Otology Flashcards
B/L progressive hearing loss in young female s/o….
Important points to remember in otosclerosis (3)
- Paracussis Willi-hear better in noisy environment.
- Worsen in pregnancy
- Positive Schwartz sign in early stages.
Otosclerosis is autosomal……..
Common in ……people
Dominant in 70% of cases
South Indians and white.
Site of predilection of otosclerosis
Mx site where otosclerosis present is ….
Globuli interossei
Normal temporal bone has embryonic cartilage tests which are called globuli interossei.
Fissula ante fenestrum- in front of oval window.
Pathogenesis of otosclerosis
Disease of bony labyrinth in which vascular spongy bone formation near the oval window —> fixation of foot plate of stapes.
Otosclerosis causes ……hearing loss. ( conductive / SNHL)
Paracussis Willi is also called ……
Lombard effect
Systemic association with otosclerosis (2)
Van de Hoeve’s syndrome -otosclerosis with blue sclera
Pathological bone fractures - Paget’s disease
Rinne’s and webers test for otosclerosis
Tympanogram is ….
Feature seen in early coclear otosclerosis
Rinne’s- negative
Webers - lateralised to affected ear.
Type A
Cookie-bite curve
First sign in histopathology of otosclerosis is …..
Blue mantle- change in extracellular staining —followed by otospongiosis—finally otosclerosis
Rx for otosclerosis
If Schwartz sign positive : per oral Na fluoride.
If Schwartz sign -ve: stapes piston prosthesis - stapedectomy.
45 year old female with pulsatile tinnitus and bleeding ear mass s/o….
Glomus jugulare/glomus tympanicum
2 vascular tumors of ENT
- Young male : juvenile angiofibroma
- Young female: glomus jugulare.
Both are benign, highly vascularised tumors.
Glomus Tumor is also known as …..(2)
Non chrommafin paragangliomas.
Embryonal structure of glomus jugulare
Derieved from neural crest cells that migrate with sympathetic autonomic ganglia to form paraganglia.
Glomus tumors are also found in …..(4)
In glomus Tumor of temporal bone, they are …..
Adrenal and extra adrenal systems
Carotid body
Vagus nerve
Non chromaffin
2 sites that glomus tumor arise in temporal bone:
- Glomus jugulare: Arise from some of jugular bulb( below floor of middle ear)
- Glomus tympanicum: Promontory of middle ear.
Mx site for glomus tumor in middle ear is ….
Main blood supply of glomus tumor is ….
Ascending pharyngeal artery
Histological feature of glomus tumor
Glomus Tumor mc occur on ….side
Cluster of chief cells- zellbellen.
Left side
Mc used classification for glomus tumor is ….
Glasscock jackson and fisch
What is rule of 10’s in glomus jugulare?
10% familial
10% multi centric
10% functional - secret catecholamines
Signs of glomus tumors: (4)
- Rising sun sign: Tumor arises from flow of middle ear .
- Browns/ pulsation sign: When pressure applied to EAC, mass blanches.
- Red drum: pulsatile reddish brown Tumor behind intact TM.
- Aquino sign: observation of decreased pulsation with carotid compression.
Difference between vernet and villaret syndrome
Syndromes of glomus Tumor:
Vernet: paresis of CN 9,10,11 + complaints of hoarseness, dysphagia, dysarthria: shoulder weakness.
Villaret syndrome: compression of cervical sympathetic ganglion—> Horners syndrome.
MRI findings of glomus tumor:
Best technique for glomus tumor is ….
Salt and pepper appearance on T1 and T2 images.
CT with MRI+ DTPA enhancement.
What is phelp sign?
Glomus Tumor eroding the caroticojugular spine.
Glomus jugular erodes the bony partition between jugular fossa and hypotympanum.
Where does glomus tympanicum occupy?
Middle ear with preservation of bony partition.
Glomus Tumor is postive on …..
Prerequisite for glomus tumors (2)
Octreotide scintigraphy
- Arteriography before resection of large tumor
- Screening for catecholamines
…..should NEVER be done for glomus tumor
Rx for glomus tumors (4)
Biopsy -highly vascular tumor
- Surgical resection
- Embolization
- Radiotherapy
- HStereotactic - gamma knife radiosurgery.
