Others Flashcards
Systemic hypoperfusion due to severe depression of the cardiac index <2.2 and sustained systolic arterial hypotension despite an elevated filling pressure
Cardiogenic shock
Renal dose of dopamine
2 mcg/kg/min
Dose of dopamine + chronotropic and ino tropic effect
2-10 ug
Why is peep beneficial in patients with pulmonary edema?
1) decreases both preload and after load
2) redistributes lung water from the intraalveolar to the extra alveolar space
3) increases lung volume to avoid atelectasis
Pre load reducing agent used in the treatment of pulmonary edema that is a potent vasodilator with diuretic properties
Mode of action
Phosphodiesterase 3 inhibitors
Role of morphine in patients with pulmonary edema
In 2-4 mg bolus
Transient venodilator that reduces preload while relieving dyspnea and anxiety
Venodilator a but have coronary vasodilation properties
Hereditary talengiextasia
Osler Weber rendu disease
Unopposable fingerized thumb
Holt oram syndrome
Orange tonsils
Tangiers disease