Outcome 6 - competitiveness Flashcards
Discuss the shipbuilding costs and competiveness with regards to material costs, shipbuilding productivity
(shipyard); labour costs and currency movements. Introduction
Shipbuilding costs and efficiency (thus competitiveness) vary considerably from one yard to another and depends on material cost, shipbuilding productivity, labour costs, and currency movements
Material costs:
- 60% of total costs
- Countries with many yards can support a full range of material suppliers and long production runs give these suppliers a competitive advantage
Shipbuilding productivity:
- Facilities set the upper limit on size and volume but productivity more important
- Maximum throughput depends on size and also throughput
- High quality of organisation and management needed
- Measure shipbuilding productivity by the man hours needed to build a ship in cgt/per man-year
Labour costs:
- 40-50% of total costs
- Wages have huge impact on competitiveness
- If needed yards will have to reduce man hours required to build a ship by
- Improving facilities, systems and labour productivity; improved organisation systems and automation
Currency movements:
- Single most important factor in determining shipbuilding cost competitiveness
- Unit costs vary proportionately with exchange rate
- Give example
At one end there are shipyards with low productivity but low wages so man-hours hardly matter. At another end there are high-productivity yards with high wages that go out of business. Between lies a range of yards with different combinations of wage costs and productivity. Waves of currency movements wash over the industry than can shift the competitive landscape very quickly.