Mx cranial nerve involves in glomus tumor is ….
Complications of glomus tumor. (4)
Facial nerve
- Hearing loss- conductive hypoglossal nerve palsy.
- Facial nerve palsy
- I/L Horner syndrome
- Jugular foramen syndrome
Long standing h/o foul smelling ear discharge
Blood stained foul smelling ear discharge
Unsafe CSOM
Primary acquired cholesteatoma
Long standing h/o foul smelling ear discharge with vertigo
Mc site for labrynthine fistula is …
Unsafe CSOM with labrynthine fistula.
Lateral Semicircular canals
Define CSOM
Mx organism
Long standing infection of part/ whole middle ear cleft
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Chronically draining ear that fails to respond to antibiotics . Dx
Hallmark of unsafe CSOM . Define
Primary acquired cholesteatoma
White pulpy mass on upper part of TM in pars flaccida secondary to retraction pockets.
Difference between safe and unsafe CSOM.
Safe CSOM: tubotympanic
1. Copious discharge, odorless, intermittent , mucoid
2. Granulations are absent
3. Central perforation
4. Polps are pale
5. Cholesteatoma absent.
6. Intracranial complication not seen.
7. Rx: conservative —>myringoplasty
Unsafe CSOM: atticoantral/ tympanomastoid.
1. Continous purulent d/c with scanty foul smelling d/c
2. Attic per formation
3. Granulations and cholesteatoma present
4. Red fleshy polyps
5. Intracranial complications seen.
6. Rx: conservative - ear drops,systemic ab—> fails —> modified radical mastoidectomy
Round window shielding effect seen in ….
Tubotympanic disease
Paradoxic effect - hear better in present of discharge than when ear is dry.
Ossicular necrosis in CSOM seen in ….
Pathology of atticoantral CSOM (4)
Long process of incus
- Cholesteatoma
2 Ossicular necrosis - Cholesterol granuloma - dark blue/black TM
- Osteitis and granulation tissue.
Lining of middle ear cleft (3)
Anterior and inferior part: ciliated columnar epithelium
- Middle part: cuboidal epithelium
- Attic : pavement like epithelium.
Define cholesteatoma
Skin in the wrong place.
Keratinizing squamous epithelium in middle ear or mastoid
Cholesteatoma is seen in…. It is a …..
Mx csite of origin of cholesteatoma is ….
Sclerotic mastoid
Epidermal inclusion cyst
Posterior epitympanum
Define congenital cholesteatoma
Sites of congenital cholesteatoma (3)
Embryonic epidermal cells that rest in the middle ear cleft.
Middle ear
Petrous apex
Cerebellopontine angle
In primary acquired cholesteatoma, there is not previous …….(3)
Otitis media
Pre-existing performation
What is the retraction pocket theory?
Wittmaack’s theory:
ET obstruction—> negative pressure in middle ear cavity —> formation of retraction pocket in attic region—> accumulation of desquamated epithelium —> pressure necrosis of TM—>cholesteatoma.
Ruedel and Landt theory of primary cholesteatoma-
Wendt and sade’s theory
Basal cell hyperplasia
Squamous metaplasia
Where is secondary acquired cholesteatoma seen?
How does this occur?
Pre-existing perforation of pars tensa of TM.
There is pre-existing infection- migration of squamous epithelium from EAC to middle ear to TM.
Long standing h/o foul smelling discharge with headache, vomiting and convulsions s/o….
Mx site is …..
Otogenic brain abscess-intracranial complication.
Temporal lobe.
Otogenic brain abscess in adults is due to:
In children due to …..
Adults: CSOM
Children: Acute otitis media
Investigation of choice for Otogenic brain abscess.
Rx: (5)
CT scan
1. Parenteral ab
2. Dexamethasone
3. Iv mannitol to decrease ICT
4. Neurosurgical drainage of abscess
5. Rx associated ear disease also.
What is otitic hydrocephalus?
Increased ICT but normal CSF finding
Persistent ear discharge in spite of modified radical mastoidectomy is…
Define Gradiengo syndrome
Petrositis - infection of petrous part of temporal bone.
