Outcome measures Flashcards
What are patient reported outcome measures (PROM)?
without any interpretation of the pts response by a clinician or anyone else
What are outcome measures
tools to measure the result of interventions over time
Function sof PROM
- Assess if treatment plan is working
- Support clinical decision making
- Research and evidence-based practice
- Drive quality improvement
- Empower the patient
- Policy making,
- Multidimensional -physical, mental, and social factors known as Health-related Quality of life tools (HRQL)
How are appropriate outcome measures selected?
- Consider the condition that you are treating.
- Valid- The outcome measure is testing what it says it is testing.
- Reliable- the results are reproducible.
- Responsive -Sensitive to change over time.
- Need to consider the outcome that is been measured – activities of daily living, HRQL.
- Consider what may be a barrier to completing the outcome measure, cognitive, psychological, socioeconomic status.
What doe outcome measures allow us to do?
Quantify a patient’s ability.
- Monitor treatment progress.
- Facilitate clinical decision-making (timing of treatment progression & return to work / sport).
- Acquire baseline data.
- Determine clinical efficacy & cost-effectiveness of treatments
What is appropriateness of outcome measures?
Selecting whether the measure is appropriate for its intended use. Depends on who and what is being measured.
What must be considered to choose appropriate outcome measures?
- Body structure impairments (the injury itself).
- Body function impairments (signs & symptoms of injury).
- Activity limitations (inability to perform specific functional activities).
- Participation restrictions (inability to participate in life situations).
What is reliability of outcome measures?
A measure should provide similar values on repeated administrations on unchanged pts.
What is inter-rater reliability?
the extent to which the measurements taken by different people are similar
What is test-retest reliability?
the extent to which pts completing a measure without a rater provide consistent results
What is the reliability coefficient?
a continuous scale where 0= no reliability and 1=perfect reliability
What is validity?
Does it assess what it is supposed to assess?
Types of validity
- face validity
- content validity
- criterion validity
- contract validity
What is face validity?
does the measure appear to be valid?
what is content validity?
does the measure cover all important aspects of what is being measured? (only applicable to measures made up of more than one component)