Otology Flashcards
What is otorrhoea?
Ear discharge
When is a Rinne’s test positive and negative?
Positive when air conduction is greater than bone conduction
(in the case of a normal ear, or in the case where there is a sensorineural hearing loss)
Negative when there is a conductive hearing loss
What portion of the ear is responsible for sensironeural hearing loss and conductive hearing loss?
Sensironeural - problems with the inner ear
Conductive - problems with the middle ear
Which way does the sound lateralise in a webers test with sensorineural hearing loss?
Lateralises to the side without the hearing loss
What direction does the sound lateralise in the Weber’s test on a patient with conductive hearing loss?
Lateralises to the side with the conductive hearing loss
What do the types A, B and C indicate?
A - Normal
B - Tympanic membrane immobile
C - Middle ear pressure is low
What does tympanometry measure?
Tympanometry is an examination used to test the condition of the middle ear and mobility of the eardrum(tympanic membrane) and the conduction bones by creating variations of air pressure in the ear canal.
What is tympanometry used to determine?
Can be used to establish the difference between conductive hearing loss and sensorineural hearing loss, when results from the weber or Rinne test are unclear.
Can be used to help in the diagnosis of otitis media, used to determine the presence of fluid in the middle ear
What are the common pathologies of the outer ear?
Auricular haematoma, foreign body, Otitis externa, malignant otitis externa
What is an auricular haematoma?
Shearing forces to the anterior auricle can lead to separation of the anterior auricular perichondrium from the underlying, tightly adherent cartilage. This may lead to tearing of the perichondrial blood vessels and subsequent hematoma formation.
What is otitis externa?
Inflammation of the ear canal
What causes otitis externa?
Acute cases are typically due to bacterial infection, and chronic cases are often due to allergies and autoimmune disorders
What is malignant otitis externa?
Aggressive otitis externa - The infection spreads from the floor of the ear canal to the nearby tissues and into the bones at the base of the skull. The infection and swelling may damage or destroy the bones. The infection may affect the cranial nerves, brain, or other parts of the body if it continues to spread.
Involves osteomyelitis of the temporal bone
What are the pathologies of the middle ear?
Otitis media
Why does otits media lead to effusion?
Eustachain tube doesn’t work, middle ear lining continues to absorb air, pressure becomes less and therefore secretes fluid to fill the vacuum
What is the purpose of a grommet?
Bypasses eustachian tube to equalise pressure.
What are the symptoms of acute otitis media?
a high temperature (fever)
being sick
a lack of energy
slight hearing loss – if the middle ear becomes filled with fluid, hearing loss may be a sign of glue ear, also known as otitis media with effusion
What is chronic suppurative otitis media?
Chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) is middle ear inflammation of greater than two weeks that results in episodes of discharge from the ear.
What can happen to the tympanic membrane as a result of otitis media?