Out of the Silent Planet Vocab Flashcards
malediction (9)
a curse
sanguine (9)
cheerfully optimistic
doggedly (10)
with obstinate determination; stubbornly preserving
intelligentsia (10)
intellectuals or highly educated people as a group
breeziness (10)
airy; nonchalant (having an air of easy unconcern or indifference)
philologist (10)
a humanist specializing in classical scholarship; one who studies literature and language as used in it
metalled (10)
when referring to a road, essentially equivalent to “paved”
substantial (10)
of considerable importance, size, or worth
fretful (10)
feeling or expressing distress or irritation
solidity (11)
the quality of being firm or strong in structure
ascertaining (11)
finding something out for certain; finding out definitely
copse (11)
a small group of trees
eccentric (12)
a person of unconventional views and/or slightly strange behavior
smarting (12)
causing a sharp, stinging pain
groped (12)
felt about or searched blindly or uncertainly with the hands
lorries (12)
large, heavy motor vehicles for transporting goods; trucks
vigilance (13)
the action or state of keeping careful watch for danger or difficulties
scrum (13)
a rugby play in which the forwards of each side come together in a tight formation and attempt to get the ball with their feet
blubbering (14)
sobbing noisily and uncontrollably
laboured (14)
contrived; lacking grace or fluency
cordiality (14)
warmth and sincerity; friendlieness
apropos (15)
very appropriate to a particular situation
assent (15)
the expression of approval or agreement
snivelling (16)
crying; complaining in a whining or tearful way
barefaced (16)
shameless; undisguised
scruples (16)
feelings of doubt or hesitation with regard to the morality of a course of action
syphon (18)
siphon (a tube used to draw liquid from one container into another on a lower level)
prise (18)
pry (move or force, especially in an effort to get something open)
benighted (18)
overtaken by darkness
masochism (18)
the tendency to derive pleasure from one’s own pain or humiliation; the enjoyment of what appears painful or tiresome
don (19)
(British usage) a member of the teaching staff at a university or college, especially Oxford or Cambridge
scullery (19)
a small kitchen or room at the back of a house used for washing dishes and other dirty household work
sulkily (21)
in a gloomy or dismal manner
lassitude (23)
a state of physical or mental weariness
apprehensions (24)
anxieties or fears that something unpleasant will happen
reconnaissance (24)
preliminary surveying or research
prosaic (25)
commonplace; unromantic
delirious (25)
in a disturbed state of mind characterized by restlessness, illusions, and incoherence of thought or speech
portentous (25)
of momentous or ominous significance
oblong (26)
a rectangular object with unequal adjacent sides
deuce (28)
used as a euphemism for “devil” in certain expressions
vivisection (29)
the practice of performing operations on live animals for experimentation
girdle (31)
a belt or cord worn around the waist
tinned (31)
canned; sealed in a can or jar
alacrity (31)
brisk and cheerful readiness
contemptuously (31)
without respect; in a disdainful manner
loquacious (32)
tending to talk a great deal
smote (33)
struck with a firm blow
microcosm (33)
something regarded as encapsulating in miniature the characteristic qualities or features of something much larger
vacuity (34)
blasphemous (34)
sacrilegious against sacred things; profane
libel (34)
a false or malicious statement
enjoined (34)
instructed or urged to do something
odious (35)
extremely unpleasant
loathsome (36)
causing hatred or disgust
poignant (37)
evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret
crustacean (37)
belonging to a class of arthropods with segmented bodies and a hard exoskeleton
rasping (37)
harsh-sounding and unpleasant
bulbous (37)
fat, round, or bulging
mandibles (37)
jaws or jawbones, especially the lower jawbones of mammals and fishes
pious (37)
devoutly religious
stupefied (37)
dazed; in a state of mental numbness
bellicose (38)
demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight
coprologies (40)
profanities (similar to ‘scatological’)
blasé (42)
unimpressed or indifferent to something because one has experienced it so often before
billowy (43)
rising and rolling; characterized by great swelling waves or surges
heather (44)
a purple-flowered Eurasian heath (type of plant) that grows abundantly on moorland and heathland
trencherman (46)
a person who eats in a specified manner, typically heartily
protracted (46)
lasting for a long time
muzzle (46)
the open end of the barrel of a firearm
ebbing (49)
gradually lessening; reducing
hummocks (49)
small hills or mounds