Ear discharge
Retroorbital pain- CSF involvement
Diplopia- CN 5,6.
Deep temporal headache is also seen
6 year old child with mouth breathing and hearing loss s/o….
Causes of OME.
Glue ear- secretory OM/ OME
Eustachian tube blockage secondary to :
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma: adults
Adenoid hypertrophy : children
—> fluid collection in middle ear.
Sms of secretary OM (3)
Hearing loss leading to inattentive behavior and turn up volume of TV
Fullness of ear
Minimal/ low ear pain
Otoscope finding of glue ear
Gold standard for dx glue ear
Decrease mobility of TM
Fluid level or air bubbles behind TM
Pneumatic otoscopy
Audiometry shows ……hearing loss for OME.
Impedance audiometry shows …..curve
Xray shows ……
Conductive hearing loss
B type curve
Clouded mastoid hair cells
Medical rx for glue ear :(2)
Systemic antibiotics
Nasal decongestants
Surgical rx for OME
Myringotomy —> no improve—> grommet tube in the Anteroinferior quadrant
Management for traumatic perforation of TM
Conservative management-keep ear dry
No ear drops
They spontaneously heal.
External ear consists of …….(3)
Tympanic membrane
Pinna has …… structure, absent in …..
Lateral surface in external ear similar to …….
Single yellow elastic cartilage
What is boxer ear?
Complication is ……
Hematoma when it strips the pericondrium from the cartilage—> cartilage necrosis.
Post trauma deformity-> cauliflower ear
Where is incisura terminalis? Clinical importance
Area between crus of helix and tragus.
Importance: useful for endoaural approach as it doesn’t cut through cartilage.
Extrinsic muscles of Pinna are supplied by ……
Arterial supply for Pinna
Facial nerve
Posterior auricular- superior auricular branch of external carotid artery.
Nerve supply of Pinna:
Posterior superior: great auricular nerve
Posterior: CN 7& 10.
Medial side: Auriculotemporal br of manidibular division of CN5
EAC develops from ……
Length in adult :……
Dorsal part of first brachial cleft/ groove.
Parts of EAC
Furuncles form commonly in …..part
Cartilaginous 1/3= 8mm
Body-2/3= 16mm
Cartilaginous part- as it contains hair follicles, sebaccous, ceruminous glands
Importance of fissure of santorini
Through which infection from parotid of superficial mastoid infection enter EAC
Foreign body lodgement site jn EAC is …
Importance of foramen of Huschke
Isthmus of bony canal.
Defiency in Anteroinferior part of bony canal in children upto 4 years of age- infection to and from parotid.
Blood supply to EAC
Nerve supply of EAC
External carotid artery
Anterior and roof: Auriculotemporal nerve
Posterior and floor: auricular branch of cn10. ( Arnold nerve)
Interesting phenomenon of Arnold nerve
- Vasovagal reflex:
While cleaning of EAC —> patient develops coughing, bradycardia ,syncope and cardiac arrest. - Appetite: coz of vagal innervation.
What is hitzelberger sign?
Hypoesthesia of posterior meatal wall seen in case of facial nerve injury.
Tympanic membrane is …..at birth. Adult it is….
Total surface area….
Angle is 55 degrees.
85 sqmm
Vibrating area : 55sqmm
Layers of tympanic membrane. (3)
Importance of the layers
Outer: Epithelial: ectoderm
Middle: fibrous : mesoderm
Inner: mucosal: endoderm
When tympanic membrane heals; it does so by 2 layers.
First squamous epithelium closes it—> fibrous cartilage develop
Vibrating surface of tympanic membrane is known as …..
What is most reliable landmark in otoscopy?
Pars tensa.
Umbo- point of max inward convexity of TM.
Where is cone of light?
Pars flaccida is called…..
Locates internally by ……nerve
Anteroinferior quadrant
Sharpnell membrane
Facial nerve
Main blood supply of TM
Maxillary artery- deep auricular branch and anterior tympanic branch.
Nerve supply of TM
Outer surface:
Anteroinferior : Auriculotemporal n
Posterosuperior: greater auricular nerve
Inner surface : Jacobson’s nerve: cn9