Nose Flashcards
Shape of nose is ……., divided into 2 parts by …..
Pyramidal in shape
Nasal septum
Define the nasal septum
Perpendicular plate of :
Ethmoid: above and behind
Vomer: below and behind
Quadrilateral or septal cartilage- anteroinferior.
Structures in the lateral wall of nose
What is concha?
3 turbinates and 3 meatus in between
Bony part of nasal septum
Concha + mucosa + submucosa = turbinate
…….turbinate is a separate bone.
……&…….turbinates are part of ethmoid
………..turbinate is present above superior t
Middle and superior
Supreme turbinate
Structures that the meatus receives from: (4)
- Inferior meatus: from nasolacrimal duct
- Middle meatus:
a. Frontal sinus
b. Ant & middle ethmoid sinus
c. Maxillary sinus
—these together form osteomeatal complex or Picadle’s circle. - Superior meatus: Receives posterior ethmoid sinus.
- Sphenoethmoidal sinus: receives sphenoid sinus.
Surgical opening for dacrocystitis:
Sphenoidal sinus lies in body of :……
Importance of sphenoid sinus
Middle meatus
Sphenoid bone
Has a depreession called sella turcica. Pituitary gland is on sella turcica.
Best surgical approach for pituitary adenoma
Transphenoidal endoscopic transnasal hypopysectomy.
What is Hasner’s valve?
Hasner’s valve: mucosal flap in distal end of nasolacrimal duct.
Importance of picadeli’s circle.
Area in middle meatus where sinus ostia open. Important site of pathogenesis in sinusitis.
Mc long term complication of nasal surgery:
Prevention is by …..
Adhesion formation.
Mitomycin C
Define concha bullosa
What is the dangerous area of face?
Pneumatization of middle turbinate
Area around nose,upper lip and vestibule.
Infection from here, drain into cavernous sinus via anterior facial and angular veins.
Intersection of frontal and nasal bones in the human skull is called….
Order of development of sinuses:
Mastoid> ethmoid> sphenoid> frontal
- First sinus to appear is….
- Last sinus to appear is …..
- Sinus +ve at birth is ……
- Maxillary sinus
- Frontal
- Maxillary and ethmoid
- Most developed sinus at birth is ….
- Sinus that develops at 4 yrs age is ….
- Sinus that appears at 6 yrs age is …
- Ethmoid
- Sphenoid sinus
- Frontal sinus
Largest paranasal sinus is ….. Adult capacity is …..
Maxillary sinus aka Antrum of Highmore
Types of ethmoid air cells
Biggest anterior ethmoid hair cell is ….
Anterior: 2-8 nos
Posterior: 1-8
Bulla ethmoidalis
Anterior most hair cell is ……
Unusual locations of ethmoid air cells (3)
- Orbital floor: Haller cell
- Optic nerve: Onodi cells
- Inside middle turbinate: concha bullosa
……..can get obstructed in frontal sinus damage
……can be a source of persistent mucopurulent secretion
……should be identified to avoid optic nerve injury during FESS
Haller cell
Onodi cells in posterior ethmoidal air cells
Define choana
Features of choanal atresia
Posterior opening of nasal cavity
Neonatal emergency:
cyanosed at birth, turns pink on crying.
Secondary to deep inspiration with open mouth.
Dx of choanal atresia is by…(3)
- Presence of mucoid discharge in nose
- Absence of air bubbles in nasal discharge
- Inability to pass NG tube into the nose of newborn.
……is more common in choanal atresia.
Define CHARGE syndrome
Bony atresia
Heart defect
Atresia choana
Retarded growth
Genital abnormalities
Ear abnormalities
Rx for choanal atresia
Immediate mgt- mc grower technique- wide bore nipple into the mouth of neonate—> tracheostomy + recanalization after 1 year. - mitomycin C is given to prevent fibrosis
Most common organism for acute sinusitis
Sinuses involved in acute sinusitis
Strept pneumonia
Maxillary> frontal> ethmoid> sphenoid
Office headache and periodicity seen in….
