (PDQ-39)
PEDS outcome measures
Alberta infant motor scale (AIMS)
Bayley scales of infant development (BSID)
Peabody development motor scales (PDMS-2)
Gross motor function classification system (GMFCS)
Activity, pulse, grimace, appearance, respiration
0-3: severely depressed
4-6 moderately depressed
7-10 excellent condition
Alberta infant motor scale (AIMS)
0-18 months
Motor skills
Bayley scales of infant development (BSID)
1-42 months
Mental, motor and behavior scales
Peabody development motor scales (PDMS-2)
0-60 months (5 years)
Fine and gross motor skills
4-21 years
Fine and gross motor skills (good for longitudinal impact)
Gross motor function classification system (GMFCS)
Severity and focused on what the child CAN do (common for CP pt’s)
5 age groups ranging from 0-19 years
level 1: walk, stairs w/o handle, run and jump (speed/coordination limited)
level 2: need railing for stairs, indept but needs HHA for long distance, cant run/jump
level 3: Hand held mobility device for indoor and wheeled for long distances
level 4: need powered mobility, may walk short distances at home with body support walker
level 5: manual wheelchair in all settings, can’t maintain antigravity positions
Ankylosing spondylitis outcome measures
Bath ankylosing spondylitis metrology index (BASMI)
- 5 components: Cervical rotation, tragus to wall, modified schober (mark above and below PSIS and measure in flexion and neutral), finger to floor lateral flexion, intermalleolar distance (supine abduction)
Chest expansion (will be reduced in AS)
Self reporting measures: BASDI, BASFI
Barthel index
measures performance in ADL’s
6- minute walk test
sub-maximal aerobic capacity test
Borg scale
quantitative measure of perceived physical exertion during activity
Medical outcomes short form 36 (SF-36)
used to qualify health status and QOL
Modified ashworth scale
amount of tone/resistance through range
0 = no tone
1 = slight catch then release (or minimal resistance at EOR)
1+ = slight catch and minimal resistance through less than half of range
2 some resistance through more than half of rance, but easily moved
3 significant resistance and difficulty moving limb through range
4 rigid limb
Functional independence measure (FIM)
assesses level of disability, may also be used to determine pt’s ability to care for themselves (level of dependence)
DASH/Quick DASH (Disability arm shoulder and hand OM)
self reported questionnaire that looks at the pt’s ability to do UE tasks
Braden scale
assess likelihood of a pt to develop a pressure ulcer
Fugl-meyer assessment
hemiplegic stroke pt’s motor function, balance, sensation qualities, joint function