Others Flashcards
- Cause?
- Symptoms?
- Excessive growth hormone, usually due to a pituitary adenoma
- Coarse facial features, spade like hands, large feet, large tongue, protruding jaw- proganthism, sweat, oily skin, galactorrhoea due to raised prolactin.
- Tests
- Treatment
- Complications
- Serum IGF1 as GH levels vary throughout the day, pituitary MRI
- Transphenoidal surgery, somatostatin analogue, octreotide.
- Hypertension, diabetes, colorectal cancer.
Primary hyperaldosteronism/ Conn’s syndrome
Excess in aldosterone.
Conn’s syndrome is due to an adrenal adenoma.
Other causes: bilateral adrenal hyperplasia, adrenal carcinoma.
Symptoms of primary hyperaldosteronism
Sodium and water retention- - hypertension, hypokalaemia and muscle weakness, alkalosis.
Primary hyperaldosteronism- tests and treatment
Plasma aldosterone:renin ratio
High resolution CT abdo
Aldosterone antagonist- spironolactone.
Phaeochromocytoma- cause, symptoms, treatment
Rare catecholamine secreting tumour.
Familial in 10%, bilateral in 10%, malignant in 10%
Associated with various syndromes.
Symptoms: headaches, hypertension, palpitations, sweating, anxiety.
Do 24 hour urinary metanephrines.
Surgery, first stabilise them with an alpha blocker e.g. phenoxybenzamine and then a beta blocker e.g. propranolol.