…….sinusitis is common in children. …….is the complication.
Frontal sinusitis
Ethmoidal sinusitis
Orbital cellulitis
Post nasal drip is seen in ….sinusitis (2)
- Maxillary
- Sphenoid sinusitis
Trans illumination test used for ….
Complication of acute sinusitis. Sms
Acute sinusitis
Potts puffy Tumor:
Complication of acute frontal sinusitis
Mucosa of frontal sinus—> frontal bone—> osteomyelitis—> subperiosteal frontal abscess.
Sms: painful red forehead and swelling
Acute rhinosinusitis is ……duration.
Chronic rhinosinusitis is ……duration
> 12 weeks
- Mc xray for sinuses:
- Best X-ray for sinus :
- Waters view is ……view
- Waters view
- Waters view
- Occipitomental view
- Pierre’s view is …..
- Waters view shows …..sinus
- Waters view shows all sinus except …
- Waters view can be done with open mouth
- Maxillary sinus
- Posterior ethmoidal
What is caldwell view?
Xray for sphenoid sinus is ….
Occipitofrontal view.
Best for frontal and ethmoidal sinus.
Xray skull lateral view
What are the ethmoidal air cells?
Single bone in the body between 2 orbits.
Contains many air cells.
Allergic fungal rhinosinusitis is ….hypersensitivity
2 findings of allergic fungal rhinosinusitis
Type 1
- Allergic nasal mucin
Thick peanut butter fungal hyphae. Charcot Leyden crystals. - Nasal polyps
Fungal debris present.
Ct scan for allergic fungal rhinosinusitis
Investigation for mucormycosis (4)
Double density nasal polyp
- Nasal endoscopy
- KOH smear
- Fungal culture
- Radiology
What are the major and minor criteria for allergic rhinosinusitis ?
Bent and Kuhn criteria
Major :
1. Type 1 HS ( by skin test/IgE)
2. Nasal prognosis
3. Ct: double density nasal polyp
4. Eosinophilic mucus that doesn’t invade sinus tissue
- Positive fungal stain
Minor criteria:
1. Bone erosion
2. Charcot Leyden crystals
3. U/L disease
4. Peripheral eosinophilia
5. + fungal culture
Young patient with roomy nasal cavities and nasal crusting has …..
Young patient with roomy nasal cavities and nasal crusting + hard woody nose is…
Atrophic rhinitis
Atrophic rhinitis is caused by ……organism
Rhinoscleroma caused by ……..
K. rhinoscleromatosis
Nutrition deficiencies that can cause Atrophic rhinitis
Which race is more affected ?
Endocrine feature of Atrophic rhinitis
Vit A,D,E, iron
Yellow and white race
Starts at puberty and stops at menopause
Most characteristic symptom of Atrophic rhinitis is ….
Extensive crusting and fetor is known as…
Mc seen in …..
Foul odor- detected by others but not patient- merciful anosmia
Females,puberty,B/L condition
Medical rx for Atrophic rhinitis (6)
1 . alkaline nasal douches
2. 25% glucose in glycerine
3. Estradiol nasal spray
4. Human placental extract
5. Potassium iodide
6. Oral streptomycin-for klebsiella
Surgical Rx for Atrophic rhinitis :
Young’s operation: closure of anterior nares
Modified young’s: partial closure of ant nares
What is Lautenschlager’s operation?
What is Wilson’s operation?
Medialization of lateral nares, by submucus injection of paraffin.
Submucus injection of 50% teflon in glycerin paste.
Nasal perforation:
Bony part seen with ….
Cartilaginous part seen with …..(2)
Apple jelly nodules seen on diascopy s/o…
- Nasal syphillis
- Leprosy, SLE
Lupus vulgaris-TB
Etiology of rhinosporidiosis
Caused by …..organism
Lesion is …
Trauma, dust from dung/infected cattle
Contaminated water/pools
Rhinosporidium see beri
Strawberry like